TrenAThor's picture
  • 68

+ 1 CPAP machine and gains?


So I ended up getting a sleep study done and found I have sleep apnea and finally got a CPAP machine today to help with it. It seems that when I'm running that my sleep apnea gets a lot worse and I will wake up from not breathing, mouth dry as shit multiple times a night and was thinking it's also holding me back from building some muscle. I know sleep and recovery is such a huge part to building muscle and not being able to sleep right and not getting solid sleep has been having me leave gains on the table. So hopefully in time with better sleep I will feel a lot better and maybe see some little extra gains (would be awesome). I just want that deep sleep and wake up refreshed mentally and physically lol.
Does anyone think that this might actually will help with gaining a little bit more muscle and help speed up recovery? Would love to hear from anyone that might have the same situation going on or been there before.

TrenAThor's picture

So this thing is definitely an adjustment and gonna take a bit to get use to. First night forced air when I stopped breathing and woke me right up and was like wtf was that lol. Last night thing shut off twice because the mask wasn't sealed tightly so needles to say need a couple more adjustments but I think it's gonna be great when I get it dialed in. The few hours of sleep that I have gotten using it were pretty great so hopefully I'll get a full night's sleep soon. Fingers crossed lol

Greg's picture

The adjustment that worked best for me was as follows, (I'm left-handed, so if you need to switch it up)
You only need the mask and hose for this to work. Take the mask and hose to the kitchen sink.
Grab the mask with your right hand, the hose with your left.
Turn on the garbage disposal and start running the water. Slowly feed the hose into it. Be careful not to let your hand go into the drain.
Let the hose pull the mask towards and ultimately into the drain, gently use your Right hand to guide the mask along. Again, watch your fingers.

Turn off the water and disposal, wipe your hands against each other a few times, mutter something like,"Good (fuckin') riddance" The quote doesn't have to be the same but the intent ought to be.

Then lose some weight. My apnea was cured in a matter of weeks. Hope this helps.


Pushing Iron 87's picture

Yeah if you look at all the research it’s very important to make changes to help with the apnea and or get treatment CPAP etc cause there a strong link between shortening of lifespan if left unchecked can cause so many other nasty health conditions.

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laxman3221's picture

Cpap changed my life. First night I slept with it for 4 hours and felt better that morning than in the past that i could remember.
No more midday truck naps or dozing off watching tv a 6 pm after work

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press1's picture

I think I may of had a bit of this in the past before I began taking BP meds and it was too high, I would wake up from a dream or being asleep feeling breathless almost like I had been holding my breath for ages without knowing it, seems to co-inside with getting heavier too. I know quite a few guys that use them both gear users and non, seems to become an issue with people once they hit around 220lb's I've noticed. Most of the bigger guys around 270 plus seem to all use them. Must be like sleeper next to Darth Vader!!! Lmfao

'Luke ...... Qaawwww I am Your Father ...... Qaawwwww

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Rosschestzip's picture

My girl says I have it but I’m not big at all, whatever issue I have did start when I hit 200 but now I’m down and fluctuate between like 187-193 and I sleep like shit still I wake up like every 90 minutes and a fucking mouse could walk by and it’ll wake me up. It’s like I’m literally hardly even asleep. But I can fall asleep super easy. And no matter how bad my sleep is I don’t wake up feeling exhausted or anything so idk what’s going on. It’s just kinda annoying to wake up at 12, 1:30, 3, 4:30, 6 and then get up at 7, maybe not that many times but it’s close to it

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George Rockwell's picture

Hey Ross. Does this happen when you are not on blast too? I have the same issue and also find it annoying but im really never tired or exhausted like i should normally be without sleep. Even when i stopped all gear except hgh for 5 months, same sleep issues happen.

I did sleep Study 2x in 3 years and dont have apnea, but they prescribed doxepin (didnt like it) then hydroxine. Hydroxine allows me to sleep peacefully again

Rosschestzip's picture

Well I’m on a little test so idk for sure but it’s def still happening without being on any thing crazy. And I hate every sleep thing I tried, I don’t like that groggy feeling the next day

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press1's picture

Gear definitely disrupts sleep, when I run bigger test I sleep way more lightly. When I was natty it was unheard of that I would get up during the night to eat, now its like clockwork every time after 4 to 5 hours.

