Rob83's picture
  • 19

+ 10 Bloods at week 12


Blood test taken the day before my last pin of DP Test cyp from EuroKings promo, switched to it from another lab mid cycle, didn't feel any difference between the two labs and the results show my levels are pretty close to my last results, taken at week 5.

ETA, I was using 250mg twice a week.

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Ronburgundy's picture

+1 for the bloods

theholymoley's picture

Numbers look great. +1

twistedsister's picture

+1 for bloods

kibby's picture

What AI were you running at what dosage??

Just curious mate

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Rob83's picture

Pharma aromasin, 12.5mg ED

kibby's picture

I had my estrogen at 60 on the same dose as you and also pharma grade but felt like shit..

Did you feel OK? I was running sust at 500mg a week

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Rob83's picture

Yeah I felt fine, my hands sometimes felt dry but that's it, after my blood test at week 5 I thought it seemed on the low end of the range but the aromasin are small, sugar coated and hard to cut in half so I just stuck at the same dose, I had some other pharma aromasin that were bigger and weren't sugar coated, they would have been easier to lower the dose with, I'm going to try to get some more for my next cycle so I can experiment with the dose a bit, I never got bloods done before the cycle (live and learn!!) so don't know what my natural levels are, I'll be sure to get them done before my next cycle though.

kibby's picture

I use the same lab as you for bloods and I've found that I feel a lot better between 70/80.

Can always wait till after your pct and your fully back to normal.....get them done then buddy ;)

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fusebox's picture

Nice numbers. +1 for bloods

robb's picture

A rough guess would have this at around 4000+ ng

Not bad numbers for 500mg a week.

kibby's picture

+1 for bloods mate

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