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- K A P S I Z E -
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+ 17 - AAS - How And Why I Use Them (Write Up)


so i thought id do a write up about some of my favorite PED drugs that i have experience with and write how and why i use each one. i see alot of "cycles" in these forums that seem to be thrown together with little thought as to why certain compounds should be chosen to yeild certain results. many of the basic effects of different AAS are relatively "rule of thumb" type beliefs but this write up will go a bit deeper into why i prefer certain compounds to yield certain effects that might not be discussed as much. i use AAS purely for bodybuilding purposes and cosmetics. im not a power lifter and the amount of weight i lift is irrelevant to the goal i am obtaining. the vast majority of AAS will increase strength to some degree, i will be only discussing the cosmetic effect of each drug.


test is the big daddy of everything we do with AAS. its natural to the body and i believe should be included anytime one has AAS in their system, besides special circumstances like precontest or drying out phase ect. or if you are experienced and know what you are doing and don't require test at that moment. testosterone is without doubt the most versatile steroid out there imo. test can really do anything you ask of it. itll keep you anabolic while dieting, keep you full, keep you strong or it can be extremely effective at helping build new tissue while in a calorie surplus. nothing imo, gives overall "thickness" to ones physique than test will. the size acquired is not as quality as other drugs can bring, and it is not as forgiving as some drugs when diet slips. but as an all around steroid, test really is best.

testosterone has a great effect on fat burning ime. even on a low dose it will keep me full and strong but i can lean out very easily with just test in my system. keeping sodium low and carbs rationed, test alone can get you in phenomenal shape. my rule is, if you cant get to where you want to go with just test you dont know how to get there in the first place. other drugs will help, or give certain effects of there own but really any basic bodybuilding goal can be achieved with testosterone alone.

my ester of preference is enanthate. pharma grade amps can be found very easily and at a very reasonable cost and nothing... nothing will beat real pharma grade test. enanthate is easy to use, easily found, and is my go to for anything testosterone. BUT certain times call for different esters. prop is a great form to blast with for short durations or if using stronger androgens with shorter esters, i like prop because i usually retain a bit less water, stay a little drier, and let the stronger drugs do the work instead.

sustanon is a great product as well. throwing multiple esters of testosterone into ones system creates a blitzkrieg effect of test where mutliple forms of test are releasing all at the same time but different speeds. i dont know why this happens but it seems to produce a different effect on my body vs utilizing a single ester. great product. i recommend shooting sust EOD minimum. ED preferred. (actually, my rule is the more often you pin the better)

my doses have ranged from small doses such as 250mg/week up to 1g. i personally prefer using lower doses of test. higher doses don't necessarily lead to more results, just more sides to counter... depending on if im using nandrolone and need more test for libido i usually stay within 250-500mg of test. thats really all thats needed for me at this point in my development..


ok... tren. duh duh duhhh! lol ..this is without doubt the main drug in a bodybuilders arsenal. what i mean by that is for pure cosmetic effects pertaining to bodybuilding no other hormone out there will do what tren does by itself. tren is what makes bodybuilders bodybuilders. its what gives that hard, grainy, separated, striated look that we, bodybuilders, all desire. we all know those big dudes in the gym who all they have is size. then theres the "bodybuilder"... half the other guys weight but looks 10x better. theres big and then theres big and conditioned. tren is what "conditions" you.

ime, tren wont build as much tissue as testosterone or nandrolone. what it does instead, for me at least, is it takes that tissue you already have and improves it. separates the fibers, pulls the water out from under the skin and tunes your physique. makes everything "pop" more, makes every muscle more visible, and clear. separates everything so insertion points are more visible, lines come out, viens come out, everything is more pronounced and has better flow, shape, and symmetry. it pulls the skin over the muscle shrink wrapping it. without other drugs present, trenbolone tends to make me flat. while it shrink wraps the skin and gives amazing "outward" appearance, it doesn't do much or nearly as good of a job popping the muscle out. for that we need anadrol which ill cover later.

