mbuck's picture
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+ 1 Two weeks into my Test/EQ cycle


Two weeks into my 16 weeks 500TestE/600EQ cycle. I'm 49, 5'-10", at 206#. Taking pictures sure was an eye-opener for me. Lots of areas to work on, AND for sure leaning out a lot. I haven't gained any weight, even though I've been taking 50mg Dbol for the last week to bump-start my cycle. I never eat enough. I'm getting stronger, and it looks like I've been leaning out a little already.
Constructive critisism is appreciated! Just don't be too harsh! LOL

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iheartyou's picture

I think you look great and can't wait to see the progress pics ;) +1

mbuck's picture

Thanks for the compliment and the +1. I'll probably post new pictures every 4 weeks, depending on how well I do once the EQ really kicks in.

mbuck's picture

That's what I was thinking. I used Balkan in the past, without any weight gain. This time I'm using Kalpa. I heard good things about them; but I'm starting to wonder.

mbuck's picture

If you don't mind, look at the pictures I took of my gear. One shows all the oral stuff I got from Roidsseek. I'm sure it's legit, but let me know what you think. Thanks

mbuck's picture

It's Kalpa for sure, got it from Roidsseek. I'm not taking any anti estrogren stuff, even though I keep Novaldex and Arimedex at hand, and use it first sign of nipple sensitivity.

Yes, I don't want to waste a good cycle by not eating enough. I've gotten better, but still at least 1000 cal short every day.