rhaack83's picture
  • 19

Week 5


5 weeks on cycle. This cycle started as something completely different and has changed about 3 times, SO, for the past week I've been on 100mg Test Prop ED, 100mg Tren Ace ED, 900mg Test Enan/week, 400mg Tren Enan/week, 600mg Equipoise/week. Will be adding 100mg ED of D-bol next week and keep that schedule for 6 more weeks, then lose the Tren and switch from D-bol to Anavar, 100mg ED. And I take ephedrine but that's just to get me through the work day since I lift before work at 4am then do cardio after work, making me one tired motherfucker...Long story short, don't stop working out for 2 years, it's a bitch to get back where you left off...

justwant2bejacked's picture

hows the cycle coming along?

rhaack83's picture

Well aside from all the chest and shoulder acne, night sweats and grumpy mood swings, pretty fuckin great. Pushed 365 on bench with no spotter, used to not even consider 315 without a spotter...weight has stayed at 250, but been dropping bodyfat ridiculously. 6 pack and obliques showing more and more every day...

justwant2bejacked's picture

tren did the same thing to me, i was waking up in a pool of sweat every morning, and deff shorten'd my fuse lol. Good to hear those dosages didn't have any neg sides other than mild stuff. Keep it up bro that wieght is impressive. update some new pics soon, i bet the before and after will be crazy!!! good luck!

rhaack83's picture

Oh I toned it down a few notches on the dosages...went to 100mg test p and 100mg tren ace EOD, 325mg test E, 300mg tren E, 250mg Bold E3D, and stopped all oral AAS...added letrozole .50 mg ED, tadalafil 25mg E3D. Will be posting a week 10 pic here in a couple weeks, pretty excited. Although something has got me craving sweets like a motherfucker, probably the Bold, other than that diet is on spot.

kmart7780's picture

"moderation in bodybuilding is a vice, moderation in discipline is failure" train hard and gear smart my friend

wolf's picture

the difference between those two pics are night and day!, amazing, but omg that is so much gear! i thought i was doing a lot for a first cycle but u make what i'm doing look like baby food. can't wait to see the after pics at the end of that..... assuming u r alive and also not in a psychiatric unit....good luck dude!

rhaack83's picture

Dropped the Ace to 100mg EOD...Was starting to wake up in swimming pools of sweat. Been taking letrozole ED as well

Sir William's picture

He's right rhackk, to me looks upside down bro.. Ur before pics cond. was way off you got some more bulk on you in the second pics but running those compound the way your running them.. I would say no way chief just my 2-0.

rhaack83's picture

yeah bro, I've only been running those high doses for a week now, perhaps I'll tone it down a bit. I was just like a kid in a candy store and got myself waaay too much gear...guess I could always save it for another go round some other time

justwant2bejacked's picture

dbol would be a waste at this point, its really only effective to jump start a cycle. it seems like your cycle is a giant cluster fuck bro. is this your first cycle? if so just test @ 500mg a week would have worked amazing, and saved the rest for later. idk just my opinion.

rhaack83's picture

ordered the d-bol almost two months ago and it took forever to show...perhaps I will just save it

justwant2bejacked's picture

imo that'd be best, your results are great so props man, but deff plan out your next cycle a bit more, if you plan out your dosages better your blood levels will be more stable and you will see better results without overloading your system. I hope you have some serious pct planned out because test and tren combo shuts you down hard.

rhaack83's picture

yeah i had the pct before I started-clomiphene, tadalafil, tamoxifen, mesterolone...My body's holding up pretty well so far. been on the tren, just not as heavy, for the past 3 weeks and EQ for only a week now

justwant2bejacked's picture

shit, i hit rules instead of reply!!! my bad bro. i'll give you some points back. but anyway, looking good bro keep it up, i hope the cycle works good for you!

killinit88's picture

ha helped ya get him that 3 back brotha, ha i have done that before sucks lol.

rhaack83's picture

lol thanks guys