Miss de meaner's picture
Miss de meaner
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Optimal time to take anavar


Hi.. New here and been reading this forum every spare minute I can grab. Full of really useful info. I'm just about to run my fist cycle of var... Diet and training are good and have worked well for me for the past three years. does it matter where you are in your menstrual cycle when you first start taking var? Better to start before my period or after or does it not make any difference ?? Sorry if it's a real dunce question but can't seem to find any info relating to my query. X

felony's picture

Miss De Meaner
finally we meet

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Gymmomma's picture

I know this is old but based on where out hormones are at different parts of our cycles, 4 days after our lh surge from ovulation should in theory still allow us to get our periods that month and take a month off of our hormones being a mess due to our egg/ follicle production cycle and that a number of our hormones have done their jobs for the month and are now "resting" or at the very least no longer going to surge.

Just my two cents. However I haven't researched this specifically, this is just based on my research on female hormone roles and how aas affects hormones

Gracie-V's picture

I prefer twice a day.

mshorror's picture

I'm on birth control and I also take var and it's never interfered or made a difference.

kodiakGRRL's picture

there is no reason to wait based on menstrual cycle... your body will respond how it is going to respond cycle or no...

Mandi's picture

I've never noticed any difference. For me Var does not change my cycle in the slightest at 5mg-10mg per day.

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