suzy b MRS viking's picture
suzy b MRS viking
  • 117
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Here we go 3 weeks into my pre comp diet got 9 weeks to go!!!!

BF down to 6% now viking says he wants me around 3% cuts are coming nice just hammering the quads now for even more seperation.

Primo and anavar working magic together and seeing that he won the contest frankie held i will be "borrowing" that T3 when he starts me on carb depletion.

Lets hope everything comes together and we time it all right for the big day!!!!! Smile

Gorillafit's picture

I don't know Suzy, I was just thinking the other day I thought it was easier when I was loosing weight last year. It doesn't seem like I can get enough good food into me to support the work I'm putting in. And where does the weight go over night? I go to bed at 238# get up and I'm 233# What the heck, I'm thinking about not sleeping so I can see if I stay heavier. LOL ;-P

suzy b MRS viking's picture

Haha we are both the same pat 2/3lb dirrerence on a morning weigh in,we put it down to dehydration over 8/9 hours in bed and digestion,a couple of hours later everything is usually bac to normal,we have started to use the scales just once pr wk now same day same time its seems to be a more accurate way of checking gains/loses,s Smile

suzy b MRS viking's picture

Thanx very much,it feels like some changes happen daily now,not starving yet! still eating very well just playing around with the grams at the moment until the dreaded carb depletion,not looking forward to that much Smile

Bigdawg201067's picture

Wow, suzy b you look amazing, i can tell that you are really doing some hard work in the gym, keep on up with the diet trust me you are well on your way to a 1st Place.

suzy b MRS viking's picture

Hey Bigdawg i hope your right that would make me very happy!! Smile

carnealsr's picture

I think your back is your strongpoint killer seperation

suzy b MRS viking's picture

Thanx,thats the place i stress over cos i cant see it working!

Carlos Danger's picture

Delts! Front and rear delts for me:-)

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Carlos Danger's picture

Damn big Sister!!!! U look awesome! I was joking with Viking that you'd be eyeballing something in his prizes:-)
Wish you the best of luck in ur Comp prep!

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suzy b MRS viking's picture

Hahahah thanks! its gone before he gets his hands near it lol Smile