BehindTheMasses's picture
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gp test p


gneza test p loved it worked very well. Painfull inject though

umadbro's picture

its the concentration and the oil more than the amount of fluid you inject.....for example i regularly do 2cc's+ of human grade prop, but it's only 50mg/mL. painless

BehindTheMasses's picture

Yeah It was a bit uncomfortable. But that could have been also cause I was pushing in 2cc per shot laugh out loud. I was using 1cc gp tren ace and 1cc of gp test prop mite have been a little much. I'm gonna do that cycle again cause I worked amazingly. But I have found a prop that is 200 mg per ml so I only gotta push in 1.5 cc per inject.

ikemay's picture

i loved it, cant find gp anywhere now, almost no pip for prop , i was surprised, first prop i tried, everyone told me prop hurts like hell, same for you?

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