Foreal4's picture
  • 43

+ 4 Progress


Currently running Gearu test/deca and anadrol. Just started with week 5 of my cycle so it looks like the abombs are potent ran it at 50mg a day and did 100mg once or twice for added strength haha.
So for personal reasons I haven't been able to train in almost 3 years. I'm about 3 months back and maybe started cycle a little early but that's just what I'm doing, and doing it right. This is probably the leanest I've been in a while , I'm eating clean and taking AI and Caber but the anadrols haven't made me very puffy but gave me extremely good pumps and strength is way up. I'm up about 17 pounds in 4 weeks - diet is good and plentiful. A little trouble sleeping from the Anadrol but no complaints other than that - so far so good with BB's gear- okay okay the test e and deca should be kicking in shortly.

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wildwill3cc's picture

Looking good solid gains
Keep on right path +1

Foreal4's picture

Yeah that's right. Did my time and now I'm onto bigger and better things. I lost a good amount of muscle over the years but it seems to be coming back nicely, I just want to do it right this time.

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Foreal4's picture

Thanks bro appreciate that. And yeah I got pretty chubby in there for a while. Right before I came home I decided to cut up so at least I had something to work with because building muscle wasn't exactly an option (although I tried)

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Foreal4's picture

I did 3 cycles prior to this but like I said it's been a couple years since I've had access to adequate nutrition and weights; pretty much calisthenics for the past 3 years. My first cycles were test only, test and dbol, then test and deca. My macros are approximately 50c/35p/15f and I have about 2-3 cheat meals with tons of carbs. If my fat % goes up I adjust accordingly and try to eat good quality foods.

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TrenAllDay's picture

So you're eating under 500 calories a day? What are your daily macros?

Foreal4's picture

No lol. Sorry. 50%carbs 35%protein 15%fats - that's approximate. I'm eating a lot of organic chicken/ground beef/ground turkey/ eggs&egg whites. If my body fat goes up a little I'll manipulate my carbs based on how I look and feel. Raise the fats/protein. I strive for about 1.5-1.7g protein per pound

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TrenAllDay's picture

This is like pulling teeth haha nvm

Foreal4's picture

50% from carbs 35% from protein 15% from fats
What don't you get?

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TrenAllDay's picture

Percentage are telling me nothing. Is that 50/35/15 of 1000 calories, 2000 calories, 3000, 4000 calories?

Daily macros for example like 250p/400c/100f

Like asking the worth of someone house...oh it's worth 49 percent... makes 0 sense right?

TrenAllDay's picture

How many previous cycles? And what's your plentiful diet consist of, macro wise?