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+ 8 Blue Top HGH Serum Buy-Kigtropin.com \ Gorillafit Female Hormone Panel


Well as you can see pretty good, 16.9! Best I've seen for Blue Tops!
EDIT: 10iu pinned 3 hrs prior to testing (couldn't hit the standard 3.5 due to lab schedule).

Hormone panel for current condition after Lean Bulk Cycle.
Anadrol, Oral Tren, Halo\Aegis, Liv-52, Milk Thistle, Liver Support Testing.
As far as the rest goes, I was hoping for better, ALT is up quite a bit even running the Aegis\Liv-52\Milk Thistle while testing the Oral Tren, Anadrol, and Halo. Could be cumulative? I do like the Oral boost, but need to drop all the 17AA for a bit and let the liver recuperate I think? Any Opinions on these results are welcome.

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Gorillafit's picture
Gorillafit's picture
Genetix's picture

Always good to see some HGH tests. Looks like a good source. Time to give that liver a break and run a cleanse and keep up with the Liv.52 & M-Thistle....

Gorillafit's picture

Standards for comparison. HGH serum increase is not always linear by amount injected. I believe its based off testing done by Pharma manufacturers and actually should be in accordance with the subjects weight.

Gorillafit's picture

UH... Well thanks for the opinion, but I'll stick with the information I've seen in clinical Saizen studies and other Pharma HGH dosing protocols.

Gorillafit's picture

I was thinking the same. I'll run the Aegis without the stress factors of the 17AAs and see how things turn out on those #s. I'm flipping the switch to cutter now in any case so the timing should work.

Gorillafit's picture

No Kigs, I'll be posting Hygetropin 10iu Brown next.
I didn't run the halo long, just long enough to get the 300 lb Bench!

Gorillafit's picture

PRs are done for a while. I'm shifting into a cutter now prepping for a couple NPC shows end of summer.

Gorillafit's picture

I like the look and I'm an ecto so it sort of comes natural. I'm looking to end up at 212 this go at around 6-7%! I need more size but it'll come slowly. I stayed much leaner and vascular on this run.

MAC's picture


what a relief now I know they are real. Oh ya so wanted to tell u, I been taking animal pak and I know they are kinda hyped up and ppl hate on then but I feel great and it has 500mg milk thistle in it that's all u need man my doctor even told me milk thistle is literally the best and its natural obviously

Gorillafit's picture

Thanks MAC, I'll take a look. It's been a pain going through and counting out all the supps I was taking 3 of these, some with food some without....Handfulls of supps!! $$$

Gorillafit's picture

Sorry bro, I edited it to include info. 10iu IM, but could only get drawn 3 hrs out due to weekend hours.

Gorillafit's picture

Thanks for the input!
I don't know how Mrs.Fit is gonna respond to me taking a break from the "Orals" though? LOL ;-P

bigJOHNstud's picture

looks like i will have to order a couple. how long are they good for unmixed in the fridge?

Gorillafit's picture

Other Kits show EXP, 2 years from manufacture. I wouldn't go crazy yet. These are first results.

Gorillafit's picture

Thanks for the reassurance Bro. Last blood work in Feb, ALT was 52 and AST was 37.
At least the AST came down.
Looks like I'm gonna need to stock up on the Aegis. Don't think the Oral Tren was any good though.
Have the injectable you saw, and some other branded Oral Tren on the way.
Gonna run the Aegis without the Orals, try and get my #s better before testing again!