Xtrmlivin's picture
  • 22

+ 7 secondary labs tests swole oil 600mg test


Ok so here is the follow up on the original post i did this is 100% swole oil at 600mg pinned monday at 4am pinned friday at 4am test was done mid morning.

Ordered from: 
EmPee's picture

I spend a lot of time in Lab tests section although I don't comment as much as I did before, because apparently when you're a SRC, you're automatically biased even when you say 1+1=2. Anyway..

I can't help but notice your E2 (estradiol) levels. This means Test is being converted to E2 via aromatase.. which means you will have lower Test levels as seen in the Lab Test.. how low no one can know. But instead of guessing, I think the best way is to control your E2 via an AI then have a proper test. Even though the "normal" ref range goes up to 42, I would aim for lower, max of 30. I won't school you as to why E2 must be low, if you're cycling, I bet you know damn well. High E2 also downregulates AR receptors, and can be antagonists in certain tissue.. don't quote me on this but I'm pretty sure about it. Anyway bottom line is control it, no use in using steroids to grow when you're rocking an E2 level like that..

As I said I hang around this section pretty often, and your source currently seems one with constantly positive blood tests. And I know about the mass-brewing/big batch thing.. So logically speaking, 1-2 tests out of X using the same vial.. I wouldn't blame the product. At the end of the day, you are purchasing and using AAS to grow and look/feel good, that is the main aim, not to bash or honor any source. So if I were you next step would be to control E2 immediately and get back on track.

Another thing worth mentioning is BIO-INDIVIDUALITY. This is very important and most people overlook it.. even doctors.. You can make me ingest 1gram of caffeine at night, and I promise you I'll sleep just like I would any other day, and I never drink coffee or energy drinks or preworkouts.. so not a matter of tolerance.. Point is, everyone is DIFFERENT. We respond DIFFERENTLY. If your Test levels were in normal range, I probably wouldn't bring up this point, but it's not, it's just relatively low compared to others. I've seen IGF-1 tests for same GH/dose, some people just respond REALLY well. Why is it that when someone scores higher than all the rest, no one bats an eye, but when someone scores lower than others, everyone is worried. It is the same thing, bio-individuality.

Those are my .02 bro.. I've been in this game for a long time, done and seen a lot. You can't see pics under my profile now, but all old timers here know what I look like and know that I know my shit. Still, take my word for what its worth..

Best of luck, hope I helped.

MegaT883's picture

Well put EmPee. High E2 and E1 levels can affect not only FT levels (free Testosterone) but also TT levels (total testosterone). It's a know fact that increased estrogen levels will increase SHBG (Sex hormone-binding globulin). High SHBG lower FT. Everyone focuses on Total T which only tells part of the story.

Swoleoil's picture


Swoleoil's picture


Xtrmlivin's picture

You,p2,swole mega,and bm are the only ones with actual information to help me i appreciate it.

Swoleoil's picture


Swoleoil's picture

Wow! Someone actually responds with a scientific/medical responce instead of a bunch of speculation. It took over 50 plus post times two lab test post to get the right answer. Amazing.

Swoleoil's picture

Yes you did. Thank you for being intelligent too brother.

Xtrmlivin's picture

I have an Ai coming in this week gonna start that to lower estro and then retest any idea how long after i start it i should get test done?

bm765's picture

K im not experienced in this area by any means in terms of firsthand experience, however Ive done a lot of research and know how things are supposed to work "on paper" in preparation for my 1st cycle (which I'm currently 2 weeks into, using swoles gear) and i gotta say, based on numerous studies Ive read that look at the dose response of exogenously administered testosterone as it relates to things like E2 conversion, DHT, free/total test, etc. this test number seems right on the money. Im running 500mg cyp/week and based on the literature Ive read (which of course is administering pharmaceutical grade test to the subjects in the studies), when I do get mid cycle bloods drawn, Im expecting a total test # just over 2000-2200ng/dL.

does that sound right to you vets? Im a bit confused, (and please don't take this as a call out OP, just trying to make sure I understand this stuff correctly, thank you for posting bloods) because this would be right at where I'd expect running 600mg test/week.

bm765's picture

like i said, based on the studies i read, thats what i'd expect. i explicitly stated i have zero previous experience as I'm currently 2 weeks into my 1st ever cycle.




i have a lot more bookmarked on my laptop at school but you get the idea. according to these studies, 600mgs of test enth is putting individuals at around 2400ng/dl. Im not saying this is infallible, I'm not saying anyone is lying about their dosages/levels, but I'm certainly not going to completely dismiss studies aimed at predicting the dose response healthy males seem to exhibit for x, y, and z mg of test per week.