i really only use tren for cosmetic purposes. if im looking to ADD tissue to my frame other compounds are far better at doing so, imo, with a lot less headache and heartache. while tren does posses some nasty characteristics for some, and should NOT be used by beginners or amateurs i will add some reasons for why i believe that, other than the ones one usually sees on the forums. tren conditions you... if you dont have a well built base with tissue to condition, its like putting race fuel in a civic. unless youve done the work and made that car able to use that fuel effectively theres really no point in filling it up with that...get it? you need time and experience on being "enhanced" to build up enough "unatrual" muscle to then condition later on. by that time one should know how their body responds to other AAS and will be better prepared for the chaos that trenbolone has the potential to bring.

trenbolone does wonders for me in fat burning. BUT i have to put my body in a fat burning state through DIET!!! trenbolone does not increase protein synthesis like test does. instead it prevents protein breakdown. this is why i believe its better suited during calorie restricted diets. it will without doubt keep one anabolic and prevent your body from breaking down that precious protein and muscle even when you are close to starving. and at the same time this is why i believe other drugs are better to BUILD with. if i want to build new tissue i will use drugs that will send protein synthesis into overdrive and consume higher amounts of food. that increased rate at which that food can be utilized to build new tissue through the use of those drugs will then yeild more muscle. but tren is so powerful im sure even the small amount of food i DO consume while dieting and using tren does build some lean tissue to some degree. but it isn't my go to tissue builder and not what i use tren for.

i only have and i think ever will use trenbolone acetate. its fast, works well, and gets it done. i dont see a reason to use the enanthate version at all really. tren is unpredictable and if i need it out of my system, the acetate clears within a few days. no waiting around a couple weeks to finally see sides vanquish. and tren being unpredictable, i could be fine every run but one run might creep up on me and just because i was always fine before on tren doesn't hold true for every time i use it! stay safe, and be prepared. use acetate

i have experimented with tren at varying doses quite a bit and have gone as little as 20mg/day and as high as 150mg/day. i do not experience nasty sides, (only mental sides over time) BUT in no way am i recommending one start off at 150mg/day. most cannot handle that much tren, start low and see how you react IF you are at a development point where tren use can be validated! for me and my tren usage i find 50-75mg/day my sweet spot. tren really doesnt have much diminishing returns in that the longer i stay on it and the higher my dose goes the more mutated i become and freakier i get. BUT that comes with drawbacks. mental state wonders into uncomfortable places. thought process is altered slightly. higher doses reak havoc on lipids and tren being harsh on the body, i dont see much use for high tren doses unless prepping for a show. 50mg-75mg/day is plenty to let trenbolone express its effects on ones physique and anything past that is really just using up supply faster and putting more strain on ones body, imo.

Oxymetholone (anadrol!):

who doesnt love A-50s? ...many dont but those who know, will know why anadrol is irreplaceable in a bodybuilders arsenal of PEDs. and ill explain why. oxymetholone is another drug, like tren, that no other AAS out there can replicate its effects by itself. what oxymetholone does is INCREASE MUSCLE DIAMETER! and what i mean by this is that while testosterone and nandrolone add thickness, neither can deliver the pure volume that anadrol can. anadrol puts size in the RIGHT places. ime, its keeps insertion points and joints tight but blows up the muscle belly and pushes it out! test and nandrolone dont do this, they create size and thickness everywhere inside and outside but most of the time it comes along with water in all the wrong places as well. while proper diet and ancillary use can minimize this, its just the characteristics of those drugs and cannot compete with anadrol in this regard. anadrol gives the most pronounced, ballooning, 3d effect of ANY AAS. i liken it to attaching a bicycle pump to every muscle and blowing them up with air. why? because it blows them up from inside. skin stays tight, insertions stay tight, joints stay small ect, but the belly of the muscle is blown up and out from within. this is why its heavily used precontest! some, not in the know will say "but wait doesn't anadrol give massive water retention? why would someone use that right before a competition?" im not sure why people retain such massive amounts of water on oxymetholone. i dont, i get more vascular and larger and stay dry. genetics? im not sure. im sure diet has a lot to do with it. too much sodium or too many carbs will water log you regardless of AAS or not. anadrol probably just has a worse response to the increase of those two things. the reason why oxymetholone is used precontest is because it puts water in the RIGHT places. i.e. intramuscularly. when a competitor comes in "dry but full" that doesnt mean they dont have any water on them.. it means they were able to keep all the water in the muscle and out from underneath the skin.

