rmarlin's picture
  • 52

New York Supplier Busted


Anthony Taibbi, 30, was arrested Thursday after police found a large Ziploc bag of the bodybuilding steroid trenbolone acetate, two large Ziploc bags of testosterone and 150 glass vials of testosterone upon executing a search warrant of two packages delivered from Hong Kong, to Taibbi's Russell Street home, according to court documents.


Goose24's picture

Sounded like he was a reshipper for a couple labs? Am i reading that correctly? Or just strango?

mobman702's picture

Was he ever a member on here at anytime in the past year or more???

cthangorilla's picture

Shiiit. I'll think twice before I order anything on eBay from Hong Kong ever again. Don't need those pesky pigs tracking mud all over my house.

Owes a Review × 1
Deathpool's picture

Any idea who the supplier is?

rmarlin's picture

His phone number is online, you can contact him lol.

Deathpool's picture

OMFG Retarded lol, what the fuck do these guys think?