SexWeightsProteinShakes's picture
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+ 9 Bloodwork on Ashop gear


Noticed i was getting a pea sized bump under my left nipple
was worried about estrogen so i got bloods
guess that wasn't the problem lol
running 100mg mast prop, tren ace, 50mg test prop EOD 12.5mg aro, 50mg provi
mast and tren are stealth
prop, provi and aro is balkan
apparently the gh i was taking isnt doing shit glad i started genos yesterday

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SuperMax's picture

Dose that Exemestane 2X a day & keep up on your water intake. Try to keep them liver values in range. They can be a bitch if they go unchecked. +2

BeastMode5085's picture

curious, why would he change his aro dosing protocol? his e2 is 24... pretty fucking good. I know aro has the short half life and I am partial to the 2x a day dosing but here I feel like he should just keep with what he is doing.... its working.

SuperMax's picture

Estrogen will spike. I'm running 750mg test a week right now & last test I pulled was a HGH serum. In line with the testing protocol, I fasted for 12 hours. Also had a femal harmone panel that morning. Needless to say I didn't take my AI in that period of time & my E2 had climbed up around 150. So Keep stable levels & dose at least 2X a day. I now dose Examastane at 12.5mg 3X a day. Breakfast, lunch & dinner.

SexWeightsProteinShakes's picture

Thanks for the info!

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Pale's picture

Add me to the list too. The one under my left is completely different than the one on the right but they both pretty much disappear when drop back to TRT level. Tren does seem to be aggravating it more tho. I am not completely convinced yet, but I am starting to notice a definite pattern.

SexWeightsProteinShakes's picture

Glad to hear this. Had me nevous so I got bloods then started letro for a few days and kind of crashed my estro lol. Hard to really pin point the mast. But I am seeing good results and feeling great, besides the estro crash. Starting to get a lot vainier and harder. Just need to keep on it. I feel good about the stealth gear tho.

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SexWeightsProteinShakes's picture

I'll get some niacin. Also it was from a different board. I am going to run my genos for a bit then get igf tested. That will help me figure out some things. Also I have been on low carbs not sure if that makes a difference. And I added that gw and s4 not too long ago.

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BostonGeorge's picture

Well shit man that's sketchy, could it be prolactin from the tren? I don't see any caber or prami in the description. I have a little pea as well and I'm on aro+plus just a small dose of caber. It seems to be getting better but I might be forced to try some raloxifine if it doesn't improve. I wish you the best. Bitch tit is the absolute worst, makes me want to cry :(

SexWeightsProteinShakes's picture

Ya I did add caber in also. Forgot to mention that. Idk I'll just keep an eye on it. Remember I noticed it last cycle and went away after.

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j1980's picture

Thanks for posting!

solidman's picture

Thanks for sharing brother +1

guitarplayer1's picture

Thanks for posting up labs +1

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BeastMode5085's picture

this bp or sp? looking good though! +1

SexWeightsProteinShakes's picture

tren and mast was stealth
test prop, aro and provi balkan

nothing was sp

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BeastMode5085's picture

oops im an impatient idiot, i see you wrote the answer in description

KK9111's picture

thanks for the bloods +2

juiceball8082's picture

You take anything to control cholesterol?

SexWeightsProteinShakes's picture

not yet i am surprised it's that out of wack
i will be looking into stuff for it tho

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juiceball8082's picture

Niacin with flush will fix that right up! It turns your bad into good numbers. 1000 mg a day. Also i use fish oil, garlic and co q10 all on a daily. I started with flush free niacin and it did change my numbers but niacin with flushing has the stronger and proven benifets.

SexWeightsProteinShakes's picture

i take multi vit 2x a day, fish oil 3x a day, vit c 3x a day, coq10 once, liv52 DS once a day, and over the counter stuff called life support once a day...i will look into niacin with flush...thank you!

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SexWeightsProteinShakes's picture

not sick...wonder if the extra anti oxidants i have been taking have something to do with that?

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