this is why the combination of trenbolone and oxymetholone is such a desirable and effective combination. remember what i said before? trenbolone shrink wraps the skin around the muscle but will make you flat from within. add anadrol to that and the water is sucked out from under the skin and fills up the muscle belly instead. creating the most desirable bodybuilding effect there is. dry but full. tren keeps the muscle tight and conditioned from the outside and anadrol blows it up from the inside...

really anadrol is most used in either one or two different doses.. 50mg.day or 100mg. i dont get upset stomach, decreased appetite or any nasty sides from really any oral, thus far in my use. so my go to dose for oxymetholone is 100mg/day. gone as high as 150mg but didnt see much better results than 100mg. unfortunately anadrol is c17-alkalated and does cause liver stress so use should be limited to short durations. also, unlike tren, the results seem to stall out very quickly. probably the quickest of any AAS ive used. right around two weeks or so is all that youll see results wise from anadrol. while most will use it for the standard "kickstart" of 4 weeks. those last two weeks wont really net you any more changes than you saw in the first two. viking has spoken about pulse dosing. 2 weeks on 2 weeks off which addresses this. i completely agree with him on that and believe this to be the most effective way of using oxymetholone.


who likes big, full, round, thick muscles? i do, and that why i use nandrolone. nandrolone is my second go to tissue builder next to testosterone. while test adds thickness very very well. nandrolone adds a type of thickness i have yet to find with another AAS. what i find when i use nandrolone is big, round, ballooning muscle bellies. difficult to explain, but it seems to add a certain look to my physique different to that of test. its a more exaggerated, cartoon-like thickness to the muscle bellies. its still a more "wet" compound, especially when my use of it is coupled with a calorie surplus because i exclusively use it to build tissue.

nandrolone is excellent in increasing protein synthesis and increasing muscle size, even greater than test ime. so its my favorite size builder next to test and really the only other size builder i use other than testosterone. also, my recovery time is faster on nandrolone than any other AAS. i can lift hard and barely need recovery time between workouts.

i have yet to experiment with the decoanate ester. just havent gotten around to it and i think i was always hesitant because of the dreaded decrease in "performance" in the bedroom. so my first run with nandrolone
was with the phenyl-propionate ester (npp) and it worked so well im not sure if use of the decaonate ester is warrented at this point. also being a 19-nor if sides arise i can drop it quickly and not wait weeks on end for sides to clear. ive used doses between 350-700mg/week of npp. and cannot comment on my sweet spot yet as i havent "bulked" in a while and havent had the usage time with it to really see what its capable of at higher doses. but thus far 525mg/week seems to be my best all around dose, shot ED or EOD. more frequent pins cuts down sides, especially for 9-nors ime and imo.

Boldenone (Equipoise):

EQ... the most misunderstood and debated AAS out there. some love it and some say its worthless. ...im telling you right now its not worthless and one of the most desirable AAS drugs out there.

imo, the people who say equipoise is garbage and worthless most likely dont have well developed physiques in the first place or are too fat... there i said it. it doesnt pack on the pounds like dbol or nandrolone will, it doesnt blow up your muscle bellies like anadrol does but it also gives a certain look that i have yet to find with another AAS. EQ for me is for pure cosmetics and.... endurance. i liken it to waxing your car. a shitty car with a new wax is still going to look shitty, a nice car with a new wax will transform it and make it look polished, finished, "pop"... thats what EQ does. it takes an already good physique and adds a finshing touch on it. it squares everyhting off, makes all the muscles "pop" that much more, makes all the veins that much thicker and more pronounced and my favorite effect :).... it makes your skin look amazing. equipoise gives my skin such a nice feel and look to it. we all know its a steroid orginally developed for race horses and i find it ironic that my skin takes on a look i liken to a freshly groomed horses mane lol i just look more tan, more smooth, and more "macho" looking. hard to describe. i notice i get noticed, especially by females. alot more when i have had eq in my blood for a while. it just makes your body look more attractive ime. combine that with the cocky confidence and pheromone creating tren and you will be pulling girls left and right lol ...but in all seriousness, it just makes you look great. like a fresh wax on your car.