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Rosschestzip's picture

Well I thought the same thing cus it was horrific on tren like it seemed like I slept in ten minute intervals. But now I’m only on a little test and gh and occasionally test suspension preworkout. Maybe it’s the suspension cus I do use it later in the day?

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press1's picture

Could be buddy - I think its generally in you for 4 hours from when you inject it.

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Steveking1980's picture

I have a cpap also. U can adjust the humidity and also the temp of the vapors. I had same issues. Now I wouldn’t ever dare to sleep without it. Mine was due to snoring. I snore realllly bad when I’m on a cycle and gh. Give this a try. It’s in your settings

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TrenAThor's picture

I just set it up. The lady that showed me how to use it pointed the humidity option and told me that I might want to raise it if my mouth gets that dry. I'm gonna just up it one a night till I'm comfortable.
I appreciate it. Thanks

vengar's picture

Take a long hard look at your diet, possible food allergies, thyroid, and stomach acid levels. Sleep apnea is autoimmune.

Chad P's picture

This is the first time I’ve heard this. I know sleep apnea untreated can increase the risk of certain autoimmune diseases. I thought sleep apnea was just a narrowing of the airway.

vengar's picture

It's something that hasn't been widely accepted yet, and may not be the cause for all cases.

TrenAThor's picture

That's kinda crazy because I do have have hypothyroidism but its almost back in range and do get bad acid reflux. I take Omeprazole for that. I also am lactose intolerant so I stay away from milk and ice cream primarily. My diet is getting better. It's was kinda off in the winter. Not completely shit but not completely good either. I never would have thought about them causing issues like that. I do know if I eat to close to bed I sleep like shit.

vengar's picture

I'm hyperthyroid/autoimmune. Started to develop sleep apnea shortly after diagnosis but was able to beat it with a strict diet. Lost a lot of weight but I'm more concerned about my health than my physique.

If you have hashimotos do some research on NCGS and natural remedies for low stomach acid, which can be caused by low thyroid. You may do better using betaine hcl and apple cider vinegar rather than omeprazole. Low fodmap diet can help as well.

Wildling's picture

Sleep and diet are paramount.

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AK80's picture

Yes it will help because we don't make gains in the gym. In the gym we tear down our muscle. In the bedroom we repair our muscle. If you don't have issues with urinating at night, you can drink a bottle of water before bed to help stave off the dry mouth some. Wesley Vissers mentioned a few weeks ago after the Arnold that we lose about a liter of water every night anyway. Ryan Humiston uses the breathe right strips. Pretty sure Chase Irons & Big Paul Barnett use CPAP machines. Noel Dyzel just went ahead and had surgery on his septum. Toss in some creatine, glutamine, BPC-157, TB500 and HGH for the total recovery package if you aren't already. 5mg melatonin should be viable long term but everyone is different.

TrenAThor's picture

I think alot of the dry mouth is I end up breathing through my mouth even if I fall asleep breathing through my nose. I'll purposely take deep breaths through my nose to fall asleep the 2 hours later waking up with mouth wide open and cottonmouth like a s.o.b. I try not to drink to close because I do end up waking up a couple times to piss. I feel like if this helps me sleep, alot of other aspects will improve. Not sleeping good really messes with me sometimes especially if it was a bad night. Im miserable the next day, mentally exhausted, just complete shit. Even though this probably isn't gonna be fun having the mask on my face it's gonna be worth it. Honestly I never thought I would be excited about a CPAP. Guess its the type of shit took look forward to as I get older lol

George Rockwell's picture

Some people have success with solvimg the dry mouth issue with mouth tape. Just put a strip on your mouth before bed and you are forced to breathe through nose. Dry mouth can cause receding gums along with a host of other issues and i want to stay with my natural teeth for as long as possible. The tape takes a few days to get used to and i only mention it as an alternative if your cpap doesnt work out

AK80's picture

Understood. Might try sneaking in a nap or 2 throughout the day if you can. A dark cold room gives me the best sleep.

TrenAThor's picture

Love the cold. Freeze my girl out half the time lol. But I need a fan on and during the summer I need the AC cranked. I feel bad sometimes when she's in 2 blankets in dead summer. I try to nap but it's hot or miss with everything going on.