RATDOG's picture
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+ 2 Second cycle


My first cycle was Test-e 500mg per week.Split Mon/Thurs. I gained 13 lbs lean muscle and lost 2-3% BF

I am 195 lbs and around 13%.I am hoping this cycle treats me just as good.I decided to do it all the same but add anavar.I planned on 5 weeks at 50mg.Anyone think more or less on dose or days I would love input.My goals are to add another 8lbs or so of lean muscle while dropping to sub 10% BF... My diet and training are great.I just need to make sure I don't over train.I felt great my first cycle and hit the gym twice a day and 7 days a week some weeks....I waited 16 days to start PCT last cycle.What are the thoughts there?

WeekTestosterone EnanthateAnavarArimidexNolva/clomid
1500mg.5 EOD
2500mg.5 EOD
3500mg.5 EOD
4500mg.5 EOD
5500mg.5 EOD
6500mg.5 EOD
7500mg.5 EOD
8500mg50mg D.5 EOD
9500mg5omg D.5 EOD
10500mg5omg D.5 EOD
11500mg5omg D.5 EOD
12500mg5omg D.5 EOD
13.5 EOD
Makwa's picture

Well, hopefully other people reading this log will learn something. Lot of good info dished out in it.

HomebrewedII's picture

That much dex makes my joints hurt just looking at it. I don't know if I'm the only one that it kills if I over do it or not. Sadly it was before eroids. And I swear it felt like I had ground up glass in my elbows.

Makwa's picture

Good to point that out.

Sumatra_Triangle's picture

Why don't. You agree with a mid cycle Oral?
I have thought about doing that a few times actually.
I just like to kick-start more then experiment

Makwa's picture

Probably going to crash estro taking it right out the gate. Normally 4-5 wks in is a good time to start it.
I would run the var right up to PCT.

Sumatra_Triangle's picture

Why don't. You agree with a mid cycle Oral?
I have thought about doing that a few times actually.
I just like to kick-start more then experiment

Makwa's picture

If your BF is low enough I don't see a problem running var mid or as a kicker. I think it would be just fine running it any point in your cycle then. Yeah I know people say you can get a strength boost from var, but my point of view it is a polishing compound to harden up a lean physique, so no point in running it with higher BF in my opinion. If looking for strength boosts there are better and much cheaper alternatives with higher BF.

thenewguy1's picture

Have you been getting bloods done? What are your baseline TEST,LH, and FSH levels and how are your levels looking now?

spo0f's picture

Sounds like a decent second cycle to me.
From personal experience I have found Var to take a good 2-3 weeks to properly kick in and thats running 100mg everyday.

It maybe food for thought to have a look at starting the var maybe a couple of week earlier and running a little longer. Did you run Var on your last cycle, if so you will know whether or not this may work for youself :).

12 weeks of test-e is great, once again from experience and people I have helped any less than 12 weeks of a long ester really doesn't cut it.

pct also looks good, I may sound like a broken record but depending on how your body responds I tend to adjust my start point of PCT by a few days. After test-e only cycles for myself, 2 weeks is more than long enough, but we are all different.

Hope it all goes well for you!

Makwa's picture

Looks like a pretty sane cycle. With good var that should be plenty. If you don't get into the single digit BF I personally wouldn't bother running it and just focus on putting mass on for the remainder of the cycle.

The Impastable's picture

Word of advice, make sure you have legit var.... You may be running a different steroid disguised as Var, which may alter your gains to some degree

Whitetrash's picture

This looks reasonable and with the right diet and training you should hit your stated goals. Personally I would wait 17 days after last test e pin before pct but you will know yourself from your first cycle what worked for you. The var has a short half life so no issues there. Keep us posted on your progress.

Justanotherguy's picture

This is a well thought out, and more importantly safe cycle. I see no reason why you can't add another 10lbs of mass while dropping to below 10% ( that's all to do with your diet).
Anavar is a fairly mild oral, but remeber to take your liver support as well.
Most people wait two weeks to start pct, however I don't think two days really makes a difference there.

And lastly, don't forget to get mid cycle and post cycle bloods. Best of luck!

Justanotherguy's picture

By the way, you double posted. Delete the other one.

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