the_surgeon's picture
  • 18

+ 8 4 Week Progress


Alright Fellas,

Long story short I let myself go. It has been a while since I have ran a cycle. Currently I am on a 10 week cycle of Test Propionate 150mg EOD along with Clenbuterol. Just wanted to share my progress with the community I am 4 weeks into my cycle with 6 more weeks to go. Below I have added a brief description of my diet as well as my cycle.

Testosterone Propionate 150mg EOD (Inject my glutes and thighs)

*First two weeks I started on Day 1 @ 40mcg the day before I got off I was up to 120mcg then the last day 100mcg
*2 weeks off
*Jumped back on earlier this week. For the second week I started where I left off at which was @ 120mcg. So now I am taking 120mcg per day. I have been thinking about just taking it straight through for the next 3 weeks.

My Diet:
I wont write exactly what I eat on a per day base but here are some foods that I definitely eat. Also I eat every two hours.

3 pieces of Turkey Bacon
Steel Cut Oats with cinnamon
3 Egg White Scrambled

Cottage Cheese with Strawberry's (Shit is nasty by itself)

Kale with Tuna (I add cranberries to the Tuna)

Pineapple & Low Fat Yogurt

I drink my protein shake most of the time early in the morning since I usually go to the gym @ 5:00 A.M.

Either: Salmon, Chicken, Turkey, Steak with Quinoa and String Beans

Excited for the next weeks to come. I'm not where I want to be but with dedication and consistency I shall get there.

Ordered from: 
killroy's picture

Too much clen bro .. drop it and just diet and eat clean ... should really save the Clen for the later stages of your recomp. For your heart's sake ...

also... no AI? You are going to have a tougher time losing fat in certain areas with higher then normal estrogen levels.

It's been 4 weeks ... how's the progress?

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the_surgeon's picture
DeadlyCrooc's picture

Cool results brother, keep it work! +1

the_surgeon's picture

thanks brother i appreciate that

androq's picture
Owes a Review × 1
the_surgeon's picture

Nice! Thanks bro appreciate you sharing this with me

Makwa's picture

Brother, I wish we could have got you on the right track before you jumped on a cycle. Your a ways out from being ready to run a cycle and I don't think you are doing yourself any favors by hopping on a cycle right now.
Good luck though.

the_surgeon's picture

I appreciate your input brother. Thank you

exoticnfit's picture

Keep it up!

Coming back after a short or long lay-off is always challenging.

Keep eating healthy, ensure to train for PURPOSE (meaning with your specific goals in mind) and stay focused.

Make goals and reach them!

the_surgeon's picture

Most definitely, I have my goals written on my notes. Screenshot it and use it as my background when I have my phone locked. Keeps me focus. I appreciate it a lot. Thanks bro

the_surgeon's picture

Appreciate that BarneyFife

TheFatKid's picture

Keep it up big dog, it will be worth it in the end, I did low carb and a butt load of cardio for a year and lost 73 lbs with just trt from the doctor, you got this and persistence is key, I would give you karma but I don't have enough yet to give.

Owes a Review × 3
the_surgeon's picture

73! That's amazing man. Thanks for sharing that brother. Persistence is definitely key. I appreciate that.

bigrigger's picture

Stay with it brother we are in your corner+1

the_surgeon's picture

Thanks brother I appreciate your support

PPGfreak's picture

Great job making gains man. But I do not believe the gear is going to help with that in anyway.

the_surgeon's picture

I appreciate it

Iron Maiden's picture

Nice results brother but I think you would have benefited more from a really clean diet and hard training without the gear. but none the less nice work. . .. I would make sure your Macros are on point and the next 6 weeks and longer should be drastic. It almost looks like your short on protein & fats but that's just based off what you put.
Keep killing it.

the_surgeon's picture

Thank you I appreciate your input. I do need to focus more on my macros just downloaded an app to help with this.