Engineereddisaster's picture
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Hulk a gay porn Star?


As a man who represents the no homo nation, this comes as no surprise to me as my gaydar is level 10 strong.

Hulk. Aka Pasternak Aka Gay porn Star. Lolloll

Who woulda thunk that hulk was a gay porn Star as well? This guy did! Lol.

Hope this helps, as some of the newer no-homo’s and their gaydar May have been sending signals but not enough for a full on ping. Trust the force bro’s. Trust the force. Let the gaydar guide you.

All my love, no homo


To clarify, I only found this article on a news search for the word “steroids”. Ed doesn’t regularly read anything from the pink news or anything from the UK.
Hope that helps. All my love, no homo

shawn0712's picture

Sadly, nothing surprises me anymore.
He always did seem to favor the nut huggers.

AUTO51's picture

Forget getting more Tequitren?

Pmob's picture

Lmao!! All the No homos ha ha ha ha ha

In a promo × 1
helloBrooklyn's picture

G4P and hardcore bodybuilding are eternal bedfellows. This doesn’t surprise me one bit. Even the father of modern bodybuilding Joe Weider was a known muscle fetishist and produced gay publications featuring bodybuilders.

fusebox's picture

I read somewhere that bostin has been accused of loving some cock. No homo. To each homo his own.

ironguy1972's picture

OMG....So fckn funny. Hulk was a nob gobbbler lol

i20bpm's picture

I always wondered that myself just the things he would say you could tell

fusebox's picture

No homo

Cochise's picture

He dyes his lips green and does eyeshadow with flavor-aid powder and They call him Hulkbooty

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Dr.BroScience's picture

This begs the question

Why would a person turn to gay porn all while they are owning and operating a super lucrative manufacturing and distribution business?

That is not gay for pay. That is gay for gay.

no homo

Sam I Am's picture

I'm sure he had his fan boys on here. Turns out he was doing the sucking.

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Pale's picture

Even after ratting out everyone he possibly could he still got a long sentence. What a schmuck. He is probably gay for pay in prison too...

Sam I Am's picture

99 percent of the population would rat. That’s why I don’t trust anyone 100 percent. The thing that sets this guy apart is he got nothing out of it.

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Pale's picture

Back when I was just a young thug an older dude that had been around told me "If you are going to pull of a caper or a crime do it alone, otherwise you will get caught". I took that to heart and have a clean record because of it.

Solidly's picture

Remember the Big D debacle? In court papers he's recognized as head of the ring. Yet he got a reduced sentence for testifying against 2 employees. Those 2 guys wanted to stay quite and make LE do their GD job. Not assist them. So the boss shit on them. Smh....

Engineereddisaster's picture

I think In Hulks case, he was a collector. He collected as many names and Identities as he possibly could in the event that he got caught...he could use it as leverage.
He is an absolute bottom feeder. Pun intended.

Sam I Am's picture

I’m sure somebody in the prisons gettin there salad homo

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Engineereddisaster's picture

I bet he loooooves prison

Sam I Am's picture

I guess it's an honest living. No homo

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Engineereddisaster's picture

Lol. I heard he did it because he really needed the money.

Sam I Am's picture

Well I guess prison woulnt be bad.. no homo

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Engineereddisaster's picture

Prison was an end goal. No homo

Sam I Am's picture

He set high standards for himself.

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Cochise's picture


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