Billthethrill's picture
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+ 1 Receptors burnt?


Hey need some help! Some back ground info, 50, was on gear 21-30 was 205lbs at 5-7, 7-10% depending on diet/ season. Took just about everything back then, even made tren from finaplex, you old guys remember --. Had kids took off 12 years, stayed in shape, went back on gear at 42 and was shredded, best shape of my life, not as heavy, maybe 190/195 but was down to 4-7% bf, winny var, gh, insulin, sust
Fast forward, pec tear at 47, come back by 48, back injury. Been back in the gym a year, 6 months on back on and had horrible results. Tried different compounds, tren and anadrol I still felt it but no where near before injuries?!?
Are my receptors shot or OMD (old man disease)? Strength blows,/ suspension and halo moves the needle but again 20% of what it did. Shit is not bunk, had my test levels checked there through the roof. Currently taking 400mg sust, 250 Dena, 400 mg od bold, upped to TWICE A week, with 40mg dbol all day, occasionally halo on lethargic days.. wtf?

KonstantViktory's picture

Well, I'd say there are plenty of factors to consider.

Are you missing any significant notice of other injuries or long term drug use? I am just asking as this could be significant. I'm basically wondering if there's been any type of extreme and/or long term illness or ailment that could have lead to permanent damage.

WITH that being said, you still have to give it some more time. Also, what are you complaining about, body composition, measurements, or strength? Please keep in mind that the elite that control the world control these measurements. 45lbs isn't 45lbs consistently, as time will continue to tell.

Be realistic here - what do you see in the mirror? The world around isn't shrinking. It's getting bigger.

Lastly, I'll conclude my statements with the suggestion of posting your bloodwork.

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Jockstrap's picture

Bloods that prove estro and prolactin in range? How long between cycles? Trt? Might move those workouts to volume with 30seconds break.

Lil-Beirut's picture

The biggest difference between you at 50 and you at 25 is mito. I'd get on a dose of pqq and a small amount of coq10. Once that is going add in Lcar. I dont care what anyone says Lcar definitely unregulates the AR receptor. Run the Lcar for a month or two before touching any gear. When you do run the gear use a lower dose and fewer compounds. The older we get, the less we need.

AK80's picture

You sound like a good candidate for some BPC-157 & TB500 - do those for 1 month and see how you feel. Would be interesting to see your B12, D3 and Estrogen levels too. Top that off with Stan Efferding's Vertical Diet and I think you'll feel different in short order.

Billthethrill's picture

B12 slightly low, d3 and estro all good. I don’t know a thing and that new stuff… but it’s funny you say that I just ordered tb-500.

AK80's picture

Sounds good to me. I take Universal Nutrition's Animal Pak vitamins every day and all my B12 was 400 on my bloodwork last week. The range is 240 - 930. Those are something that I'd think would help pick up the slack and in other categories as well.

Rosschestzip's picture

I got those too, it’s like 20 pills a day tho so I rarely take it

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AK80's picture

In the 80's I think it was 11 or 12, but the new formula only has 8 now.

Rosschestzip's picture

I think mine is ten but your supposed to take two packs, all the percentages and amounts in the supplemental facts is based on two packs a day

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AK80's picture

True. I guess I used to do that (1 in the morning and 1 before bed) but for the past 10 years have just been taking 1 pack per day. My bad!

Rosschestzip's picture

Wow, I just recounted mine and it is 11,
Man 22 pills just from that is crazy!

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AK80's picture

They have it in powder form now too. I forgot to mention they started doing that like 5 years ago.

Rosschestzip's picture

Whattt!! I was just saying that with this many pills it would’ve made more sense to make a powder! Thanks for letting me know I’m gunna look into that

Edit: I found it and it has like 90% of the things the pills do, but it’s missing the liver support stuff and the beef liver, still worth taking tho

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DeeMan's picture

Damn I didn't know that Universal Nutrition or any company still made animal packs.

