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Test E + Var


Pre: 185lbs. 6'0. 9% BF. Mesomorph.
Goal: +15lbs of lean mass & 9-10% BF. Learn how to pin other sites besides Delts. Learn how my body responds to high Test/Estro without AI.

Diagnosed with hypogonadism at 17, looking to be on TRT within the next year.

Expecting lean mass/strength gains.

Running Test without AI until estro sides begin to show (trying to further my understanding of my body and its reaction to AAS). First cycle I ran an AI so I never learned if I'm gyno prone so this cycle I will figure that out.

Test kicks in around week 4 for me.

I understand Test E = more water retention and Prop would be a better idea but I got the Test E on hand and I need more experience rotating sites. Low sodium diet, AI, and a 2gal daily water intake should reduce bloat/water retention.

I will be giving this split a try:

== WEEK 1 ==
M: Chest / Triceps
T: Back / Biceps
W: Shoulders
T: Legs
F: Chest / Triceps
S/S: H.I.I.T Training / Rest

== WEEK 2 ==
M: Back / Biceps
T: Shoulders
W: Legs
T: Chest / Triceps
F: Back / Biceps
S/S: H.I.I.T Training / Rest

== WEEK 3 ==
M: Shoulders
T: Legs
W: Chest / Triceps
T: Back / Biceps
F: Shoulders
S/S: H.I.I.T Training / Rest
... etc

  • Abs worked EOD or E3D (Depends on energy level / priority).
  • I live in the city and dont drive. I walk roughly 2-5 miles a day.

Diet: Around 3,500 cals /day. 1.5+ grams of Protein per lb. Minimal carbs (~150 /day mostly from fruits/whole grain bread). Fats from nuts, olive oil, egg yolks..etc.
I was thinking something along the lines of:
Calorie source -> 50% from protein/25% from carbs/25% from fats
Diet goal is to keep fat low (or to reduce more) while gaining decent amounts of muscle.

WeekTestosterone EnanthateAnavarAromasinNolvadexClomid
5500mg12.5mg ED (If Needed)
6500mg12.5mg ED (If Needed)
7500mg50mg ED12.5mg ED
8500mg50mg ED12.5mg ED
9500mg50mg ED12.5mg ED
10500mg50mg ED12.5mg ED
11500mg50-60mg ED12.5mg ED
12500mg50-60mg ED12.5mg ED
1312.5mg ED
1412.5mg ED
Brotein's picture

Results look amazing! Good job man! Im about to run this EXACT cycle. Thanks for this post man, I really appreciate it.

Did you get bloods taken post cycle? If so, how was your liver enzymes?

seeker24's picture

Looks pretty good. Try pinning the glutes they are really easy but just make sure you aspiriate (pull back and see if blood comes into the pin). Personally I do a split just like you do but I take a day off after 4. My own choice though.

seeker24's picture

That's good, how the heck aren't you flexible enough Blum 3 I'm 6'0 230 and i can do it all you need to do is to be able to put your arm behind your ass standing up. Try it in the mirror.

Yeah it's almost mid summer, personally i'm cutting down but if you're already getting big at a decent rate might as well keep going. It will give you a headstart for the offseason.

seeker24's picture

Haha you think your pins hurt? Wait until you start pining prop or tren ace. Then you'll be crying. Blum 3

MAC's picture

Very well planned out bro. Nice cycle and good job on choosing aromasin it has almost no sides. I don't think your a mesomorph tho from looking at your body ur really lean, u look exactly like an ectomorph. What is ur age? And just be honest I'm not gonna flame you

j223's picture

I would keep clomid at 50mg for 4 weeks.

Also aromasin is best used Every day, its arimidex that can be dosed eod.

In my opinion keep Anavar dosage at 50mg and add another week.

Looks good bud, good luck

fast48's picture

Aromasin can go eod.....or third if no issues. Going to run hcg or did you have good recovery last cycle?

fast48's picture

You're both correct on Ed for aromasin. Misread. Have not tried triptorelin. You can run aromasin to two days pct...will keep estro down.

Understand on first cycle. Been in similar "fun". Ugh.