TheBlackKnight's picture
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Calum Von Moger may be playing the new Terminator


In his newest video Calum heavily hinted he will be playing the new Terminator with Arnold, perhaps passing the torch for a newer generation of movies. As someone that grew up with these movies, I don't know how I feel about it, but it is definitely interesting.

Dr.BroScience's picture

No need for a "new" Terminator when CGI is only getting better. Young Arnold has already been CGI'ed in Terminator movies for a while now. To make a similar point for instance, Peter Cushing has been dead for 25 years yet just recently starred as the male lead villain in Star Wars: Rogue One.

Arnold is going nowhere. With all the new technology, in 100 years from now they will be new Arnold movies coming out starring young Arnold from the 1980's

WelshNmad's picture

From what I've seen of him he's tailor made to play an emotionless robot.

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press1's picture

Hahaha lol

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GrowMore's picture

Personally I like Calum, the dude is solid.

He'll never be Arnie though so I hope they/he can master the part for himself.

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Jayzgainz's picture

Agree. And I wish they would come up with original content for new movies. Too many remakes.
That said, I'd watch it...

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Jayzgainz's picture

Yea, that one wasn't bad but nothing beats T2 for just straight up badassery

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WelshNmad's picture

Define flat

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RangerVet's picture

I watched one YouTube video and after seeing it first-hand I can say I agree with you. He needs a helmet. And he is not Arnold or anywhere even remotely close body all

RangerVet's picture

That and a one in a billion physique

SickRick's picture

I watch his YouTube vids, and yes he is a goofy dude but that’s just his personality. Not a very serious person from the looks of it. Not sure on his acting expertise but should get a taste when Bigger is released

daksmack's picture

Hahaha I think he plays it off like that. I met him once, he is full of himself but by far no idiot. He doesn't take him self serious enough

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TheBlackKnight's picture

Yeah we'll see, I saw a video of him with the make up on for the Arnold movie they're making and he actually kind of does look like him with the full stuff on, but I know he'll never replace Arnold, watching the originals as a kid is half the inspiration I ever needed to I work on physique lol