DCBG78's picture
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Best ester to run with NPP?


Can’t decide on which ester test to run with NPP. Really like prop except the PIP. Don’t mind the pinning schedule but trying to decide if it’s worth the bit of discomfort to go with prop over cyp. Choices right now are Cypionate, prop, phenylprop or sustanon. Looking to run around 400 test, 300 NPP for 12 weeks. It will be a bulk (looking to retain 7-10 pounds when it’s all said and done). Any recommendations appreciated.

Brolly6898's picture

I like to run 50mgs test prop
100mgs npp
With injectable superdrol or injectable dbol
Usually both every day shots

Lil-Beirut's picture

It's why they started making TPP...

Jockstrap's picture

Tpp was a vet med years ago that never caught on but a brewer brought it out and it started a small wave.

AK80's picture

Since you mentioned BULK, then immediately I go to Sustanon. Yes, some of that will be water, but you'll only need to pin 2 times per week (200 Monday & Thursday for example) I've gotten nothing but ripped from prop and it has to be done like every other day. Cyp/Enanthate are the same half life and more geared towards crusing/TRT unless you're doing more than 400 per week which you aren't.

Black90tsi's picture

I think id do test c along with prop. As Press said it's the best of both worlds. If you're looking to do 400 total test id split it 50/50. I'd probably even just do daily micro doses of everything.

The prop i have from a vendor here has no pip at all. I always draw up everything into my syringe before i shower then wrap it in a heating pad on low while i'm showering. I've never had pip with anything this way. Also by mixing it with other oils you reduce the chance of any pip too.

simonmagus84's picture

I’d say Sust

SeeOhShow's picture

There’s a top US source here that does a prop/npp mix. 100/100. No pip at all especially if you follow JakeKO’s advice about warming oil before pinning. Love that blend.

Wildling's picture

Almost did that myself then promos started popping lol… I had a similar NPP/TPP blend from a top source a while back… couldn’t keep it suspended. I get slightly paranoid with the concentration when one of the substances won’t hold steady.

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press1's picture

My Favourite way to run Test is to look at it like a Good lookin Ladyboy - have the best of both worlds and run Enanthate alongside Prop, You can add in the Prop ED or EOD and run an Enanthate base alongside it to keep the anabolism overnight higher and the overall peaks higher. Then you still get the brilliant feeling of the Prop and the bulking and progression of the Enanthate. Its kind of the same principle as the Sus 350's you see labs producing nowadays but with more Prop.

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AK80's picture

Is that you Tony Huge? Smile

press1's picture


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Chad P's picture

+1. Like you and I talked about, it’s exactly what im doing with the short ester cut blend. Adding in enanthate of each compound at lower dosages.

press1's picture

Sometimes it can be a bit of a pain adding in the extra oil into the barrel, but it feels so much better especially in training. Limitless energy and drive.

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JakeKO's picture

Do you warm your Prop before injection? Have you tried using a different brand of Prop? I warm everything before injection and haven’t gotten PIP in quite a while. There is one particular brand I can’t even consider because the PIP was so bad

DCBG78's picture

I hadn’t warmed prop before but did start warming TNE and it took all the PIP away. Also have a couple different brands to try one that is GSO. The brand prop I was using gave me some PIP even at 50 mg/ml.

JakeKO's picture

You should warm everything except the one that gave you PIP at 50mg. Flush that one down the toilet, Lol.

Billthethrill's picture

I’d run a longer ester and esters if bulking, but cut Prop with grape seed oil, no PIP. Add as much as possible

Rosschestzip's picture

Do you know you’ll get pip from prop or are you just going off what you’ve read? Cus alot if guys don’t get any pip from it

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Chad P's picture

I’m one. I’ve gotten pip a few times and was either from super high concentrations or a bad injection. Never from prop.

DCBG78's picture

I do, nothing terrible but more annoying.

Goodstud's picture

Run testPP exact same ester and the pip isn't bad at at all. I prefer it over prop all day. I run TPP for a cutting cycle but personally TEST C is my favorite. No pip and I know exactly how to use it without getting sides if doses go high.

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wanted's picture

Ive always had good results from test e or c and NPP
i dont do prop cause of PIP except if its in a cut mix
I dont like working out with pip

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Wildling's picture

I think prop gives the best results... I am doing a sustanon run with npp in June, no because of pip but volume of hormone. Probably going to start at 600mg a week with 450 NPP... pin M/W/F.

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TrenAThor's picture

I like to run Test Prop with it. 50mg prop and 75mg NPP ED

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Jockstrap's picture

Susranon. Eod pins.

DeeMan's picture

Huh? Sustanon

Jockstrap's picture