CBBurrr's picture

BM, The numbers you are looking at are nadir values, bloods taken at the lowest point.
These tests are also based on weekly injections. According to the trend that these bloods present, the average serum level will be 4x the weekly dose on the 7th day after pinning.
Bloods taken after twice weekly pins will have a smaller peak and trough. None of the studies done measure peak serum levels, nor do they study twice a week pins.

The trend that I've seen is that twice weekly pinning should get us bloods in the 6x to 8x range.
500mg a week should be getting you at least 6x on bloods, 3000 ng/dl
There will be some folks that fall out of the norm, some dudes may only get 4x, but there should be an equal amount of deviation to the upside, some scoring 9x or 10x

bm765's picture

oh absolutely, theres definitely something to be said about real world experience vs how things "should" work based on say reading it from a textbook or something. I'm with you, thats what i like about this stuff because it really comes down to a little bit of everything; one size doesn't fit all and its those years of lifting, proper nutrition, educated use of supplements/gear/whatever all mixed together that brings out the best in everyone.

anyways sorry if I came off dickish before, I got food poisoning (during a time when I'm trying to eat everything in sight lol) and hadn't eaten all day so I was a bit irritated. didn't mean to come off that way, apologies if i did. hopefully we can learn something out of this, like you said thats the fun part to me

Xtrmlivin's picture

These test show about 2831 its just a lil hard to see but that seems in the range you are looking for, have another member doing bloods in a couple weeks and he is gonna keep his estro in line so we can see the dif between the two

bm765's picture

you got it, sounds good. I'll be pulling mine in a few weeks as well, Im just not sure if Im gonna be capped at 1500 (I'm in NY so getting bloods is a pain in the ass...).

I just don't see how (and I'm not at all calling BS, just contrasting it to what Ive read based on clinical studies) people would expect nearly double this, seems dead on. But, should be a good learning experience.

Xtrmlivin's picture

Also posted "my"bloods this was a secondary test

Xtrmlivin's picture

Hey listen my man i understand your skeptical but dont need it to get out of hand you have good bloods post them up. I guarantee you i will not be on your page calling them fake have no time for that no point in doing all of that. I see your account is new take a look at my join date, look at my karma nothing in this for me other than information. I understand im the only one but in my first labs i posted i thought it was a dif src's gear "got fried for that" posted the second labs to prove it was,and this is where we are at

7thlttd's picture

There are actually a few others...one of them not even being from this board...

soldierbot's picture

+1 for posting bloods

woody51's picture

was this from testE or testC? hmmm iono what to say but judging by swole all his products are made in large batches with the same raws that came in high in testing, kinda weird.

7thlttd's picture

Def looking forward to you taking bloods brother..I as well will be hitting you up..five weeks from now haha..

Xtrmlivin's picture

Hey bro i appreciate it looking forward to that Im gonna hold you to that i will pm you in 5 wks lol

Matt_40_06's picture

Damn that sucks.

enhancedlife's picture

Stop assuming everyone reacts the same . While some guys might get crazy numbers from 500 test others are low . If you're seeing results in the mirror and weights I say stick with it.

Tren84's picture


Xtrmlivin's picture

I havent seen that,that may be true we both have high estro could be issue.

Xtrmlivin's picture

He is currently on no ai his decision not mine

Xtrmlivin's picture

Lol ya it did change his mind he got these results and first txt was i need some aro

7thlttd's picture

Personally these bloods should be a lot higher then that... at 600mg week and being on for 7 weeks should at least have him well over the 4000 or 5000 range ...would like to hear others opinion though..

Xtrmlivin's picture

No rusty let me make it clear these are not my results these are results from a friend that is running same order as me without tas only swole at 600mg per wk. Do these numbers look good? He has been running them for a week longer than me so total about 7 wks

Xtrmlivin's picture

Im a simple guy rusty if something is wrong with gear i just move on just wanna make sure im not doing something wrong but with mine and his estro that high im wondering if thats the issue. Trust me last thing i want to be bad is the gear.

solidman's picture
