Schoonerbrah's picture
  • 11

+ 1 Faked humatrope


These are faked humatrope
No black box that has the exp date, nor verifying code
"HUMATROPE" in red and not black
"72 I.u." With no space. Clear fake.

Ordered from: 
sheva's picture

any updates did source correct the issue you are having?

Schoonerbrah's picture

Nah we could not find the order in either one of our history, my email or their website, so unfortunately there wasn't anyway to show I even ordered from them etc. but I also learned that I will always go get a serum test done whenever I'm using this in the future, so I can show in black and white whether it's g2g or not.

sheva's picture

wait what this makes no sense

Livelife76's picture

Oh man these things can be a real fucking nightmare to dissect!!!! Damn you Black Market .

Too confusing for me, good luck, may you find the answers you're looking for... I know I didn't on my "fake pharmacom" post lmfao talk about spinning wheels

stairmaster's picture

OS makes you the offer to send with box

"but if customer has still doubt I can send with boxes and he can SCAN box with ITS app, and then see products are real, I have used many times humatropes, and it has 2 label on the cardridge , black one for lastest productions,"

Fakes haven't these boxes with a working QR field!

Schoonerbrah's picture

Ya I didn't receive the boxes, just the cartridges and bac water diluting system. I thought it was kinda off that I didn't get boxes with original shipment, but thought it was done like that for logistics purposes

Osgear's picture

We were not using boxes for shipment, boxes are too big for our shipping method, and we had many seizures in the passed, but we changed our shipping method and we are using all boes last 4-5 months , his shipment also had empty boxes inside envelope...But I think he does not have it. Thats why I said.

stairmaster's picture

I meant your boxes are legit, so I think product too.
Cause as u wrote your boxes have a working QR code on it. Fake QR don't work on lilly page like we saw by another source here.

HailRazor's picture

Doesn't seem to be the same as Brutal

Didn't Brutals all have the same Batch/EXP Date, etc? Or am I missing something?

The "verifying code" or individual serial number should be on the box for these

The newer packaging has the black square on the vials (Lilly probably updated vials with Serial Code because of counterfeits on the market)

Very easy to confirm with Lilly directly through email or 1-800 # (I think these are legit)

Dope's picture

Hail then why not black box on batch number and exp date ?

Why humatrope writen in red ?

Please my brother shed the light



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HailRazor's picture


Look at the Serial Code #

(21) 09751603147644 (like Stairmaster mentioned)

Each box should have a different number like box on the right (Real Humas)

I think the packaging is older square vials are newer, updated vials

Brutals Counterfeit Humas all had the same Batch and Exp Date

These are not the same

Shits crazy confusing Smile

So it's more the Serial Codes, Batch no, and EXP Date Vs the packaging alone

Brutals Counterfeit Humas were very good

Dope's picture

Ohhhh ok i got it now , thanks so much for explain

Shit is so can never be sure

Respect my brother


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stairmaster's picture

yes they had all same batch after (21) and a none working QR field

Irontherapy's picture

Damn brother I'm sorry! If you want a good source of real humas check my pics. Running it right now and it's legit. I'm always skeptical of large sources from international. I would trust oils and tabs but growth is one thing I won't take that chance on. I'm sure os will make it right they have a pretty good track record

Rayan's picture
Owes a Review × 1
Irontherapy's picture

oh shit! I really don't know what to think now.

HailRazor's picture

Batch No : C465319G

EXP : 17 02 2019

So how are you guys assuming what's posted here are Fake compared to the Brutal Counterfeit ones ?

