k2b4e's picture
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Attempting to Reverse Gyno


Alright, I have always had lumps under my nipples, never really worried me until recently. Under my right nipple the lump has gone from larger, kinda soft lump which never hurt to touch, to a small more dense and hard lump which now is sensitive to touch. I think this was caused by rebound gyno from my last PH cycle in the winter. I plan on doing my first AAS cycle in the fall so i wanna handle this now. This is what I had in mind:

Day 1: .50mg Letro
Day 2: 1.0mg Letro
Day 3: 1.5mg Letro
Day 4: 2.0mg Letro
Day 5: 2.5mg Letro

(BTW, got this from another site, just wanted to know what people thought)Continue at 2.5 until lump decreases, then taper down. After finished with letro go to nolvadex for a week or two to prevent rebound gyno and estrogen again. Another question I had was if it would be smart to take DAA while on all of this to prevent loss in sex drive and strength?

giardap's picture

Maybe learn a little bit about it before you dispense medical advice?

ikemay's picture

i ran letro for gyno reversal i aquired during a test/dbol/deca cycle, i put the blame on the deca, ive run cycles without 19nor, no problems, deca at 3-350 mg/week with 500 test-e and dbol kicker. i could lactate a baby cow if i wanted lol, i had no caber on hand, it was my first cycle (good example why your first should be test only). i popped b6 at high doses and it did help to an extent, i later used letro to reverse it and worked good , its not all gone but one nip its 80%gone other about 60%. dbolz, im gonna look into your opinions on this, i would much rather use aromasin than letro, my sex drive from letro went from go go go, to no no no

ikemay's picture

but proviron also raises free test levels in your body as well, thats probably what offsets its effect, proviron itself isnt really very effective as an estrogen blocker, its effects on estro are minimal, good for someone looking to prevent estro problems that arent really prone to them and on top of that will keep you lean and dry throughout your cycle. i love my provi for the hardening effects it gives me. both scenarios are possible. from all ive read in alot of places is that letro will lower your estro very low very fast and is good for reversing gyno, i wouldnt ever use it as an on cycle therapy consistently though, you dont want your estro that low.

k2b4e's picture

why does everyone say to have letro on hand then during a cycle as a last resort thing if you develop gyno symptoms if letro isn't the strongest? jw what you recommend for dosing aromasim if i wanted to try that instead?

k2b4e's picture

thanks for the help, I think I might try aromasin first since I already have some and see how it goes. How long would you recommend staying at 25mg for? Just until I start seeing results? and one more question..will taking aromasin by itself (not on cycle) affect anything like strength? because if it does anything to my weight or strength I would rather just live with gyno lol

k2b4e's picture

okay thanks, you said something about stacking raloxifene with it, would nolva suffice instead? and would it be better to take it with the aromasin or after to prevent estrogen rebound? sorry for all the questions

k2b4e's picture

I'm off cycle right now(been off for about 2 months now) and oh I okay I was not not aware of that I figured there would be some estrogen rebound in all of them lol You think only 10mg a day will be enough for nolva if I running at the same time as aromasin?

k2b4e's picture

ight, thanks again for the help man, hopefully this works lol

MAC's picture

Im kinda in the same boat bro. Been on for five months but had ups and downs with bunk gear but for the last 10 wks its been amazing ....I have a lump under left nip its a little bit to the left of my nip not directly under it. Im gonna grab letro and run it a lil while and taper down and see if I can diminish the lump. My lump is kinda soft not too hard and not even super noticeable to others but to me it is, I've never had a prob with gyno until I ran 750mg test per wk this cycle so future cycles im gonna have something on hand to prevent it. Right nip is in the clear as far as no lumps but its stayed pretty puffy and sensitive the whole time , but I have a bit of nolva on hand that im gonna start soon so that will at least prevent any gyno forming in that nip and hell maybe it will even help the left one out a bit

k2b4e's picture

Ya i'm not familiar with letro really, it just said to do it like this the first 5 days (taper up) then run it at 2.5 for as long as you feel you need to, then taper down, so this isn't the right way to to do it? lol this is where I found it:


k2b4e's picture

Yes sadly I know it won't go away fully without surgery :/ But I'd be willing to make the sacrafice with the whole low sex drive thing if I can get it (or both) considerablly smaller and be able to maintain it at that size

Fullypumped's picture

Your going to feel like Shit at 2.5 mg a day of Letro BRo... Im sure your gyno will not go away in 5 days lol. You would need to run it much longer then that for gyno to disapear. If you do decide to run Letro. You should taper off of. The opposit of what you just posted.