Caeser's picture
  • 72

+ 2 HELP - Post PCT Bloods


I finished my last cycle Dec. 31... PCT ended Jan. 31...
Cycle was Primo 100mg/day & Test 250mg/week for 16 weeks.

I feel relatively good & strong... I been taking supps to increase natural test (DAA, ashwagandha, fenugreek), been getting morning wood...sometimes having to use tadalafil/sildenafil...

I know it's early in recovery; just curious what wiser users have experienced...

How long should it take to fully recover? Or how long has it taken YOU to fully recover from your cycles?-
Are there additional supplements I can take?

*If more info is needed, or I forgot something... let me know

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Makwa's picture

You are shut down yet. I would say your PCT didn't work. Recommend you try another one and keep your fingers crossed.

Caeser's picture

Thanks for taking the time & advice

TheLeftHand's picture

Do you know what your pre cycle levels were? Just curious if possibly you already had LowT.

Caeser's picture

My pre-cycle levels were on the lower range, but not terribly low.

bigjman92's picture

What did your pct look like?

Caeser's picture

HCG 10 days
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

bigjman92's picture

Are you 100% sure it was pharma grade? Looks like it was bunk

Caeser's picture

Are you suggesting that after PCT your test levels have returned 100% after 6-8 weeks?

bigjman92's picture

Some never return to 100%. But it looks like either you never recovered, or these were your baseline numbers and you need trt. Definitely do another pct. Listen to the members below

Caeser's picture

thanks for taking the time & helping

fusebox's picture

Looks like you haven't recovered. Were you using pharma Pct meds? Should retest at a different location so you can see your LH and FSH #s

Caeser's picture

Got those numbers:
FSH = 1.8mIU/mL (reference range 1.4-18.1)
LH = 2.41mIU/mL (ref range 1.5-9.3)

PCT meds were Pharma

fusebox's picture

Actual pharmacy grade or an ugl that has pharma in the name. I'd follow makwas advice here. He has way more exp than me on this. Hope you recover +2 for bloods

Caeser's picture

got it sorted... Cheers mate!

Makwa's picture

You are not completely broken here but very very low so hopefully some pharma clomid with your PCT can get that HPTA firing a little better.

lkj23's picture

I would do another ptc:

Hcg taken every 2 days for 4 doses. 1,000iu/1,000iu/1500iu/1,500iu and after that normal clomid/nolvadex for 4 weeks.

Same happens to me with trembolone, very hard to recover 2 years ago.

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Caeser's picture

thanks for the feedback!

lkj23's picture

no problem, add DAA to the ptc, and don´t use ashwagandha, I used it 2 years ago when I was trying to recover( into my second or third ptc) and my LH dropped from 3 to 1,71.

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Caeser's picture

I was thinking that...I just didn't know if it's too soon, and I should wait a little longer.