Racksonracks's picture
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first time injecting


Ok I have seen a lot of different information regarding gauge sizes and spots to inject. I was just wanting to hear some reliable, concise advice from people that have experience. If am running prop and primo could anyone tell me which size pin I need. I have heard you need different sizes for drawing it out, and then another size for injecting. I am under the impression the glutes are best for injecting, is glute max or med preferred? If other spots are better I am open to advice. I will probably have to rotate injection sites quite often because of the frequent prop injections. Any help is appreciated, thanks.

Racksonracks's picture

wow good info there bro I appreciate it. I hate sounding like I don't know what I am doing but hey I guess we all had to start from this point! thanks again man.

superfly82's picture

I usually extract with a 18gage and inject with 22gage, ... I love glute injecting but make sure you rotate your injections because you don't want to accumulate scar build up or else it will be like pricking threw metal!.. keep in mind to always make sure you spray out the bubbles and aspirate and rule of thumb for injecting the juice in to your body is 10 seconds per Ml you inject..

Racksonracks's picture

Ok thanks a lot for the help, and I know it's my first time, but I doubt the injections really get any less painful with experience. The injections won't be fun but I will make due. Is there a specific size needle I should be using?

Racksonracks's picture

Well the reason I went with the short ester was because being that it was my first cycle, and not knowing how my body would respond, I could discontinue use if I had some terrible side effect, and it would be out of my system much faster than test e for example. I have already ordered the test p and I am a med student so I know the correct procedure for using a syringe, just never used one for steroids haha.

kwabby6's picture

just saying: that logic is mostly used for tren A or NPP but I guess you could apply it to propianate... Also hllwdbdboy is right, prop should def not be used for a first cycle because despite the frequent injections, the prop pip is gonna be a bitch and will make alot of first timers consider going off cycle or switchin to the long ester at first. should def stick with enan or cyp.

HllwdBdBoy's picture

alright bro, suit urself... in that case i would suggest eod injections and rotate glute, quad, glute, quad

(and in reference to ur other post, DEF just keep AI on hand if running test p. far less likely to get hit with sides on test p)

kwabby6's picture

lol with him being a first timer and the pip he might have to go r.glute, l.glute, r.quad, l.quad, r.delt, l.delt

HllwdBdBoy's picture

to be honest bro,(IMO) i really don't think a short ester cycle is appropriate for your experience level. i'd suggest a 10-12 wk test (e) or (c) cycle where ur only pinning a couple of times a wk so you can get the feel for what ur in for and gain some experience self-pinning.
my .02