DonutMan's picture
  • 41

+ 1 Pct advice needed


Hey guys, I am competring next week and then I am wanting to come off of cycle to get my levels back to normal.

What i am currently on going into my competition is:
100 mg tren ace EOD
100 mg mastron prop EOD
100 mg winny Daily
2 mg Arimidex Daily
200 mcg Clen Daily.

I have Hcg, Clomid, and Nolvadex on hand for my pct. But what I really need help with is after my shower (saturday) how long I should wait to start everything and what should the hcg, nolva, ans clomid to be run at?

Thanks again in advance!

Makwa's picture

You should be dropping all pins a few days out from the show so just start your pct the morning after the show since you were using shorts.

MedDx's picture

So, OP leaves hCG out and just uses clomid/nolva? When is a good time, in your opinion, to use hCG? Smile

A big bulging package is not really needed for a show to win, right? Smile

Makwa's picture

Definitely wouldn't be using it during final weeks of prep. Aromatization potential to high and there is no meaningful results it would produce as far a polishing the physique. I wouldn't bother using and just go into standard nolva/clomid pct right after show. Well, actually I wouldn't PCT directly after a show since the rebound effect is so high that you can put on more quality mass right after show time that I would run 100mg prop EOD for 6 weeks post show and then go into PCT protocol. In that instance there would be an opportunity to incorporate the HCG if so inclinded to do so.

MedDx's picture

X2..Definitely agreed...:)

unreal89's picture

Hcg is not ran during pct it is blast a few weeks before start of pct clomis could be 50/50/25/25 or 100/75/50/25 nolva 40/40/20/20 or 20/20/10/10 but yoy might need a 6 week pct depends how long yoy have been on cycle i would also habe aromasin to run during pct as winny can cause rebound gyno just a heads up

MedDx's picture

When do you plan on cycling next? Maybe hCG? Since you are competing, maybe not. Do you have any current BW? How long on compounds noted above? How long can you run the cycle out passed your competition? You need a TP taper. Post a pic..

StatsAge: 35Height: 5'11"Weight: 212BF:

Post BF%

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