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injectable winstrol


I've been planning a summer cycle and it looks like this:

weeks 1-12:
Test E 600mg wkly (split in 2 shots)
Winstrol injectable 50 mg eod
weeks 6-12
Anavar 50 mg dly

I have the proper Ai's if needed. I have run 4 cycles in the last 3 years, A few about 15 years ago also. My question is has anyone used Winstrol Inj. version? I am looking to really try to cut up. I am presently 277lbs at 13%bf. Ive never below 12%.

cd1's picture

Injectable winny with water based test suspension was part of my first ever comp prep, in the side delts everyday that shit hurt


Man up............. hit that shit @50mg pr day 7 days pr week.............. if you cant handle the pain then crack the amp and pour the stan under your tongue and let the sublingual gland absorb it.... this way it gets directly into the blood stream whereas drinking it takes a lot longer.

Deadspace's picture

Oral Stan has a half life of 8-9hours whereas inj. Stan has a half life of 24 hours, given the different esters, could one still take inj. Stan (under the tongue) like you suggested and still have the 24hour half life ?

www's picture

Ok, 50 ed. then thanks. I did read it could be taken orally as well. Have you ever tried it that way? or just injection?

Owes a Review × 1

All 3 ways i tried bro........... i find inj is best because that stuff tastes fkn awful lol


Definately bro................. the pain is not half as bad as they make out, i used to hit Bi-laterally ED for years before i found superior products...... winny is old hat now really bro there are better options .

cry_havoc's picture

I haven't thought about injectable winni in years. It was so much more effective than the oral version. Always shredded me!


Well we dont need it now that we have inj Mtren and Mast prop bro

cry_havoc's picture

Agreed much more effective!

Catalyst's picture

X2. No point in eod winny injections. You'll either have to hack the pain or don't use it at all.

Dickkhead's picture

Injectable Winny is the reference standard for pain. NOTHING can compare. It's a nightmare that you will never forget.

cry_havoc's picture

50 mg EOD will not be enough. YOu need to inject daily with winni. Be prepared for some serious burning and pain!!!

Oldermuscle41's picture

Get ready to be in some pain!! Winny inject is the worst shit I have ever pinned!! Maybe it was just me but that shit has some serious pip.. On a side note not sure if you need Winny and var together, I would use one or the other, but that's just me. Also, you may want to consider test prop if your goal is to lean out.

But really getting lean is less to do with your gear then diet. So make sure you have it in check..

www's picture

Thanks. I considered Test Prop. I have plenty of it, so I'll consider switching. Thanks

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www's picture

a few more details. I'm 43 and 6'2. Ive been on TRT for 3 years now. That has helped me drop down to 13%. Historically I was always around17-18%. I'd like to get to 255lbs at 10% and stay there. Ive been incorporating more fast pace workouts, less rest, reps around 10-12. Diet right now is not so strick, but I'll be starting to crack down next week. I find gradual cutting carbs and sugars work better. No crash rebounds this way. Diet will be @ 3000 cals. 400g Protien/ 150g Carbs/ 100g Fats. Cardio HIIT style mostly 25-30 min after workouts. I try to keep my workouts (weights) short and intense 30 min and done.
The reason I chose Win Inj, was so I can drop Cals if needed to drop weight and not sacrifice any muscle loss.

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cd1's picture

You can still drop cals with a good test and it doesn't have to be a fact of adding winny into your cycle, your body waste muscle when it becomes catabolic and with that said...
Try doing cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach as your body will be fasted from an average of 8 hours sleep and will then start to burn the fat as energy and as your body will also me quite catabolic then take bcaa's along with a small amount glutamine to prevent muscle wastage... I find doing cardio after training is ok if it moderate and used just to burn a few extra cals as you really need that protein and carb intake after training and doing HIT cardio after a good workout in my mind isn't ideal if your looking to keep hold of that muscle.
And as you mentioned...diet isn't strict!... It needs to be.

www's picture

Thanks for the tips. You obviously know what you"re talking about. I saw you pre contest pic. Looked good. I pretty much know what needs to be done. It's all diet I know. I think because I'm not actually working towards a goal, like contest etc. I sometimes am not as strict as I need to be. Thanks for the help

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cd1's picture

Your welcome and the best of luck

cd1's picture

As Jellotrip said, winny is more of a pre comp harder than a real fat burner and this where people can get mislead it may be worth posting a few self photos so we can see whether it's going to be down to diet that required as by the looks of gear photos you've run quite a few different compounds over the years and really fat burning is down to diet and cardio with anabolics being used as the fine tuning so to speak.