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+ 27 Melanotan-2: Dosing Protocol


Melanotan-2 is a great compound used in the bodybuilding community for tanning purposes and is a second generation peptide, whose predecessor is Melanotan-1. Melanotan-2 chemical structure is similar to Melanotan-1, however, with this second generation peptide you get the added benefit of a libido increase. Melanotan-2 (abbreviated to MT-2) can be injected subcutaneously (SubQ) like many other peptides.

Common side effects resulting from MT-2 usage includes short-term nausia, which usually lasts for any period upto 12 hours; facial blushing, oily skin; loss of appetite; hyperpigmentation - which is the the increase in the number of moles and freckles and localised pigmentation; raised blood pressure.

Controlling MT-2 Side Effects:

Medically: Claritin/Zyrtec taken 10mins pre-injection.
Naturally: Ginger extract, Gential extract to be taken daily.

To control the darkening of scar tissue, then you should massage and break down the tissue named keloid tissue beneath the scarring, which should help prevent excessive localised skin pigmentation. If localised skin pigmentation is persistent, then either reduce your dose to 100mcg; stop intake of MT-2 until tan is no longer visible (this is usually 12 months approximately); switch over to MT-1, beginning at a low dose and working up; Use IPL therapy.

Now although these aforementioned side effects are related to MT-2 usage, the fact of the matter is that not everyone experiences these side effects, thus they are entirely subjective. Somebody may experience the full spectrum of side effects while another person may not experience any side effects what so ever.

How To Reconstitute Melanotan-2 Peptide (Step-by-step guide w/Pictures!)

Step-by-step Injection Guide: Subcutaneous (SubQ)

Situation Report

So now you've read the two links above and have followed the instructions for reconstituting your vial of MT-2 and you know how to inject SubQ - all we need to know now is how we want to dose our MT-2.

Dosage Protocol:

Tolerance & Adjustment Dosage (Days 1-3);

Begin with 100mcg/ED to build up a tolerance to the compound and to introduce the peptide into your system at a controlled rate, in order to minimise any potential side effects. This beginning dosage protocol will minimise any potential nausea.

Beginning (Day 4-7);

Ok, so now you've build up a tolerance over the past three days, so now you're ready to increase your dosage and build up that tan you've wanted. After this stage, you should start to see a mild tan coming along. The dosage for this period is 250mcg/ED and this slow build-up of MT-2 in your system will help prevent any freckles and skin pigmentation.

Loading Method #1 (Day 8-21);

Now, you've build up a little glow and are you've found out how your body reacts to MT-2 - also you're now at a stage where you want to get darker. A dose of 250mcg/ED should be continued if you are happy with your results and want to gradually darken over a period of time. This dosage should also be used if you are sensitive and are experiencing side effects from MT-2. Alternatively, a dose of 500mcg/ED should be used if you want to get darker and are liking what you see so far, while also you feel little sides.

Loading Method #2 (Day 8-21);

MT-2 can be made more effective through the use of environmental tanning, such as the use of sun rays or sun beds. A dose of 250mcg-300mcg/ED 30mins before sunlight exposure and another 250mcg-300mcg dose should be taken immediately after sunlight exposure to enhance your tan. Ensure you use moisturizer post-tan. On non-tanning days, stick with a dose of 250mcg-300mcg/ED.

Loading Method #3 (Day 8-21);

This method is the most conservative of the 3 and requires a dose of 100mcg M/W/F. Results will be gradual over a long period of time.

Maintenance (Weekly);

Great...so now you've got the tan you've wanted and all you want to do now is maintain it. A weekly dose is required to maintain your tan and the dose is 500mcg/EW, which can be split up into 2 individual dosages to prevent any sides.

christonner35's picture

I've been taking MT2 on/off for years, generally in the summer months leading up to a holiday, and I've got a great tan or at least that's what people tell me. I often hear stories from people about side effects etc, and tbh I'm not surprised after reading the protocols above, 250mcg, 500mcg? By Christ no wonder people are getting ill.

So I personally reconstitute the 10mg vial with 2ml bac water, and that'll give me 20 shots, so 50mcg per shot. The next bit is the only point I concur with above as I load up with a shot 50mcg every night for a week. After that I'll take a 50mcg shot every 3 days, and obviously I'll go on sunbeds 3 times per week. I really don't think these huge doses are necessary.

