Goran's picture
  • 27

Rapidlab.biz busted


Drywallstar's picture

Fyi I am running it

Drywallstar's picture

When did I rep for naps?

PoundForPound's picture

Yeah, wtf are people expecting a guy doing that level of crime to be like, and look like, The All American Family?
Oh brother. That's a risky bizness with high stakes. John Q. Public ain't gonna even dare try.
He/they produced some good stuff, quick and cheap. Everyone who said so can't be lying or fools.

Tren84's picture

Well when they claim there using there products they sell I expect to see some swole mah fuckas not someone who looks like they would suck a dick for crack

Tren84's picture

U got a point

PoundForPound's picture

God damnit I accidentally gave you a thumbs down!
Fucking phone...
Sorry bro!
I guess that pushing the thumbs up icon reversed it

Roid Noid's picture

i reported that in the SI

that doesnt make anybody a fanboy, defending the source, pushing the source via PM and Si, those things make a fan boy...

Goran's picture

Right? And then u have former #1 dishing out pipalicious test. He could be using the same setup. No one here knows for sure. They just think they do.

jimmycrackcorn's picture

what does pip even mean? ive always wondered...does that mean its unsanitary?

Roid Noid's picture

post injection pain

Drywallstar's picture

Exactly, the source "bro" people think they are talking to could be an indian grandma with good english.

Goran's picture

You get that from pipcity.com lol

jimmycrackcorn's picture

i knew something was up with that shit bro...i have literally had the flu/wierd stomach virus since i pinned his gear for the first time...everyone tried to tell me it was test flu or whatever...but fuck that. im convinced now, it was unsanitary and it was definately the gear that has been making me sick...im going to throw away all of his shit before i get a worse infection or something...just goes to show u really never know what you get...i guess that was money wasted...now im out of gear :/

jimmycrackcorn's picture

lol or possibly an exchange. seriously though...have u heard of someone being sick for a long period of time from dirty gear? i have been sick as fuck since ive pinned

jimmycrackcorn's picture

yeh man. im gonna toss thenm forsure. ive been convincing myself its something besides the gear. but now that its evident im just going to throw it away. taxes should hit anyday now so. ill reup to finish my cycle soon enough. lol and ill definately drink a v8

jimmycrackcorn's picture

i go to the doc tomorrow so hopefully between meds, and not using his gear i will get better

Tren84's picture

Lmao prolly finding a new source to fanboy it's a dirty job

Roid Noid's picture

it's a dirty job


Jc74s's picture

With that blue box of Mac and cheese on the counter

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Roid Noid's picture

I used to rock that mac and cheese as a kid, I remember my mom buying top ramen when it was 8 cents a piece! When I hit the joint I already knew how to put together a spread! lol

Jc74s's picture

I know we talked about like two years ago . On someone si page . Say them noodles be on point back in the day .

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Roid Noid's picture

back in the day

I got a case in cupboard right now! mix them with a cup of egg whites, tuna, some seasoning and its on!

Jc74s's picture

old school mix !!!!

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Roid Noid's picture

then go workout and get swole as hell! I really dont know how that works but it sure did!

PIN_CUSHION's picture

This is why I'm glad you're not a MOD anymore Smile

Jc74s's picture

Oh yea see when the Feds bag you and that federal prosecutors talking numbers for a plea and your girl saying she can't wait and you got see your kids thru some fucking glass are thru a tv screen no physical contact .Shit if you ain't about that life best beleave they telling .See you got remember this lifestyle is more then asking someone for there stats if you get cuaght it comes with a price most guys on here never been in the county ,city ,parish or d.o.c let alone the Feds .So when you get a pm and dude seem like he cool you give him your number if he got popped you might become his way out .Stay safe and if you get locked up everything comes with a price nothing free ps learn how to make knife as well

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Roid Noid's picture

its no big deal when your single and young, but when you got houses, cars, wife, kids, drug selling is the wrong game to be in! Takes all of a couple days to get into the locked up frame of mind when you got nothing to loose, but throw all the other stuff in there and theres no getting over it, eats you alive not being able to play with your kids and hold your girl....Thats why I got no desire to fuck around with any court cases, damn sure nothing thats gonna attract fed attention! fuck that!...PS: for all you needing a knife, kool aid and toilet paper works fine! Smile

Jc74s's picture

Preach .

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zeb0312's picture

DAM you hit that nail on the head...money money money and more money......... greed

Jc74s's picture

Lol I did but I was rushing try to edit what I could you get what I am trying to say if not then it's not for you .I was speaking on something that real next time I take the time out for you so you get the point

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