Goran's picture
  • 27

Rapidlab.biz busted


Engineereddisaster's picture

Who are you?

Hustle28's picture

Drop the name rusty I'm sure we all want to know who ur referring too

Hustle28's picture

Sweet what ru guna run this cycle? That test/ mast combo?? Btw that avi of urs is fucking hilarious

Engineereddisaster's picture

It's funny there is a new unverified source that a lot of the same fanboys just hopped over to. LOVVVE IT!

Engineereddisaster's picture

Ah hell yeah. I know one bro who pinned 100mg of prop and he had an immediate bonner! Gtg!

Vitrex-Labs's picture


Trapsquatch's picture

Dude was in business 6 months and got popped....Speed4goal please tell me again how you know he has been in business for 2 years..... how convenient the guys vouching for him being around for 2 years are also known to be notorious gear whores...Next time some of you walk blindly behind someone pull the bandana off your eyes and see who is tugging your dick.I am in favor of banning the mascots this source had that now have piped the fuck down

Hustle28's picture

Yes sir!!!!! Speaking without fear ! Bro speed4goal and frankthetank have disappeared what a shocker and yes every si with fanboys should be questioned there's a few Pgs right now that are a mess cuz fanboys have distorted the trust as to wether the gear is good or bunk smh

Trapsquatch's picture

Bro I am tempted to list out some name's of Certified Fan Boys I am sick of prancing around the Name game,Lets bring it out FrankTheTank was repping (rep Tagged the whole deal) for rapid On BrotherhoodofPain and Repping in the shadows over here tell me that is not a conflict of interest a fucking rep posting miraculous bloods here,Don't get me started bro I am sick of the bullshit I can't be the only one with names...I mean serious was anyone really curios or just plain Blind I mean fuck dude I knew drywallstar was a fanboy doing secret deals WAY before he got his karma taken anyone with 2 fucking eyeballs could see what these dudes do,I don't blame the sources because they are after big money I blame the greedy fucking vets here selling out for a few hundreds buck of gear,Chump Change MothaFuckas

Hustle28's picture

I'm with u bro this is an ongoing battle between honest folks and fanboys/shills it's getting really old most honest folks can see through the bullshit but the new people always get screwed which isn't right cuz at one point we were all new to this game. Yea free gear is nice but free gear to get people to spend money and possibly get screwed is out of line I'd say start dropping names bro or start post where we can all share info on fanboys

Hustle28's picture

Hey rusty does the post name a lot of recent fanboys??

manbearpig's picture

ive had 1 order with him. the test is good no question about it. not a fanboy. just an fyi

TheForgotten11's picture

In the same boat as you, mind if I send you a Fr??

manbearpig's picture


Hustle28's picture

Yea I saw that but I'm glad he said on his si that he's not having any of that bullshit much respect to that. The fanboy tag would be great

jimmycrackcorn's picture

it would help people like me who are so desperate for help/knowledge that ull listen to any dumbfuck on here. if they ghad a tag u would know immediately who is trying to play you

Hustle28's picture

Yes !! Exactly these dudes should be exposed but I'm guessing the mods are getting tired of sorting through this shit all the time. But I'm thinking there should be 1 mod as an enforcer just looking for fanboys and publicly banning them

DeadPool's picture

That would be quite awesome! The only problem I see there is the fact that these POS will just get banned and turn around and make another username. Now from what I understand the mods can see and/or trace the IP address these fuckers are using. If that's true I'm assuming they can flag or ban that IP as well. I think the only problem that arises with this, is if the fanboys/shills are using VPN software. I know there has to be something that can be done tho. Or just tag them as a fanboy/shill or whatever and strip all the karma they have as well as throw them into negative karma. At least expose them for what they truly are. Nobody will touch em after that shit. I think this would make the shit they try to pull extremely ineffective. So hells yeah the fanboy/shill tag would be great!

Hustle28's picture

Yea it's really tiring banning these dudes over and over but the fanboy tag like honkeykong mention would be great

dudebro's picture

good to see the trapsquatch back around. finally someone with some sense and not afraid to call it like it is.

GrowMore's picture

Trapsquatch dropping bombs of truth!

Owes a Review × 1
Roid Noid's picture

The sad thing is that this stuff has been happening from the beginning, and while people have slowly caught on to it, it still happens again and again. We thought that the unverified process might help it but it hasnt, people just dont seem to care much and take their chances. I personally dont understand it, but I also have gotten to the point where I would rather save my breath and let it happen.

dudebro's picture

i hear you, the last time i made noise on an unverified page i had about 10 different guys telling me to shut the fuck up and mind my own business for 2 straight days so its not worth the hassle to me anymore.

ricafella's picture

Fucking Speed4goal tried pulling that with me through PM too. All the way back in November. Saying he's been using Rapid for 2 years when he was private and referral only. Such bullshit.

jimmycrackcorn's picture

yeh speed got my ass. sold me a sweet sales pitch...hes a cool guy. he has been very helpful with helping me through my cycle. but it almost sounded too good to be true. but i trusted him and gave it a shot...i dont have anything bad to say about speed.....but he definately got me though. he still swears rapid has the best gear he ever used. i feel like everyone says rapids gear was fire but me and kemo...so idk why it worked for everyone but me. all this shit is just crazy. i can tell you this though. i am definately never using unverified. if the mods dont trust them, i wont either! regardless how good of a story somebody has, or how much they swear the gear is overdosed. i dont look any bigger than i did when i started rapids gear 2 months ago. im never getting all involved with the community again. im just going to ordcer. unless im writing reviews, getting cycle questions, or something like that. im not getting as involved with a source or other members as i did with rapid and speed and all that. im going to keep to myself. and thats it...the ole lady says i spend too much time on here anyway. once i find a few good soucres. i will just lurk in the shadows. all this drama is giving me ulcers/grey hairs

jimmycrackcorn's picture

yeh sounds about right brother...thats why ima go with pharma for now on. cant wait to get some pharma shit. i wish there was a source that sold fucking watson pharma gear. used to know a guy who had watson pharma everything...wish i could find him...

Trapsquatch's picture

His name is dirt along with a few of these "Vets"

rolltide3's picture

I keep hearing all these vets. I never even go to the unverified pages and wouldn't even know where to look. Is it really this bad and apparently it's a decent number of guys?

Roid Noid's picture

Some of these "vets" you may never even heard of, they never leave the Si's except to post pics for points! lol

rolltide3's picture

Awe I see I know a couple guys that have high karma that proly fit this bill lol

ReadyToKillIt's picture

Next time some of you walk blindly behind someone pull the bandana off your eyes and see who is tugging your dick.

You are a goddamn poet lol.

juiceball8082's picture

Yeah that's how i heard about him as well. I was going to order back in September, glad i didn't. My guy is private but he has google reviews for a solid 8 years. glad i didn't jump ship.