JintoBold's picture
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(I see this often) I just seen a source with 3 reviews in a row where all the reviews state that the product is bunk.Yet all 3 reviews still recommended the sources... The "bunk" products still listed and the next 3 guys are buying them

One of the things I wanted to get some feedback on is source responsibility. How responsible is a source for what they serve? Our voting system is democratic. There is no right and wrong way to vote. People vote with different intentions and different purposes. I am in no way suggesting that anyones intentions are better or worse then the next guys. I for one believe that our review and recommendation is best served to inform other. I make my vote and recommendation with this and only this on my conscience. I am not looking to criticize anyone in this post. Just to understand. We set the voting system standards together as a community. It may be helpful to discuss the standards so we can get a better understanding of "I RECOMMEND THIS SOURCE"

There is one scenario in particular that concerns me. Sources that sell crap and still manage to have members click the, "I RECOMMEND THIS SOURCE." I see this often. The member will review the products and elaborately explain how they were ineffective but then still stamp the, "I RECOMMEND THIS SOURCE." The logic I read is that it was not that sources line of gear so they are not responsible for the quality... Heres my position. I expect that what I purchase will be what is stated on the label.. Now, It may be constructed in poor quality... When I buy a UGL product I understand that its not going to be constructed in the same manner as a pharmaceutical product, but if the label says 250mg testosterone cypionate then I expect to get 250mg testosterone cypionate. NOT trying to split hairs with something slightly misdosed here either... Same with HGH... Without getting into pharma vs generic and 191aa vs 192aa... Just simply stated, is it HGH or not... (please don't run with this one pharma bros Smile )

I understand that this is blackmarket but that's even more the reason why our stamp of approval and vote is so significant. I believe we need to hold sources responsible and we certainly have the power to do that. However, letting them off the hook and even recommending them as they continue to sell garbage and bunk gear is not going to help us keep the standards at a competitive level that is going to insist that a source provide us with high quality products... That's my other point. What sources sell is a reflection of our standards. This is EROIDS. We deserve the highest standards!

I am not speaking to sources that have isolated problems with a product. I am speaking towards sources that consistently sell a line of products that are garbage and continue to sell them to the next guy even after getting called out. Sure, its the consumers burden to do their research. I understand that but when we are recommending a source that is selling crap is sending a bad message or mixed message not only to the next consumer but to the source itself. We are basically saying to the source that its OK to sell garbage because your name is not on it. Well gentlemen, I respectfully and wholeheartedly DISAGREE. I believe we should hold the source responsible for selling a product that is not as labeled. If we do, they then will respond by scrutinizing their products wisely with our best interest in mind. They will think twice about putting a questionable product on their menu or even an intentionally, an underdosed one. They will be accountable for what they sell and forced to hold higher standards. This is in the communities best interest.

I am curious about how you think we should handle sources that are selling these consistently underdosed and bunk line of products. Should we be OK with it because its not their name on the label? Recommend them because their service is good and they will replace the bunk? Should we pressure them by NOT recommending them and down voting?.. I want to reemphasize that this is our forum and our votes and recommendations will set the standards >How a source conducts business is a reflection of those standards.

This is not a pharma vs UGL question... This is a question of getting what on the label

KMC's picture


Owes a Review × 1
Eagles 2013's picture

I am going to be very careful here not to break the rules but point out something that I just noticed. There was a src last year that ran a promo for free d-bol and adex. It took them 8 months to get packs to people because they were having issues clearing customs and communication was HORRIBLE. They would not answer pm's and everyone was up in arms on their si bitching, moaning and pitching a fit about how the src just went mia, promo packs weren't landing, no communication, "I can't believe I gave them my name and shipping address and now they bailed omfg" etc... The src finally comes clean, tells everyone what was up and packs start landing, but this is after 8 months and almost no communication.

A few months later the src runs another promo for free gear and ask if there same people are leaving reviews for the promo I just mentioned and saying things like "communication was on point", "T/A was standard" blah, blah, blah then hitting them up for more free gear. Fucking pathetic.