AK80's picture

My dad took the ones on the far left back in the 80's

DeeMan's picture


iFit's picture

Never bought into the whole receptor burnt out theories. I think it’s just age. Happens to all of us. Adjust goals and expectations as you age. Don’t carry around too much weight, fat or muscle, over 50. Never depend on the gear. 40 years experience. Never had any breaks except a week or so for vacation. Just had a 2 level lumbar fusion and 3 level laminectamy, that’s another story, and was back exercising in 9 days.

Billthethrill's picture

Wait, what? You had two cages put in, a graft and we’re back up exercising in 9 days?

iFit's picture

lol. Yup. Limited exercises but still moving for 90 min. As I mentioned, I’ve got a lot of time in this and our bodies have great feedback mechanisms. As long as we listen to what it’s telling us I’ve never had an issue.

Billthethrill's picture

I had a fusion and a lamenectomy at HSS in nyc. Feel great, back is better than it has been in a decade. As for the crazy weight, I hear that

iFit's picture

Oh wow. Great to hear. Mine was at HSS as well. Still dealing with some issues but it’s only been 4 weeks today. Somehow I got bursitis in my left hip post surgery and need to get an injection but the first appointment is 5/14. Ugh

Billthethrill's picture

Best surgeons in the country there, I changed my insurance just to go to him. You need a full 6 months until you feel 100%, you were in the best care there is. If you didn’t see the Ronnie Coleman documentary it’s worth watching…the king of pushing heavy weight and sadly the king of pins and cages now.

DeeMan's picture

Man Ronnie's situation was beyond horrible but if you ask him if he would do it all over again exactly the same he would tell you yes in a heart beat.

iFit's picture

Yeah that’s crazy. Not me. If I had to do it all again I would focus on being fit, athletic, under 200lb, light squats, etc. Being big and strong seemed so important back then but really does nothing to actually improve your quality of life except comments, usually from other guys, like “bro you are jacked”. In my case, it decreased the quality of my life after 45 but thankful I adjusted and still go to keep active. If I only knew then what I know now….

Anyway, my advice to young people these days is focus on being athletic fit not gym fit. Both look good but one is clearly healthier and long term.

DeeMan's picture

Former athlete myself and I've never really gotten away from that. As I get older I really want to get back into it more. You hit the nail on the head...Just a healthier way of life.

Love those sprints back and forward.

DeeMan's picture

Yea that's the right and sensible way to look at it especially with what you've gone through with those surgeries. And I mean that because I've been fortunate and I would hate to have any kind of major injury requiring surgery that's why I can't understand why Ronnie said he would do it all over, being that the guy can hardly walk. I guess it was all done for his family but man he paid a heavy price. Yes being big and strong is good but a good quality of life is better. But hey who am I to judge that man.

press1's picture

Is the Surgery you guys had done the same as what Ronnie had to have?

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Billthethrill's picture

Pretty much, the disc is gone, so they install a cage to act as a temporary spacer and the bone to grow on, like a trellis. After 6 months instead of two vertebra you have one. I had one, seems ifit had two but it’s starts to limit your mobility after that.

press1's picture

Thinking about this a little more now, do you not think having this surgery will have affected your lifting quite a lot in terms of the fact you aren't going to be getting the same leg drive and torque through your back with pressing exercises etc?

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iFit's picture

Yeah. I had 2 and a 3 level laminectamy. My case was strange. I had no pain in my back but the nerves were dying going to my calves resulting in 80%+ muscle loss below the knee. Post surgery still no pain in back. In fact I didn’t take any oxys because Tylenol was all I needed. However, the surgery caused bursitis in my hip so need to get that injected and so far no improvement in muscle in calves. I’m not talking wow look at my calve muscles I’m talking about I don’t have sufficient muscle for everyday activities.

press1's picture

Blimey mate - I can see why you are so against training heavy nowadays, when the after effects literally begin to limit your everyday life its no longer a joke. Its like when I have torn my hamstring in the past from deads, it affects every single thing you do mobility wise which will be like your calves. Just daily tasks like sitting on the toilet are painful every single time and all you want is to be normal again but yet it was you that caused all the problems in the first place. Hindsight is a powerful thing mate, I'm sure every one of us would have done things differently in life if we could turn back time.

