Joker757's picture
  • 26

+ 2 Godtropin IGF-1 Pre and during cycle


Started with 2iu ED on 4/1/17 and ramped up to 8iu ED by week 4. IGF-1 has more than doubled. As of today I've lost 13lbs BF and gained 4lbs of lean mass. No other gear taken yet. The most recent test is my pre-cycle which I started yesterday (5/25). Injecting IM in my delts. Tried once subq in abs but left a itchy rash. Went back to IM and not issues. I'm doing the same dieting protocol I've done many times before and the fat is melting off much faster. I haven't experienced any other negative sides whatsoever. Not sure if that's because I ramped up to my desired dosage. I will be ordering again.

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Joker757's picture

Yea it is. I went to my dr and he just wants to treat according to the number. Told me I was in range. I will be switching dr next year.

Joker757's picture

Correction guys. My math was off. Lean mass gain is 4lbs over 7 weeks. Started 1st of April. Sorry for the confusion.

Joker757's picture

IGF-1 Prior was 241 on 3/31. 4/25 IGF-1 540

Joker757's picture

I had to abandon that cycle about 3 weeks in. I separated my shoulder and required surgery.

Joker757's picture

Those stats were prior to my accident/surgery and starting the cycle. I did nothing for about a month. Was also carrying a lot of water. When I started I was 233 at 19% BF. Now at 219 12.7 BF. 3 position caliper test for BF.

shiva4's picture

I've been paying close attention to info about GH sources and product lately. I've seen some outrageous claims by people, this being one of them. Its normal to get excited about a new source, especially if you're new to the game, but this is quite extreme. I realize that inexperience and excitement may lead people to boast, but to this extent is just... Crazy. I guess these people don't realize they are doing more harm than good. Any well informed user will be more likely to lower their view or likeliness to order from that source because of unreasonable claims, at least for myself it does.

PPGfreak's picture

I completely agree with you bro. I have before and after pictures posted that I can see it firsthand GH absolutely helps. But my photos are one and a half years apart. I can say I've change drastically but now at this point I've been on GH for about two years. So just saying that those games are made within four weeks is ridiculous...

Rayan's picture

good igf1 level bro ! You have not tested growth hormon level ?

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Goose24's picture

"I've lost 13lbs BF and gained 7lbs of lean mass"

Post up a picture I would love to see that

RickRock1086's picture

Placebo effect gains?

Joker757's picture

going by BF%

RickRock1086's picture

Good deal, sounds you got some bomb ass HGH

Joker757's picture

It's actually 4lbs gain. Math was off.

PPGfreak's picture

You gained 7lb of muscle from hgh? In one month?

Joker757's picture

Correction. My math was off. It's more like 4lbs.

Rayan's picture

7 lbs in 1 month, this is not hgh lol... but anadrol ? Blum 3 ah ah ah

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android4life13's picture

I was thinking the same thing ;)

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PPGfreak's picture

There's no aas out there that will give you 7 pounds in one month of lean mass. Sure Anadrol or dbol Will give you 7 pounds in one month but we all know that's not clean mass and you're not going to keep that. But HGH? That's actually funny. HGH might give you that over the course of the year, even that's going to be hard. Yes I will help with fat loss, but reproducing new muscle cells is not something that adds a large amount of size...

android4life13's picture

Exactly my man. My thinking with hgh, to get new muscle cells (hyperplasia) would take a few months at least. Then using aas to bring those new cells to maturity would be another few months. So like you said, over time, yes. One month? No way. And lost 13 pounds of bf!? So while dieting and in a calorie deficit, manged to grow 7 pounds of muscle. I'm using hgh all wrong and wasting money haha

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PPGfreak's picture