I will admit that I requested to get in on this second promo as well because when I did get the product from the first promo I was very happy with it and the second one is for gear that I was ready to use. HOWEVER, I left a very honest review and rated each aspect of doing business with them appropriately. The src contacted me and asked why I would want in again after rating them the way I did and I reminded them of the damn near one year T/A and the fact that none of my pm's were answered.

It really gets under my skin seeing all of these people leaving bs reviews about the communication and T/A from the last promo just because some free gear is being dangled in front of their face.

In a promo × 1
CR1970's picture

I just saw this. Once member(s) establishes a "love connection" with a src, it's almost impossible for them to be swayed regardless of the evidence you provide, I can come on and give an unfavorable review and you would have thought I had bitch slapped someones grandmother. Three more love struck reviews come in taking little jabs at mine and the next thing you know I cant possibly know what Im talking about. If its bad gear then the members need to know it. But ironically its the members who are protecting these src's.

Im in my 40's andI can remember when SSB (its been so long ago I can remember the name ) was around and we had to send an email to get a list so we could shop and some of you can go back further than that. I think it's funny when these kids come in and try to rip a review of mine apart all in the name of loyalty. Many of us could get more out of a little Test P then some of these boys running an arsenal of complex compounds. Live and learn or stay popular and ingnorant I suppose.

extremediezel's picture

here is my scenario, a while ago i bought some goods from a source that the oils was shit but the orals was great. the source carries different labs, so in the end i did recommend the source for some of his service but not that specific lab.. it seems fair to me..

KMC's picture

misery loves company

Owes a Review × 1
vhman's picture

This is the whole reason why Eroids exists. To allow members to use and review gear from sources.
That puts almost all of the burden on us, the members to be honest in our reviews. Many people do this, but there are many who don't. That's why so many of us get upset with "fanboys", because they ruin the entire process with their dishonest reviews and nut-hugging.
As far as going beyond that and "holding the sources responsible", that is what the MOD's and BFG do on a daily basis. When a source gets out of line, they are there to take care of it and I've seen it many times.
That being said, the bulk of the responsibility still lies with us members. We all need to be sure that we honestly review what we purchase and call out others when we see them not upholding that standard.
Eroids is run by it's members and I hope we all can take that seriously.

Makwa's picture

I miss Ed's fanboy of the week. Helped to put fanboys on notice that that shit wasn't going to be tolerated.

vhman's picture

Agreed. There are a few more dedicated forums to "fanboy" idiocy in the group section.

SenseiMiagi's picture

Agree 100% Regardless of who makes the product, what is sent reflects the source. Ultimately if a particular brand is not selling, the source will pull it from the shelf as its not worth stocking. If its a UGL, then that would at least force said UGL to deliver a better product to be sold. Capitalism at its finest, but the only way to make it work is if everyone gives honest feedback on said labs.

Realistically, this will be difficult since Eroids is not the only source of income for these suppliers, and fake reviews/reps plague the voting and discussion everywhere.

To your point, Yes source reviews should reflect the product purchased from said source IMO.

Makwa's picture

I have no tolerance for mislabeled product. Bit me in the ass once already. Same with underdosed/bunk gear. Product effectiveness is what is most important to me and this relates to the quality of the gear. If customer service and ta are great that is icing on the cake and will that will be the deciding factor for my source considering equal effectiveness of the gear.

No matter how many times a source calls me "bro" they are still not my bro and I will review and rate them accordingly for all the categories, good or bad. If the gear is subpar, I will not recommend them even though they called me bro 100 times and I got my pack in two days. If it was the best damn gear I ever used and it took 30 days to get here and I never heard a peep from the source I will recommend because of the quality of the gear but TA will be mentioned if people are shy about waiting that long and may want to go somewhere else.

Dishonest and bullshit reviews will be our downfall, so we need to do whatever we can to weed them out.
