committed's picture
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+ 1 Test E Bulk First Cycle


36, 5'10", 185, 9%, ecto-mesomorph

This is nearly a copy of a recently reviewed cycle with some tweaks.

Goal / expectation: gain 25 pounds of weight, of which at most 8 pounds is fat. (As little fat as possible, really, but - to be realistic - this is a bulk.) As many inches on the chest as possible - don't know how to put a number on what's possible.


Calories. 25 pounds in 16 weeks (keep gaining into PCT) = 1.6 pounds per week = 800 calories per day over BMR. 3213 + 800 = 4013, by the calculator, but I've gained slower than the calculator in the past. I am concerned that I will undershoot (or less likely overshoot) and waste the cycle. Unless I cut slowly I lose muscle like crazy, so I want to avoid adding needless fat mass.

(*) AI: There is no consensus on how much to use, and it seems to be test-dose-dependent. Some even say it can work to have it on hand but take none. I am seriously considering holding off until I see side effects. I don't want to compromise my first=best cycle by crashing estrogen, even if it can be adjusted. I also don't want to end up paying to have my breasts removed. Anecdotes on AI-free 500mg test cycles would be appreciated.

HCG: edit: dropped from the plan. Keep it simple. was: Is 500IU for 10 weeks better than 1000IU for 5? It's probably unnecessary, but I am less worried about it compromising anything than I am the AI.

WeekTestosterone Enanthate (/ 2 doses)Anastrozole (E3D) (*)ClomifeneTamoxifen
16100mg / day40mg / day
17100mg / day40mg / day
1850mg / day20mg / day
1950mg / day20mg / day
awagz's picture

Looks solid, so does your foundation. As long as you stay on point w the diet and routine, 25 pounds for a first cycle is very possible. I gained nearly 35 on my first run bUT I ate like a slob and didn't have the good foundation that you do. Best of luck man, go kill it out there! !

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dothework29's picture

Looks like a good first cycle to me bud

committed's picture

Thanks for the feedback.

Chest: you are so right it's lacking. It has always been my way-lagging weak point, although my favorite to work. I don't know if "hammer" means more weight, more frequency, more reps, more sets, or more rest. I've experimented - right now I am doing 20 sets in the 8-10 range and 4 sets heavier - on chest day. About 6 sets pyramiding weight on shoulder day, done after shoulder press. My technique has got to be wrong. I have read everything I can and done my best to apply it. My delts like to take over. At this point it seems like I should hire a trainer to watch, coach, and sort it out.

Blood work I was planning to do after 6 weeks.

HCG I will keep around. Yes, it may be noticed when my balls shrink, but fessing up if asked is a fine option.

Catalyst's picture

Try this. Might give you some new things to think about.

committed's picture

It's intriguing.

It seems like I will need to go very light, as in by the second round of the first circuit I may be down to flyes with just my arms. (Joking, but not by much.)

I am sure this will leave me tired and cause DOMS. I worry about whether it is the best thing to add size because the rep ranges are off the bell curve. If anything, the shock from the change should cause some growth, but it couldn't be optimal long-term, no?

Catalyst's picture

but it couldn't be optimal long-term, no?

You shouldn't be viewing any training schedule as "long term", you should be constantly changing it.

It seems like I will need to go very light,

Then you lack intensity in your current training. Lighter, yes. "Very light" no. If you always train heavy low reps, you'll probably lack muscular endurance.

As for best thing to do to add size, what do you do currently? Seems like you think only low reps and heavy all the time builds mass. You think that's what bodybuilders do?

Bottom line is you need to keep changing things up, changing intensity, some workouts heavy, some more about volume and pump. Don't be one of the guys that does the same thing every week. It works for a while but soon stops being effective.

committed's picture

I do appreciate you taking the time to respond here and to post the workout in the first place - just to be clear.

What I currently do is not totally rigid about reps, but it's something close to 12/10/6/10+8 for compound movements - yes the same in every workout. Isolation movements would be more like 3x15. I do get the value of changing things, though.

Just before this I was doing constant weight aiming for 4x12 for 8 weeks. My strength did not progress that way, but the experiment was to leave out the heavy sets entirely.

In the past I've done plans from Shortcut to Size, Shortcut to Shred, and Living Large. The "Shortcut" ones worked for me for their designed purpose. On Living Large I didn't progress much. Shortcut to Size, which worked best, uses linear periodization - same rep ranges for a whole week, in 4-week cycles. High reps is 12-15; low is 3-5.

That worked so well for me that I kept repeating it, but even 12-week plans get stale, which is how I ended up doing what I am doing now. My plan on cycle was to do what I currently am, heavy and moderate in the same workout. Most workouts similar, but being a bit intuitive - not going heavy if I'm already hurting, or chasing the pump more if I have extra energy.

This has all got me second guessing whether I should go back to Shortcut to Size or at least something similar because I know it has worked for me in the past. My main issue is in the heavy week it doesn't feel like I'm doing any work.

Maybe I'll try your hardcore chest workout before I get regimented. I'm sure it will waste me.

The only thing is I will have to learn to count to 50. Right now I can only count to 15.

simonmagus84's picture

I like the cycle but I agree with Sumatra. You can always add some proviron throughout the cycle and then drop it last pin. +1 for keeping it simple and your goals are realistic but expect some bloat gaining 25lbs. Good luck man

Darkhorse777's picture

Good way to start nice and slow +1

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Sumatra_Triangle's picture

Hcg not Needed for first cycle entire length. If want to use do it after your last pin, but before pct.

Lools like a basic cycle.

How's your diet?

committed's picture

My diet is based around 40% carbs, 35% protein, 25% fat. I've been at 3500 calories for a while, gaining slowly. That's 350g carbs, 306g protein, 97g fat.

That mostly comes from whole food, although there's a good chunk from powders. The food is very clean, and junk food or alcohol come in very moderate quantities once or twice a month. Today:

Mini Wheats, skim milk, blueberries, banana, protein powder: 558 cal
Protein powder, vitargo in shake: 400 cal
(30 minutes later) 6 egg whites, 3 yolks, 10 strawberries, bowl of oatmeal: 488 cal
Beef stew, sauteed mushrooms, pasta, kale and tomato salad: 630 cal
Tuna, greek yogurt, carrots: 225 cal
10oz ground turkey, tomato sauce, whole wheat spaghetti: 780 cal
Spinach, sardines, bread: 263 cal
Casein protein, almonds: 300 cal
Total: 3644

I usually get my 3-5 servings of vegetables, but lots and lots of vegetables fill me up and make it hard to take in enough calories.

Usually the carb mix is better: sweet potato, quinoa, brown rice, white rice, apples, barley, farro

My favorites for proteins and fats:
protein powder, chicken breast, top sirloin, canned tuna, ground turkey, chicken thigh, low-fat sausage, black beans, low-fat ricotta, salmon, cod, pork tenderloin

peanut butter, almonds, flax seed, chocolate, olive oil, canola oil

HCG, I am still confused. Some people seem to think it will interfere with rebound of LH or at least with the testicles' response to that.

In this thread one guy gives three different options: