mbuck's picture
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Tendonitis, stretched ligaments

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I stretched all the ligaments of my right knee in a motorcycle accident. It's been years ago, but my right leg is still weaker and a little skinnier than my left (even though I'm right-legged). Is it ever going to catch up? Is HGH going to fix ligaments, or are they stretched for good? Do I just live with it and work around it?

I got myself a tennis elbow about a month ago, working out on some stupid lat-pull machine. My outer tendon (from elbow into forearm) is on fire. Icing helps a little, but not for long. I can still push without pain, but pulling, or grabbing a weight (or even shaking hands) kills me. Any advice? I don't want to use cortisone injections, but am willing to try anything that's not invasive.

LaTTTimer99's picture

PS compression over ice - ice restricts bloodflow to the afflicted area, and reduces inflammation - an injury needs accelerated bloodflow to treat that area - icing only reduces pain. Also stay away from NSAID's - Check my other post below, but you might be enlightened if you watch this YouTube clip -


The guy he's interviewing is a little quirky, but listen to what he says - icing is not effective for TREATING an injury. Shit man if his treatments are good enough for pro athletes NFL, MMA, and some of the strongest powerlifters around, I will take heed.

mbuck's picture

TTT, thanks, that's a great video clip, very informative!
What is NSAID's? I assume anti-inflammatories like ibuprofin?
I'll send you a FR

LaTTTimer99's picture

Sorry buddy I just saw your question - my bad.

NSAIDs are "non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs" = Ibuprofen, etc - pretty much the most common and available pain relievers without opiates. They reduce swelling.

Hope you're feeling better bro, injuries are a bitch - but hang in there and fight it.


LaTTTimer99's picture


mbuck's picture

I've been on MSM and Glucosamine for years. I know it's good for me, but hasn't done anything specific for my elbow.

LaTTTimer99's picture

Check this YouTube clip out man - this guy knows his shit. His client list includes a slough of elite athletes, and gradually people are starting to apply his methods because they work. They fucking hurt sometimes like shit but they work.



Also, MSM is great, but when approaching injury, a multi-faceted aggressive treatment plan involving both bodywork AND supplements is going to give you greater recovery.

Another possibility is Halyuronic Acid, and using topical (lotion-form) MSM & Glucosamine. Transdermal absorption works better IMO than taking a pill - I've had some fucked up injuries and a shitload of surgeries, and I finally learned to use a different approach to injury treatment and prevention.

Check that vid - if you have any questions FR & PM me man.


biggerthanyou's picture

Hey bro check out my post in this group called exciting new peptide...its about tb500 known for healing properties

mbuck's picture

I'll check out your post, thanks. I have heard good things about peptides, but don't know much about them.

spartacus91's picture

A streched ligament grade 1 can tighten up on its own grade 2-3 recon needed.it can be lax for up to 12 month or more mine was but over the months it got tighter and now has healed with a little scar tissue.i would avoid acl,pcl recons at all costs but you should be going to see a doctor,physio ect.i did not do any weights on my leg for 3 month nothing just walking and lite biken and it seemed to realy help.i slowed my recovery down by months by training on it while streched and this gave it no time to tighten up and get stronger and by doing this i did my cartilage over in the process.pm me FR sent

mbuck's picture

Good input, thank you! I didn't mention that my knee insury was over 10 years ago. Never had any surgery on it. Must have been more than grade 1, because it's still wobbly. It gets worse when I'm not working out. But as I said, it never got as strong or big as the left one (see picture)
After the accident, years later, I over-extended it a few times kickstarting my Harley, that messed it up again. But again, no surgery.

spartacus91's picture

could be Grade 1 bro if your body could not fix it or you trained to much on it during the injury healing time it would of stayed lose and still be lax tday.only way to fix that is surgery or you could try ligament shrinkage to tighten it up.if its grade 2 partial which i don't think it is now being its been 10 year so it would of turn into a type 3 grade which is a full tear needing surgery.with both of these you could of injured your cartilage that could even be the problem and mris don't allways pick up stuff thwy missed mine.how is the eq,deca test cycle coming along ? Am due to start my rehab cycle next month to help me get bk into work

NotNatural23's picture

I hate to say it but a little time off might be best I know it isn't what u want to hear cause I didn't want to hear it either but try a week off with some ibuprofen or any good anti inflammatory and see what happens n if doesn't get better than it might be something more that requires a docs visit.. best of luck

mbuck's picture

I skipped my back/bicep workout for a couple weeks. The last few days it started to feel much better.
I would have liked to see a doctor, but don't have any health insurance, and I heard an MRI gets super expensive :/
I fell off a roof a year ago, and landed on both of my elbows, bone brewsing, muscle tears, the works. Never saw a doctor back then either; so I'm wondering if there is more messed up then just my tendin.
And no, I'm no going to sign up for Obamacare! LOL

spartacus91's picture

Done my cartilage in and streched my acl i feel your pain.HGH is good but am not going to use to young and do not know much about it.am going to run a low dose test,eq,var cycle for 14-16 week and hope this works i am 8 week post op now.been looking into this cycle for about 12 month.deca will also be great but harsher on your hpta and also could get prolactin sides which i am not ready for so my best bets play it safe with eq,var.hope this helps

mbuck's picture

Good advice, as always! Thanks
Sorry to hear about your cartilage, that's hard to fix :(
My elbow has been getting better, leg is about the same. I've used HGH in the past, but it gets a little pricy, especilally when you bump up the IUs to 3 or 4/day. I'll be looking into some peptides, Heard good things about them, and they're much cheaper.
I started a Test/EQ cycle three weeks ago, and talking with a trainer, decided to add some Deca (250/week). Not quite sure if that did the trick, or all the other supplements combined.
Yes, I agree, at your age you want to stay away from the roids. You'll probably grow like crazy just getting on some good supplements like Creatine, Glutamine, etc., and eat like a horse.
I'm 49, so I need some help. LOL

spartacus91's picture

No bro i will be taken steroids just not deca as its to hardcore rite now being 19 nor and all.yea cartilage injury is shit its 9 week post op for me now still had no physio went doctors to pull them on this so he sent a letter over to them and said sorry to me then i woke up a few days later to a letter that says i am on a waiting list HAHA av been waiting over two month its a joke bro there cock suckers thats the nhs for you.and NSAID is like diclofenac,naproxen they are like ibrophen but give you bad sides they shread you guts and gave me kidney pains plus doc said i could only stay on them 4 week because there strong never worked for me they made my joints feel realy dry and did nothing for pain both of them.