Griffin69's picture
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+ 6 Prescribed TRT by doctor 20yr OLDS READ!


These are my baseline test levels. It's even low for being in my 40's my doctor said. Time for prescription cyp!! With all kidding aside here, I'm not happy AT ALL with these numbers. I'm sure the abuse of blasting and crusing is what affected it. WORD TO ALL YOU 20 YEAR OLD STUPID SHITS FUCKING UP YOUR BODY. I was you.. Now look at my test levels here guys! Don't do what I did. I'm not proud of this I posted this hoping at least 1 kid in their 20's will see this and say "shit! That's not worth it at all!" Yea I wanted to fuck 100's of chicks in college and yes I did that and some of them probably remember it like yesterday but the bottom line is if I could go back and stay "natural" and be healthier in my 40's I would do it in a heartbeat... THE YOUNG GUYS I'm not your father or your mother but just take it from someone who will be a slave to the needle until I take my last breath.. My priorities have changed over the last 10-15 years I still lift and try to stay healthy but I'm more focused on building a house and raising my kids NOT "slaying chicks". "Which I'm also very luck to have because of BEING A STUPID FUCK WHEN I WAS YOUNGER. Please you younger guys that are on a cycle already my advice to you is to not abuse it to only do short cycles and have the proper pharma pct on hand and do enough research on what the hell it is what your doing... -G-

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bigpapapump's picture

my total test serum was a 102. Pretty sure that's almost a totally different chromosome. If I come off test im flirting with with a sub 100 score in 6 weeks. Pretty sure my balls don't work and haven't for years. Honesty tho. Doesn't matter to me cause I'd prob still take test the same way if they did. Truth is, nobody knows what causes some to lose tearosterone production. Mine may be from test or maybe not. I know some who have done similar to me and still test 600 and above. We are both 40.

Makwa's picture

I didn't do any blasting and cruising, heck I didn't even touch any AAS until I was over 40 and I am on TRT now. I think I have an idea of the message that you are trying to get across but many people in their forties are on TRT without even having touched AAS in their life. Now if you were maybe 30 years old trying to prove the point that you fried your HPTA because of blasting and cruising I think it would make more of an impact.

CBBurrr's picture

Griffin, you are not too damn convincing. Fuck 100's of girls in college, and TRT when you're "real old"
(20 yo's think 44 is fuckin' old)

20 year olds reading this will be like

Sumatra_Triangle's picture

You have a similar test result to the ufc light heavy champ.
So why is this considered bad?
He's in his 20's....40# that's not the lowest level is have seen.
It was expecting 300 when it read your age..

killroy's picture

Yah I expecting total shutdown , even his LH is range, I bet he could boost those numbers naturally too into at least the 4s. I don't really buy into the post much ... I smell fish.

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killroy's picture

Pulling out the doctor card lol .... Most doctors don't know the first thing about your condition ... Hell even endos who specialize in the field are mostly in the dark... So you can kindly Gfy ... Your lack of tact and maturity for a 40 year old is striking

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CBBurrr's picture

Did i miss something, a score of 290 on a test with 350 as the bottom of the range would have me wanting some TRT as well.

killroy's picture

I hear yah ... It's low. But since we don't have values for his estradiol, shbg nor his FSH ( I don't even think it was tested) it's really hard to determine what is going on here ... Also the timing of test couldve played a roll ... If the op retested early in the AM, and jumped into 350+/- ng/ml i don't think any versed doc would consider him hypogonadal without looking at other values.. Levels decline naturaly and its more pronounced when you hit 40s especially when you have kids.

Making lifestyle changes, losing body fat, proper diet/sleep, and possibly treating things like estradiol imbalance may be all the op needs to increase his total test count into the normal range. Instead of a lifetime of TRT which the op feels is burdensome.

That's why I'm not quick to rush to judgement and simply stating that this is a poor example to use to scare kids straight.

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PoundForPound's picture

Dude, do you have any idea...
Fuck it. Nevermind.

DeadPool's picture

It's a good message your trying to get across brother. Whoever negged you should be ashamed of theirselves. +1 buddy

CBBurrr's picture

confusing post, but not worthy of a pussy neg. I'm gonna give you a plus one just cause of the pussy negs.

And griifin, youre mid 40's now, does not seem like a huge tragedy that your lookin at TRT.
My guess is that 20 year olds are lookin at this and thinking, TRT at 44, I can live with that.

woody51's picture

kinda of confused as well but i know what your trying to say, next time just be a little bit more thorough

crazymofo's picture

You kind of rambled there a little bit. But I think I understand the message.

To help clarify how long exactly did you take AAS?

Oh and +1 for bloods and also to get back some of that karma from the pussy negs.

killroy's picture

You still might have had a chance to recover ! You were only 20? You had age on your side! I wouldnt have give up hope yet. Younger guys have a better chance at it ... Although it might take a year or so to really tell if you were permanently shutdown. Before jumping on a life sentence of TRT.. I'd advise the young guys to Run some aggressive PCT, use pharma! Make a few attempts at it. if your boys have shrunk to raisins, plump those fuckers up with hcg first

and your natty baseline at age 40? Well big surprise you've been on for 20+ years plus correct ? You started "trt" at age 20 and now you are in your 40s? This post is making my brain hurt. Instead of using hysteria its much better to take an intelligent approach on explaining shit to the younger crowd, that way they don't have a claim against your stance

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killroy's picture

Natty base line of 290 after over 2 decades of staying on as your post claims is actually kind of impressive ... Either youre trolling or you didn't think this scared straight post out to well. I'm not advocating anyone under the age of 25 to start cycling AAS, but I'm also against bullshit.

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killroy's picture

Depending on the reference range you go by, some endos might even say you are still within "normal" range for your age bracket ... I agree it's a shitty level but put into context with your level of abuse in the past , you have still made some recovery.

If you pinned 500iu of hcg subq every 3rd to 4th day ... I bet your levels would go right into the ideal range of 500 to 600ng/ml with minimal estradiol increase.. Some guys also prefer 100iu ED, to keep it leveled throughout the week. Might be something to consider if you don't want to jab your ass with cyp every week.

Did you get your FSH levels tested as well? I see the labs are cut off ... You can asses the level of your shutdown by looking at FSH:LH ratio and see what's miss firing.

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cowboy516's picture

Should always be focused on chicks . The problem is they use way too hi doses .And have no heart too train with the same intensity off gear. Im 43 Have the kids house etc. ive been using gear for 25 years . My cycle consist of 500-600 mg test - 300 deca - 20-30 mg dbol. very moderate . Then when they use deca even with test they have deca dick and prolactin because their deca dose is around 600mg. I get bloods once a year and all is good . So i think your making a blanket statement . Your argument is like trying too get one inner city kid not too join a gang.

killroy's picture

I dunno, I found his post rather confusing ... Reading it back I see he started using in his 20s and now has fucked his hpta ... First I thiught he started trt at age 20 lol

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