Neko9's picture
  • 23

+ 4 Lab Results


Here are my total test results and also my free test results on 500 mgs of RawPower4u Test cyp 200..
Week 1
Pinned 200mgs Monday
Pinned 300mgs Thursday

Ordered from: 
giardap's picture

Very good! This should not have been negged. + from me.

There is a slight upwards curve as you add to the total of unesterified with each additional dose up to the steadystate dose. So these numbers will get even higher. If you tested again from week 6 on, you would see the stabilised levels.

There is a difference between blood plasma levels and actual clinical response, which is why people might be suspicious but yes the levels work exactly per the pharmaco's of the drug from the moment of injection. Takes 2 days to hit max plasma levels and that curves up slightly over 5 weeks of admin.
Take bloods on the morning of the next shot (take shot later afterwards) which gives yournthen lowest blood levels. OR... if wanting to understand the max levels hit, take bloods 24-36 hpurs after a steadystate shot for true highest levels. (Thats the difference between assessing TRT levels versus on cycle levels respectively).

HailRazor's picture

Frontloading is the practice where a calculated larger injection amount is used on Day 1 to promptly bring levels to the same value that they would eventually stabilize at.


1500 @ 500mgs first week (approx double TRT dose) is possible , no? (Blood work I’m assuming was taken soon after last injection)

Similar to quickly elevating and stabilizing IGF1 in days/week

Or am I missing something here?
(Is it because he just joined with 1 Karma and his post seems a bit shady Smile

Neko9's picture

What did you think of the study I cited from peak testosterone? I will intelligently have a conversation with someone who doesn’t belittle me and tell me to “educate” myself. I’ve been doing this for 13 years and soon there will be pics of me up so you can see I know what I’m doing. So, let’s chill on the attack mode bra

Neko9's picture

This study ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


and unmmmm blood plasma is WHERE YOU FIND THE HORMONE!

it is transported through BLOOD PLASMA!

That’s what shows up on your blood test. CIRCULATING HORMONE IN BLOOD!!

What in the world is “working level”????

Can I pick “working Test” in my next lab requisition????

I’ll tell my doctor to test my WORKING LEVELS of total testosterone next, how much more bro can you get?? Do you need some education?

Neko9's picture

I understand you have to do your thing. It’s ok, we are cool! I’m just saying that it’s a indication of good things to come with gainage.

Neko9's picture

I’ll try brother!!!

Neko9's picture

Yes, I had my bloods pulled on Saturday.
Pinned Monday and Thursday of that week.
I have no reason to mislead anyone, just trying to help people out. I’ll have the clinic in Florida email my results showing my low T levels.

HailRazor's picture


There’s some “broscience” with the long-Ester and the 4 week “build up”, bla bla bla

I use an HRT clinic in Florida also


Neko9's picture

Lol hahahah I know !!
When I hear someone say it needs to “build up” in the blood I think it’s hysterical.

About 8 years ago, I was using some underground test ....I forget the, I’ve been on the same brand for quite a while...I kept on increasing the boy said it was gtg bla bla bla.....I was fucking trusting him....I wasn’t noticing any different in my strength or libido or muscle mass....I decided to do some homework and find a source myself.....well obtained a bottle of Test from new source and proceeded to pin 3 CCs of Test Enth 300.....sooooooooo......900mgs at once!! In the evening around 9 body woke me up at about 2 am.....I thought I was dying....full blown panic attack, trouble breathing and was on the brink of passing out for about an hour....went outside to get air and walked up and down my street.....I almost went to the was crazy and that shot messed me up for a few months.....that told me that no matter what the ester of WILL feel it the next day or even hours after the pin.

Neko9's picture

Blast=shot of test

The posted results were from one week I promise.
Unless I’m some hyper responder freak.

My levels were in the shitter. I had them tested by a Hrt clinic in Florida 3 weeks ago. The doc approved me for TRT because my total T was 68 ng/ml.
They even recommended 300mgs of Test cyp for me. The prices were crazy so I went underground and found RP4u.

Neko9's picture

I’ll even email you what the doctor prescribed me to prove it.

Neko9's picture

thanks for thinking of me