ugfreak's picture
ugfreak 714


Estimated T/A: 
3-31 once shipped

Minimum Order: 

Payment Methods: 
Bitcoins, Etherum, Litecoin, USDT-TRC20, Monero, Western Union, MoneyGram, Zelle

Please note


In case of issues regarding placement of orders through our website, please contact ugfreak directly through PM.

Hi and welcome to UGFREAK!

We finally took the next step and came to eroids, however can see some of our UGFREAK Family memebers have already made sure to speak UGFREAK, our T/A, Para Pharma gear and so on. Appreciate it fam!

We're glad to be here and we thank everyone who supported us, for your support.

Thanks for stopping by. If our website is not answering enough questions, get at me here and I'll get back to you guys.

Yours sincerely,

Faz's picture

My pack landed today, thanks a lot!

ugfreak's picture

You're welcome buddy! Congrats Smile and thanks for sharing...

melone's picture

My 29/11-12/12 100$ promo arrived:
I will run the vials in January.


ugfreak's picture

Thanks for sharing buddy Smile much appreciated!! Definitely looking forward to it.

big_swol33's picture

Has anybody tried their anadrol?

alekaras's picture

Yeah brother and its G2G !!

In a promo × 1
big_swol33's picture

Awesome, thanks. Havent had some GOOD drol in a while

MusicMan's picture

Test Cyp is pinning smoothly, I'm liking it

ugfreak's picture

Thanks for sharing buddy! Smile we're happy to hear that

RSN34's picture

Can't wait for the rest. Thanks is for the great communication.

ugfreak's picture

Thanks for sharing buddy Smile you are welcome!!

unreal89's picture

Your tren is ridiculous no sleep for this guy -_-

robb's picture

So glad trensomnia isn't a side I suffer. My side's are usually aggressive thought's, which isn't all that bad, just as long as I don't act on them lol.

In a promo × 1
ugfreak's picture

lol. The tren is no joke!:D

ugfreak's picture

lol. Then we can't wait for you to run our either buddy - you'll definitely love it Smile

SoldierEM2's picture

Seeing that a lot of you have been getting your promo packs gets me excited! Hopefully mine will be here soon.

Owes a Review × 1
Samzilla's picture

I'm still waiting too bud. I hate waiting

ugfreak's picture

Hi buddy - replied your question to me further down - the answer is yes Smile

ugfreak's picture

Thank you very much. We are flattered and happy to know such. You are more than welcome! Smile
It's $50 free gear that gets added (maximum). Our email us [email protected].

Anyways, when you place the order on - you'll be able to communicate there and it's much faster than anything else Smile

ugfreak's picture

Much appreciated brother Smile it's an importance for UGF

sigep1625's picture

Way to go UgFreak!!! I see that you're in the top 10 now! I'm about to try out your gear that I got during one of your promos 2 months back. Thx man. Will review/vote after due time.

ugfreak's picture

Thank you very much buddy! We can't do such without you guys. Your support is highly appreciated and much needed in terms of reviews and ratings. Thank you Smile and enjoy it, looking forward to it!

ugfreak's picture

You're welcome buddy. Thank you! We look forward for you to try it Smile

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