Vputin's picture
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-5 Leg definition


Please advise how to increase definition on leg.
I do train them twice a week. Heavy sesion and rep sesion.

Ordered from: 
SpaceMarine's picture

lol, another clown

cd1's picture

Knob head

bigrigger's picture

Ha ha what a loser!

Silverbackd's picture

why do ppl do tht? why the fake shit???just dnt get it

DeadlyCrooc's picture

As said me a cool guy, if you remember Monstar, alike I tell you. "Sometimes people do this to get free gear or discount from a shop"

DeadlyCrooc's picture

Nice try clown, you are CATCHED - http://www.imgrum.net/media/1351536665609216295_684675785 . Pic stolen from JODY KELLY, Insta tag - @KELLDOGG_27 It's a old photo of this guy!

Musclepants1's picture

Well done for catching him out. Wtf would they ask for advise for when it's not going to help them in the slightest...... Because it isn't them. Some people have too much time on their hands

DeadlyCrooc's picture

Shit happens (:

zeb0312's picture

Smh. Some people just don't get it bro and seem not to take it seriously.

DeadlyCrooc's picture

Exactly, and still some people do something first and then thinks about it (:

OldSchoolGuy's picture

Great job brother, thanks for keep us away from this shit!

Mitch77's picture

Very simple, lower your body fat. It doesn't matter how do you train your legs.. The lower your body fat is, the more definition you will have.