Josh2304's picture

You say that but you’ve been injecting 500mcg not 50mcg. There’s 10,000mcg in a vial so you have 20, 500mcg doses mate. 10x the dose you think you were injecting…

christonner35's picture

Lol that makes me pretty stupid then. Thanks for pointing this out mate.

M.Bevilaqua's picture

New to forums and peptides, but in doing some research it seems that melanotan 1 has less sides than 2. It doesn’t seem to be a strong when providing a tan, but is there another reason people seem so partial to M2?

M.Bevilaqua's picture

Thanks for the reply !

So if my goal was only tanning, are M1 and M2 equals?

JFit253's picture

Personally, MT2 gives me the same tanning results as MT1. I only do low doses and sun tan after taking it. Overall, I recommend seeing what works for you... aka whats the least amount you can take with the best results and least side effects

giardap's picture

Good reminder

madmac's picture

+1 No brainer... Thank you for a well thought out post.

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Mikey0419's picture

Good read!

Been running MT-2 for a few weeks. Even without making a conscious effort to tan, I've gotten noticeably darker (followed pretty much the advice from this post).

GrowMore's picture

P was the man. So many useful posts. Thought I'd pump this as I've used this to remind myself of how to run MT2 for the last 3 years!

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noob143's picture

That's funny because I too have this in my favs to remind me how to run mt-2!

GrowMore's picture

He's got some brilliant posts. I imagine he's still around under a different name! Thanks P!

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symbioth's picture

What is happened with this guy?

GrowMore's picture

I'm not sure, guys like P can ride close to the white line. He's probably about just using a different username

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noob143's picture

Ur prob right! Good info

Ladyluck89's picture

Thats so weird huh! Im jealous lol. I want to get darker, and must bring effort while he getting it without doing anything and not wanting it

I usually have enough with only 1 bottle

Maybe you will get dark in no time now you are on tren
I wonder If more guys have this
Whats your Skin type? My Bf is half surinam/Indian and half Dutch so not completely white maybe that have something to do with it

Ladyluck89's picture

I have tried this twice . first time did nothing and secind time great (diff source) and Im lovin it.
Just have a question..
Im considiring it taking this year again.
The Sun was shining lately so I noticed I got tanned very fast rspecially in the face
Normally I Tan very slow and poorly rspecially in the face..
Should I take m2 again? How does this work on your cells If you are not using it or have used for over a year?

I also noticed my Bf became darker on tren (so weird, never had m2) but in my Case..I only use var. Is there any similarity here...

romangod's picture

I suggest using sunblock on your face religiously... Your face is always exposed to uv and will get VERY dark compared to other body parts... This is my 3rd year using it from different sources.. Some stronger than others but all had similar results.. Im type 1 and have always burned. I used to avoid the sun and all outdoor activities . Now im a sun junkie... the hotter the better... Im not sure of the long term affects , but it is a life changer for me... I havent noticed any differences while on gear....

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Ladyluck89's picture

Thats amazing
So you dont burn at all anymore? Do you Still use sunblock all over?

srx5000's picture

I took 1 iu every 48 hours for two weeks I became very brown during this time then I just took 1 iu weekly and maintained the tan.

macncheezdawg's picture

Just a good warning for everyone, and important because it's irreversible: MT2 isn't going to stop your skin from the inherent damage that can come from UV exposure (even if it may reduce some risks.) If you don't follow good protocol like moisturizing, and gradually tanning, your skin CAN/WILL become damaged from overexposure to UV; as a consequence your skin CAN/WILL visibly age. I am type I and this has done wonders for me (never sunburn anymore, where as I always sunburned), but just a few times being exposed in the sun for a long time without proper protocol has still had noticeable negative effects. I was always told I looked younger than my real age, and for the first time in my life I can actually see some lines on my face that come with sun/skin damage/aging and people are also saying I look at least my real age if not older now. Skin damage isn't reversible so be smart and safe; MT2 isn't going to stop that wrinkly look people get from sun damage!

Ladyluck89's picture

Good info
We all hate winkels!
I attend to forget using sunblock moisturaizer and facial crème when going outdoors. I recently went to a Skin therapist she said woman AND man should be using daycream for face with minimal 15 sf for protection even when there is no sun
Sensitive and White Skin needs minimum of 30 sf

HarvD's picture

Thanks for all the info on this. Bought some and started on saturday. Mixed up my maths (which is unusual as my whole job is maths based) and managed to dissolve 10mg into 2ml bac water thinking that 0.2ml gives me 100mcg and 0.5ml gives me 250mcg.

