HTS_beast's picture
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Bennyblanco's picture

As far as mixing them in the same pin u can put any test in the same pin together, if u are pinning prop then u should really be pinning it every other day, although everyday would be better really... Are u going to be using the prop for the whole cycle I assume?

HTS_beast's picture

Yes I would rather just do a pure 8 week test prop and cycle 1ml eod and anavar. Only concern was the multiple pins a week getting old. I have only pinned in glutes with Test E or C ....2 times a week and had no problem. I just think the eod after 4 weeks will get old.

Bennyblanco's picture

Depends how bad u want it I guess... Might be better with Sus or something with some shorter esters in it...

HTS_beast's picture

Very good points, appreciated. Test levels have always been high, have always been thick and very strong. Just looking for a simple quick test boost to harden up and get more vascular. I do know how to diet right , will PM you for the one your talking about.

HTS_beast's picture

One other thing on the pct. Will I need both clomid and nolva like 100/100/50/50 and 40/40/20/20 or just one or the other on such a simple test cycle ?

jpal's picture

it does get old pinning that much but i did that very cycle for my last one and it was great i ran test p 150mg eod and 50mg ed of anavar loved it

HTS_beast's picture

34 6 ft 245 20% BF

Would be 4th cycle, only experienced with Test E and Test C. Would stack this with 100mg anavar ed.

Mainly just curious, would be 8 week cycle. Only concern with prop only and anavar is the multiple pins per week would be ok rotating both quads and glutes.

Bennyblanco's picture

Dont forget about delts those are really easy and convienient to pin, just use smaller amounts of ml's for them since they are a smaller muscle...

jpal's picture

we need your stats ????