unreal89's picture
  • 126

+ 9 giving blood No Karma!


Running Eq was time to give!

Ordered from: 
Black_Widow's picture

anyway + for doing it =)

DeadlyCrooc's picture

anyway noble +

333's picture

I know you say no karma but I will give you a karma cause giving blood saves lives and we are running low on blood donation at least where I live. I recently had a blood transfusion so to me it's very appreciated

greenlantrn2's picture

Good to see. Always good to help someone else and help yourself in the process. EQ raised my BP too much, didn't like it, and giving blood was a must for me during it.

stairmaster's picture

great mate!

pharmabruh's picture

Smart moves! EQ is one of the compounds that really bumps up hemoglobin/hematocrit and red blood count.

unreal89's picture

Im already feeling alot better felt as if i had to much pressure in me

pharmabruh's picture

That's awesome brother. Make sure you stay well hydrated on all these compounds that increase red blood count. You're gonna feel even better

helloBrooklyn's picture

I DO give blood as often as I can, but hematocrit will decrease on its own after the EQ is discontinued, right?

Muffins's picture

Like six months later. Dropping on its own takes a long time.

pharmabruh's picture

The only way to tell is by having bloodwork done. Make sure that you stay really hydrated while on any cycle since all steroids increase hematocrit/hemoglobin and red blood count to some degree. And not being well hydrated with will cause false readings on bloodwork test. I was getting false reading since I would fast for 12 hours before blood work but I would fast everything, meaning no water for 12 hours. And my hematocrit/hemoglobin and red blood count would always be on the higher end or sometimes elevated. My doctor pointed out to me that I need to be well hydrated for blood work and the only thing I should be fasting is food and sugary drinks but drinking water was perfectly fine.

Regardless, donating blood as often as you can is the best thing you can do, drinking a ton wolf water is also a smart idea.

I like to donate "double red" or "power red" as some people call it because they remove more red blood cells with that process

helloBrooklyn's picture

Thanks for your time

pharmabruh's picture

Anytime Brooklyn! Smile