kuteguy's picture
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Not able to post lab reviews



I am trying to post a lab review - when I go to that section there are no lab reviews and when I click on submit a new lab report (or something like that) I get a 'forbidden' error. I am obviously logged in.

I would also like to post pics but looks like I don't have enough posts to post a pic?


Greg's picture

Are you going here?


or here?


If you're submitting a lab, (second link) that is not the same as submitting a review.
Have you ever thought about making a friend or two so you'd be able to ask for help before you get yourself into a situation? Come on, you're a "kute" guy, you should be able to make friends easily.

I will roll your karma back to 0.
For your part you will make a few friends and read the rules.

Greg's picture

Probably because you're a food stamp receiving, goat humping trailer trash promo whore who lashes out at other members... Or perhaps you don't know how to write a review. Either way, You're lucky I haven't banned you yet.

Take the advice of others who have been trying to help you in spite of your outbursts. Your blatant attempt to get karma for promos by spamming the site with cut and paste posts is not helping you nor are you making any friends by instigating needless insults Like I did at the top of this post... Did those words sound familiar? They should, they're yours.

You must be unemployed or a loser to be cooking every 90 minutes.

You’re whole white trailer trash family is probably on food stamps and government assistance leeching off taxpayers dollars. Go fuck a goat.... oops I meant your mother .. baaaaaae

Fuck you - begging go beck your mom for her cock

Greg's picture

Being civil is innate, being familiar with the rules shouldn't be required for that.

Your peers give and take karma, to answer your question, no one person is out to get you. Your number one enemy is you.

MegaTRON13's picture

how many forums are you going to post on? That’s something that could be between you and the mods concerning votes and karma. As of now, it’s not looking too good for you...

Mr.Asteroids's picture

Hello man

Yes to start doing some things on eroids you have to increase your karma point. Comment forums and writing interesting posts.
Also there is moderator with whom you can talk, but also after karma point will be increased.

Probably at least 7-50 karma point is perfect ))

Good luck