boldenone will increase your rbc considerably though. many experince anxiety, high bp and other undesirable sides from EQ. donating blood, or phlebotomy is definitely something id recommend while using eq. when cut and i start bleeding while using EQ my blood coagulates much quicker and has a deep deep red hue, tall tell sign of high rbc. not good. BUT... i can lift harder and longer with EQ in my blood. almost if not the same endurance as anadrol. i can just keep on going. an hr of cardio after lifting heavy is a walk in the park for me on EQ. also, the rbc count increases "pumps" in the bedroom and the endurance increase allows you to fuck like a bunny. no breaks or out of breath like sex on tren lol ..so the cosmetic effects combined with endurance makes EQ irreplaceable for me.

ive used anywhere from 600-1200mg/week. id say for me 800-1g is my sweet spot but the higher the dose the more anxiety is created so use with caution and get bloods done. and keep an eye on rbc.


my go to "cutting" oral. anavar is a very interesting drug. it has effects that cannot be matched by other inferior drugs like winstrol. not so much in cosmetic effects but as far as pharmacology and performance goes oxandrolone is superior to stanozol in every way... other than price :( ...im not sure why, but i get stronger on anavar than any other compound ive used. on the same level as tren or anadrol. its amazing in that aspect for me. its also directly linked to lyposis of adipose fat stores particularly in the abdominal area. so it DOES help to burn belly fat and it has also been proven to continue exerting this effect for months after cessation of the drug. an effect which i find very desirable. anavars main effect cosmetically for me is hardness. i get harder on anavar then i do on tren. i feel like my body is carved from stone. every muscle becomes rock hard and dense.

i have used varying doses from 50-100mg ED. 100mg/day is the best dose imo. ive gone higher but didnt see any increased benefit from that and anavar being an expensive compound, really dont see the point in going any higher than 100mg/day. while most people will say anavar is relatively side effect free. those whom have gotten blood-work done while or just after a hefty anavar run can attest... it drops HDL like a mf. non-aromatizing compounds tend to wreak havoc on lipids, and after 8 weeks of anavar at 100mg/day my hdl was 5...... not good at all. i immediately stopped it and changed up my diet and doubled my fish oil intake as well as my coq10. after 4 weeks i was back within range. so while i know i can correct it, just be wary of that effect that oxandrolone can have. its not side free!

that's all for now.. those are my favorite compounds and why i use each one. there are benefits from other drugs, ill do another write up soon covering them (dianabol, masteron, proviron ect. as well as the peptides i believe are worth using like cjc-1295. igf-lr3, ghrp-2, igf1-des ect and why)

hope you enjoyed
- K A P S I Z E -

disclaimer: in no way is this a guide on how to use these substances and in no way should anyone copy what i do! i make my own decisions and consult with my doctor. dont be stupid, and use your head. use AAS as safe as you can and train hard. and always remember AAS doesn't work unless you do!!!!!!! results come from hard training and diet..... in conjunction with AAS use! every effect i wrote about assumes you already know how to eat and train!

fetus's picture

Just read this for about the 10th time. I can't wait to read your comments on the other substances you mentioned!
Bring it on!

madmac's picture

Wow! Holy cow, that was a very well articulated write up with the respective compounds. I have to say, I am more interested in trying the EQ more so now than ever after reading from your experiences, and frankly a few other compounds, and once I'm 10%, and conditioned enough. Tren is calling my name. I'm curious however, with the popularity of Primo, why it's nor with your favorites? I am curious to read a well written/articulating article about Primo. If you have experienced this compound and have done a write up on it, please shoot me the link. I would also like to learn more on Masteron. Thanks, and thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed experience. Really fun read. +1. If I could plus it any more I would have. Cheers

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- K A P S I Z E -'s picture

i touched on the primo subject down below. too expensive of an investment right now for true pharma grade primo. only thing you can truey trust for genuine primobolan imo. also, from what i can gather, its effects arent anything too special that other compounds cannot replicate to an acceptable degree at a much cheaper price. really, test, tren, EQ, masteron, anadrol, and nandrolone are really all one needs to get every effect a bodybuilder desires. everything else is just icing on the cake or just for fun. those select few drugs do what they do best in my book. the essentials..