Not the same Batch Exp

Imma go out on a limb here and say these are legit

If OS would post this style vial with packaging it would put all the guessing to rest

Or just simply contact Lilly

Schoonerbrah's picture

Well being is I used all three vials at 5.75 ius 5 days a week with absolutely 0 weight change or body composition change, I have reason to either think a) these were fake or b)the powder got destroyed through the shipping policy. And another thing I didn't have the boxes, they were shipped without boxes just cartridge and dilutant. And I never said these were the same as brutal's counterfeit ones, not sure where you are assuming I tied the two together. I had no idea about the brutal counterfeiting until someone posted about it on here

HailRazor's picture

Oh ok I see now. Not sure why Brutals HGH came up

Yea the easy fix is have OS post some product with complete packaging

As far as shipping issues, etc....powder is normally very stable .... But I can see you argument...BUT

Without bloodwork to back up that's these are bunk..... Your kinda pissn in the wind here

-1 for being lazy

If your gunna bash a source, come more prepared next time

I didn't get Deca Dick my Deca must be bunk! Pssssh....c'mon mane

Irontherapy's picture

I'm going to go ahead and say I don't know the answer. I am willing to give OS the benefit of the doubt that what he claims is true. He can post like you said or schooner should go to Lilly. I don't have enough experience with spotting this type of shit to say yes or no. So here is where I exit and keep my thoughts to myself

HailRazor's picture

When that shitstorm with Brutal happened OS posted some legit pics. Not sure if it was the old style vials though

Your pics are legit though

Osgear's picture

Those stuffs also legit but already he said , he bought products approx 10 months ago, Thats why vials has not got black labeled for EXP Date.

And do not forget when guys saw black labels , they also said its fake humatropes, and I explained many times for confusion and they understood which products legit. We are here since 2013 and never sent fake products , bunk possible or underdosed for UG products , I also expereinced bad batchs for Pharma Grade products as arimidex , cabaser, but not for HGH products, If took shipping time too long and they if the weather was hot product quality can be had problem with that issues.

Athlete126's picture

I have a question. I scanned the humatrope box and it’s legit on the app. However I scan the cartridge and it doesn’t come back as anything.

Also should the numbers on the liquid it comes with and the cartridge match up? The exp dates do but not the lot number

Osgear's picture

Hey guys calm down, its old production ,and black label of the EXP Date for lastest productions, we never sold out fake products, but if customer has still doubt I can send with boxes and he can SCAN box with ITS app, and then see products are real, I have used many times humatropes, and it has 2 label on the cardridge , black one for lastest productions,

Rayan's picture

oh shit... yours pics is good, but humatrope is fake, yeah... really sorry for you bro !!!
you have lose your money, aie aie aie... :( :( :(
50% for this stack from turkey, yeah is fake :(

Owes a Review × 1
Osgear's picture

Nobody cant lose money with us , no worries sir.

helloBrooklyn's picture

You phrased that wrong…

Osgear's picture

I wanted to say he will not lose money with me, or he lost money, We send products from drug store, and we are ready show our all proofs, But humatrope is 2 different label , they have added QR code and label color is changed to black for lastest productions, I also posted it before and showed up new label, and I remember when guys saw black label for new humatropes they also said they are fake but after then they understood new label for EXP Date its black...But if products didnot work its possible we send overseas and the weather and shipping time is important for products quality even we re-ship all products even customers dont like or feel products fake, I send with proofs and they understand we are sending legit products and I changed my shipping method and now using all boxes for shipping , because all guys can check products with QR code, and no doubt about products...

Dope's picture

Yes !! Exactly same bullshit i got from brutal

Thanks for posting brother , lets see what OS do ..i wouldnt do buiseness again with them though

Sory for your loss




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Schoonerbrah's picture

Ya I pm'd them just waiting to hear a reply back. Not sure if they are the culprit behind it or just got their hands on a bad batch

wildwill3cc's picture

Did u contact supplier ?

Schoonerbrah's picture

Just figured out they were faked recently, had purchased them last year. So I figured it was too long past. Didn't notice any real gains, so had my doubts but just found out my suspicions were correct. And I will send them a pm now to let them know to check for authenticity

wildwill3cc's picture

How many iu were u running

Schoonerbrah's picture

5.75 iu 5 days a week