rhaack83's picture
  • 19

20 mL vials

pageone's picture

Looks like the same compound in all those vials to me!

rhaack83's picture

"I use a blend of oils filtered 3 times so the color is light. When the hormones are brewed they are dark but when I add the oils it gets lighter cuz its filtered two more times"-straight from the cooks mouth. Regardless of what oils are used or what color the compounds are I guess only time will tell whether they're legit or not...

AlphaTiger2011's picture

Lets us know how it goes bro, good luck

rhaack83's picture

They started at all the same level, I pinned 1mL of tren and 1/2 mL of EQ before the pics...

rhaack83's picture

I know all three of them are mixed with cottonseed oil and safflower oil...I sure hope it's all g2g, dude's got quite a few loyal customers

DoWork's picture

I have used this source and can vouch for the quality

rhaack83's picture

Damn bro, THANK YOU...I never would have bought the shit if I hadn't heard so many good things. Damn skeptics were starting to make me question it too

bigrhino's picture


renorob's picture

those things are fat ! There like the never ending vial .

umadbro's picture

assuming that actually is tren.....looks awesome! super light, none of that shitty super oxidized stuff

livingthedream's picture

too bad they don't want to be listed

rhaack83's picture

I tried but it stung my pee-hole. So I just pinned a bunch instead

livingthedream's picture

500mg/ml Equipoise???

livingthedream's picture

I needs to get me some...Wow.

AlphaTiger2011's picture

You selling them or are those your personal bottles?

rhaack83's picture

Personal stash, but have two 20mL vials of Deca coming that I don't need, dosed the same as the EQ...

AlphaTiger2011's picture

Nevermind i though this was your post, my bad. Were did you get those bad boyz from??