alex073's picture
  • 133

+ 5 Genuine PharmaSwiss Omnadren 250


My 2th order from legitanabolics.

Good service.

Thx legit

Ordered from: 
7thlttd's picture

nice pick up brother... shot you a FR had a question on these

BigThing's picture

As far as I know Jelfa is a genuine manufacturer of Omnadren 250. "Swiss" product with russian writing, something doesn't add up.

alex073's picture

These omnadren is 100% legit made in Bulgaria but the PharmaSwiss head office be in Ceska republica.

PharmaSwiss Ceska republika s.r.o. Jankovcova 1569/2c + Praha 17000 Czech Republic
testosteron decanoate testosteron isocaproate testosteron phenylpropionate testosteron propionate
100 mg/ml 60 mg/ml 60 mg/ml 30 mg/ml
solution for injection
intramuscular use

"More than 8 months ago pharmaceutical company PharmaSwiss get the license from Jelfa and now they produce Omnadren 250, if someone sell Jelfa it's old stuff or fake. Sustanon by organon is same quality like omnadren, we talk about pharmaceuticals products, just it's little more expensive, thats only difference"

also read this somewhere else.

"it's in Bulgarian and is made by a new amalgamated company part of Sandoz called "PharmaSwiss" Ceska Repulika Jankovcova 1569/2 Prague (Czech Republic) but is still produced in the Jelfa factory in Jelena Gora Poland. This is the real deal if you can get your hands on it"

Alfonso's picture

Is there sources out there that have the old school expensive pharma grade gear nowadays? Everything is underground. Smh

Muscle Game's picture

Honestly in all these years i have been fedup with fakes rolling around. This seems to be the right direction. Thanks for awaring us and the detailed info brother!

BigThing's picture

Good to know, thanks for educating me. Haven't used that stuff in years as I heard there are a lot of fakes out there. +1

alex073's picture

yes bro a lot of fakes on the market,made in Slovakia