Swoleoil's picture
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S.I. Page deletion.


At my request I had my S.I. page deleted. The only reason I am posting this is so people's minds don't explode. Later. Swole.

i20bpm's picture

Imo taking hcg on cycle is pointless bc your telling your hpta to turn back on but then your next shot of test etc. your turning it back off and so on and so forth as opposed to taking it off cycle turning your already surpressed hpta back on by hcg and pct and healing and letting that be that.

kodiakGRRL's picture

There are a percentage of cases where hcg is required due to issues with shbg and fsh levels (mostly guys running trt) estrogen levels are often blamed for the symptoms in many cases and estrogen is not the issue .. don't knock something until you know every aspect of it

i20bpm's picture

Lol don't knock something? How did I knock it? Imo means in my opinion and that's what I offered plus I learn from real world experience not just reading something and parroting it back

kodiakGRRL's picture

you did not have all the information ... you give out misinformation when you don't have all the facts, presenting facts is not considered "parroting" ... you basically told him incorrect information with your real world experience. I suppose you used hcg while on cycle and you experienced turning your system "on" and "off" ? If you are offended by my use of terms then my apologies .. next time I ll just say you dont have all the facts .. much more straight forward that way

kodiakGRRL's picture

there is no research that I have seen to suggest that a particular time to pin is better than another. most people find that they prefer the mornings due to their routine ... there are some studies out regarding fertility and timing of injections but even those don't always agree

i20bpm's picture

Lol I didn't give out misinformation what I said is definitely true and if your basing that off what you said by your own omission you said some ppl soon if its only some then how can what I said be misinformation? And parroting is reading something and repeating it without having the first hand knowledge and experience to back it up sooo

kodiakGRRL's picture

I work with men who juice, I live with men who juice, I train men who juice...I don't have to use hcg to know how it works.. I take it you've never been to a female medical professional? you did give out misinformation becuase you did not give all the information .. you don't know why he was prescribed hcg

I don't have a dick but I sure do know how it works ;-)

i20bpm's picture

Lol so if someone doesn't give out everything on a subject its considered misinformation? Lol and you say your a professional with saying something like that? That is simply the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard and read the post he says why lol just when you thought you heard it all

i20bpm's picture

But even still how is that misinformation? But I think you got the wrong idea I thought you were asking when to take it so I just told you when I would bc on cycle it confuses the hell out of your hpta lol assuming you don't have a problem that effects less % 5 haha ;-)

vhman's picture

Couldn't of said it better myself.

i20bpm's picture

Lol you never know tons of ppl run it on cycle but you said your off cycle right meow and taking pharma hcg right meow? LMFAO I hope that was by accident bc that be some funny shit lol made my night.

i20bpm's picture

Haha yeah I've seen it. Well you produce the most test in the morning so maybe mimicking the normal release would be the way to go but I hope you have a really good ai your running with it bc that much especially will get your estro levels sky high. I wonder if I can find a endo in my area to do that for me.

i20bpm's picture

Nice lol yeah they charge you more than black market pharma lol comical how that works isn't it

AppleJuice's picture

Damn! This really throws a monkey wrench into everything now. Been dealing with swole 100% and the thought of using a different supplier kills me!!!! When you've had the best it's hard to mess with the rest. :(

i20bpm's picture

Anyone ever use ment aka trestelone man that shit is fire gave me tren cough bad

i20bpm's picture

Yeah I read that before and I'm sure you remember me mentioning why I don't run tren anymore in the si bc that exact process gave me nodules or scar tissue in my lungs as did a few others ik of that actually had the extra cash to get scanned. My assumption is that this happens to almost everyone and it isn't good obviously. I really should put up that thread with a link or something to my scan copies. I just wasn't aware that trest did that too. But yeah my son had a issue with his heart at birth and they were giving him prostaglandins to keep a vessel open that only functions in utero then closes up upon birth, but he's fine now almost 2 no problems thanks to a miracle that drs still cannot explain.

i20bpm's picture

Its not a 19 nor thing bc deca and npp don't bother me but no I won't run tren anymore bc of the scar tissue part but I already have some flonase lol read some of the negative effects mainly women it seems get from flonase its pretty crazy like loosing your sense of smell and taste FOREVER which I'm pretty sure is a side effect some get from all corticosteroids.

Hustle28's picture

By far the healthiest si on eroids very mature members except "Trenplease" he's the only person fucking it up !! Swole stay safe the if people don't get it that's there problem but I know shit is way too hot

MITCH 23's picture

This si page wet down hill a long time ago. Swole is still best domestic.

Owes a Review × 1
i20bpm's picture

All right no one else is going to say it then I will, this place sucks without the si around, looks like its time for a break for myself.

xflipside's picture


Owes a Review × 1
madman's picture


lonewolf1's picture

Man been tryin to figure out where your si page went have not neen on last couple wks been remodeling my home went to get on your page and thought i forgot how to get back on. Are you still open for business??? Love ya O.G. no homo !!!

Dragon992's picture

He's closed.

cgi's picture

Swole you're the best. We need you!

Lilbear's picture


vhman's picture

No, no, no, no, no, nooo, nooooooo! ;-)

NoWeakAces's picture


DaRedDawg's picture

Noticed the site is closed until further notice. Lay low OG. Hope you will be back soon.

NoWeakAces's picture

You noticed incorrectly. The site is and has been open.

Darkhorse777's picture

Ya it says closed for now if you try to bring up product

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