When it was almost gone (on day 5 today) i realised my mistake. Turns out I was injecting 1mg for first 3 days (to 'introduce' the peptide) and then 2.5mg last night (to begin 'loading' phase).

Can't believe how daft that was! Literally can't stop laughing. No wonder my morning wood has been so intense!!!!

ashop's picture

I really like MT2 for tanning,,,I have never been darker in my entire left.
I used 1/2mg daily with no sides and tanned 2 x per week.

cybrsage's picture

I tan very easily, and rarely ever burn. I take the maintenance dose every 3 weeks, followed by 6 minutes in a tanning booth. I have kept my golden brown tan all winter this way. LOVE the stuff.

extremediezel's picture

it's spring time!! time to get my mt-2 on,, i love this peptide,, you can actually see the results happening after a few days and some rays.. i wish i could say the same about other peptides.. great write up +1

romangod's picture

I cant believe that this ACTUALLY WORKS !!! I was very sceptical, especially cause im as white as it gets and have never tanned in my life. The comments im getting are overwhelming.. Sunscreen on the face IS A MUST !! MAN sides are a bit much and somewhat uncontrollable But if they dont want to see it then tey shouldnt look at it LOL f*%k em

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UgtaBkdNme's picture

I feel like I've won the lottery, this shit better work! I'm about to pin it, you all have no idea how big a deal this is for a little pale ginger like myself.

romangod's picture

Hows it working for you thusfar? Im a type 1 (pale and blond) and waiting to start protocol..

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UgtaBkdNme's picture

I'm tan. I've gone thru two bottles, I just opened my 3rd and should be on a maintenance dose soon. I'm still in shock to tell you the truth, it seems too good to be true. I'm going to take some pictures and write up a summary once I hit my maintenance color. Sometime next week I imagine. This shit works, I'm a type one also natty redhead.

romangod's picture

Thats great.. Im glad its working for you... I assume that you followed the above protocol.. I just ordered new pins and will start when they arrve

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UgtaBkdNme's picture

I did everything except the "pin 30 minutes after tanning" that makes no sense because this is a long lasting slow acting compound.

romangod's picture

FR sent. I have some questions if you don mind...

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UgtaBkdNme's picture

accepted ask away

lo's picture

K I need some help. I followed everything step by step on this page I decided to try it before bed not the best idea for me I couldn't sleep very well. I have a problem mt2 has got me all tensed up whole body also I've had a hard on since 9pm and here it is 6:30am I've tried yo get it to go down. I woke my wife up last night and this morning to relieve my self still hard so hard it feels like it is going to rip out of my skin. Is there anything I can do to get it to go down?
Up date I lowered my dose and split it into two separate doses and upped my dose every other day and I'm dark as fuck lol everyone is asking me what tanning bed I went to.

Imabadman's picture

Another good post. Gratzi.

jonnysneakers's picture

Thank you sir +1

vivalafrizank's picture

Thank you brudda [:

betheman's picture

If moles get dark will they lighten once you stop taking ? Anyone experience ?

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bball0909's picture

My first round with MT2 Moles Freckles everything got darker. When I was done it took a few months but they went right back to how they were before I ever started.

raveya's picture

looks good so far.

labpe stuff was really nice. Almost no sides etc.

gambit's picture

little update from me and my experiment. i started at 100mcg for 1-2 days then raised 50mcg ED until i hit 250mcg ED. i sometimes skip a dose or 2 during week if I think I am darkening to fast.

Its really helping me get dark. minimal mole issues atm. lips getting darker though which bugs me a little.

no sides i pin usually at night unless i am going to pool ive been experimenting with pinning around that time.

its helping my legs BIG time!

Denser's picture

Good info bro. Thanks for sharing. +1

raiden25's picture

Is it ok to use Melanotan II while on a cycle? I just started using it while on cycle and I feel like my blood pressure has gone up, other than that no sides, but I would prefer any other sides other than high blood preasure, will it level of eventually? Just wanted to get peoples experiences using Melanotan while on a cycle.

teza84's picture

I did 1mg a day for about a month and a half ED. I got fucking crazy brown during the day, but the melanin seemed to deposit under my top layers of skin and I was orange the rest of the time.