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press1's picture

I've spoken to quite a few guys who ran gear both in their early 20's and later on in the 40's and they say the body just simply utilizes it so much better when younger, there is the other healing going on with the nervous system thats just better with youth on your side too. Did the surgery go well mate? I bet that absolutely killed you not being able to train for 9 days knowing how you are!!

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iFit's picture

lol. Thank you. It went well I think. You know it’s a big one when one of the top spine surgeons in the world comes into my room after the surgery and says “that was a lot of work”. 8 screws, 4 rods and 2 cages. I would have went back to gym a few days sooner but my wife wouldn’t let me. Haha.

Yeah, in my youthful days it was soooo easy to put on size with small doses. That change mid 40s or so. Now it’s about the long game. I wish I never did 650lb squats and deads. So wasn’t worth it.

wanted's picture

Okay here’s outside the steroid box
Were getting older and our bodies change in many ways
Ive noticed that my body cant digest the steak and ground beef as it used to. Ive used Digestive enzymes ; saur krout,
Glutamine, fermented kimchi,, So i had to play with foods. Ground chicken to me is something that has helped me help my body find the nutrients it was missing cause it digests soo easily for me. And i dont like ground turkey. So maybe its some changes like that. That has helped me lately

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wanted's picture

Just think!! alot of guys our age cant even bend over and tie there shoes without moaning and groaning
You shouldnt compare yourself to yourself. Compare yourself to the other 50 year old men
Look around and then watch and smile /smirk and say i still GOT THIS SHIT.

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anvil's picture

I can touch my toes without groaning. Yay me!

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Stokes500's picture

You want to see me trying to put my socks on rolling around the floor like an albino seal

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anvil's picture

I do I do !!

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Stokes500's picture

Maaaaan your all making me feel like I got one foot in the grave with all this old man talk about specially in your 40s …. 40 my prime until I’m 50 then 50 is going be my prime and I don’t give a fuuuuuuck what you all say lol

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anvil's picture

Stokes I am with you ! My prime will end...when I end

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DeeMan's picture

U too?..Denial is a mofo!

anvil's picture

You are correct in all you stated but I not done, I will post some before/after from this last surplus and then deficit and you can be the judge!

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DeeMan's picture

Nah I know you aren't done yet, heck I've seen your pics already. You look good. Keep thinking positive. Looking forward to your pics.

DeeMan's picture

Ok put it like this...the average life expectancy is what?...75-85 right? I could be off a bit.

You are 45 so that's halfway to 90 so yeah you have one foot in the grave! Think about it lol. You hate hearing this I know.

I believe you ( stokes500) are at your best at 45, alot of guys say that. That's physically the prime years for alot of guys. But it's downhill from there, that's what these guys are saying. Some things you done when younger you cannot do I guarantee but then you can still do some things you did when younger.

creatinehcl's picture

LOL We can still make progress but in ultra small steps. Because our body allows us so much and now we are smarter and will not abuse steroids Biggrin
In any case, regardless of age, we are stronger and/or better built than 80% of much younger gym visitors, which is a great success in itself.

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Stokes500's picture

Nope not having it I’m 45 in my prime bigger stronger and sexy than ever even if I’m going bald and my beards gray… honestly all jokes aside at 45 I’m heavier , stronger and carrying more muscle mass than ever in my life

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press1's picture

Mate I've told you already to only take one of those Dreaming Pills per day - Not 5!!! Lmfao

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DeeMan's picture

+1 denial is a mofo!

Stokes500's picture

This mean your going to confess to the lifting shirt ? Pmsl

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DeeMan's picture

+1 Haha I'll let you wear 5 shirts and I'll still out lift your big swole no neck having ass!!
Real men lift raw! Proved that many times lol. Yessir!

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