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Dope's picture

Great write up and can tell u talk from first hand experience , and that all that matters !

I agree with everything and we share many same beliefs , im a test/tren/drol man myself too

Respect homie


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fetus's picture

What an incredible write-up. Great effort! I will look for your comments on the other products.
I would also be very interested to see something like this that is focused on strength rather than cosmetics.

- K A P S I Z E -'s picture

if you want strength... from what i ve used.. test. any ester really. TNE is great for strength or prop. even sust. but any form of test is great. anadrol... nothing makes you stronger. in my book, period. Oxandrolone... dunno why, but i get stronger on var then anything else. on par with drol and tren. tren is also great for strength. obviously.

and things i havent used yet but have heard great things as far as strength is Halotestin. incredibile for increases in strength, afaik. other than that. methyl tren the week leading up to a meet..

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fetus's picture

Thanks for the feedback brother!

Pericu's picture

Absolutely great write up Kaps!

JL's picture

Very nice write up Kap! I'm the opposite of you with nandrolone. I have little experience with NPP and lots with deconate ester. My next bulk however I'm only going to run NPP. I've heard nothing but amazing feedback on the compound.

bolt781's picture

I enjoyed reading that brother. A nice look into your perspective on the compounds you've used. Always interesting seeing how others respond to and run them, that can also identify what each is doing and does.

enhancedlife's picture

Agree with all of this

GrowMore's picture

Great read mate, loving your work and also the order in which you picked the compounds.




Best out there hands down.

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- K A P S I Z E -'s picture

thanks brother. yep, the big 3. pretty much the only things one needs to become a "bodybuilder"

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konig's picture

Read through this a bit.. great writing, favoriting it for later and definitely a plus 1! Love stuff like this! thanks!

- K A P S I Z E -'s picture

thanks murph. ...yah, oxymetholone is my all time favorite AAS, and definately npp is awesome. favorite bulking inject for sure. similar volume and fullness as drol but not as "quality" as drol. more water in the wrong places but better suited for longer bulking duration than drol because of it not being c17-a and not so fast of diminishing returns.

and definitely keep an eye out for the peptide write up in the near future. the problem with peps is sourcing quality stuff, most of the ghrh and ghrps from research companies are for the most part good. igf on the other hand is a toss up for quality. ive tried the lr3 from, back then, top rated places and it was a waste of time but now i source it elsewhere and i have to admit you can tell the difference. definitely a quality product and igf release be it from hgh administration or through straight igf-1 analogues is the only way, besides myostatin inhibition, to really change your genetic potential and convert more satellite cells into muscle cells to then grow with hormones.

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- K A P S I Z E -'s picture

aww thanks man haha. i give back when i can

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- K A P S I Z E -'s picture

haha your welcome. hgh is atm out of my price range and i have no experience with it. still being in my 20s not really worth it unless im running high amounts and i wouldnt buy anything but fda pharma grade hgh. i don't trust generics.. no matter how well they're reviewed.

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Pale's picture

HGH is debatable in its worthiness for anyone, not just you young guys.

- K A P S I Z E -'s picture

a know alot of trt age dudes that swear by it effectiveness for anti-aging purposes. but being more financially established, and only needing a few iu/day is more tangible for them. i wouldnt even consider seeing what it could do for me at this time unless i was using usa pharma garde at 8-10iu/day minimum and had enough to run for a minimum of 6 months... but any proliferation or anabolic effect hgh gives is all through the release of igf-1 from the liver in response to gh administration, so i rather just focus on finding good quality iff-1lr3 instead, personally

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