virtualzebra's picture
  • 12

15 year old on test, tren, and slin


Says he wants to be the next Boston Lloyd.

DontAtMe's picture

It's pathetic. Bostin actually "promoted" him on his page saying he was working with the kid and going to "guide" him to success. The kid later posted a video of EVERYTHING in his recollection that he's taken thus far and stated that he's just "stopped taking" this ir that because of the way he felt. No PCT or time off. Just off and on whatever he feels like. And his gyno was unreal already.

stormuk69's picture

There is no fool like a young one !!

I hate to think this but I highly doubt he will be celebrating his 21st.

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freedom1981's picture

i think you must delete this subject even , cause this will convince some young guys trying to get some steroids and the team stopped them , and when they saw a guy like this one using even the worst steroids tren , i think this will support them to do it and take this guy as an example , this guy he still dont know what he want , girls or sport or what ,

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dudebro's picture
big JO's picture

I have a 17 year old son that works out with me every day. These kids look at body builders like they are gods. I know my son wants to juice, but I say NO and he knows I will be able to tell when he does. I know I cant stop him forever but I constantly point out the number of bodybuilders that are dead at a very early age.Hopefully he will be smart enough to wait.

Dextermorganlv's picture

As a parent, this scares the shit out of me! I started AAS at 39. It's really nothing to play around with for such a young person. Kids think they know everything about everything but this kid will be severely fucked up by 25 or 30. It's really sad. I have to ask... What are his parents doing letting him do this to himself? Is NOT a healthy lifestyle for a teenager.

allaboutdemgains's picture

Your bitch tags you in my pics, by this its clear hes a stupid f@cking kid worshipping another stupid f@cking kid- bostin lyod.

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killroy's picture

This thread made me do some research and I came across Cody Montgomery ... Kid has gone pro.. Looked juiced to the gills by age 17. Here he is at 17

He is 20 now and looks to have a better physique then anyone on eroids. It's happening folks more then you think.

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DontAtMe's picture

We don't know what the inside of his body looks like though. You can definitely feel and look healthy until cardiovascular or organ problems arise. He does look good, but like i said, we cant see our organs. Hope he's getting bloods taken regularly.

Deathpool's picture

Cody Montgomery is at least smart enough not to have posted about his usage. Which shows maturity unlike this stupid 15 year old fuck. I actually like cody.

Chrisalex's picture

Pretty sad. I wanted to run gear when I was a sophomore in high school but I decided that messing with puberty wasn't worth the risk. Now in 10 years I get to see how bad off I would have been.

Generator's picture

Undoubtedly, others will feel the effect of the parental failure here. As soon as this kid crashes, and he will crash, the media will learn of websites just like this one that they will blame for everything. His mom will cry, call it an epidemic and demand justice, you can all guess what will happen after that. I hate this kid.

uminchu's picture

I believe Gregg is talking about this kid

killroy's picture

Not trying to condone this ... But wasn't Arnold popping dbol tabs at age 16?

This is the new era ... But if you think about it not much has changed ...

And I've Always have wondered if penis size would grow to insane dimensions if you blasted androgens and growth during puberty. I guess he has that going for him lol

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cthangorilla's picture

Watch when he gets sick or dies, internet sources are going to be blamed.

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Generator's picture

Exactly, then Dudly-do-right will be mounting the charge to eradicate all the AAS evil in the world.

Minus's picture

Damn he just f'ed himself all up.

Darkhorse777's picture

Retartded thats all i can say

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swoldier's picture

I know where Bostin lives, how much gear will you guys donate me if I take his sloppy dumb ass out of the picture? ;) lmfao

tonytulo's picture

I got 500$ cash says you won't. Smile

Ambsoph's picture

Im not absent in my child's life I keep a pretty close eye on my kids.And if this was my son he would be getting his ass kicked. 15 is too young.

707boy's picture

Unlike Bostin this kids under 18 so he shouldn't be surprised when there's a knock at his front door from CPS and gets taking to a group home ends up with test levels of s 6 year old Girl Scout as his parents go to jail for child neglection....

Trenabolic's picture

Poor kid ain't going to live past 30. He is running more shit then national level competitors. Stupid kids forgot about genetics a long time ago.

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Sumatra_Triangle's picture

What do you think about arnold? Do you think he is on borrowed time?

KAM1314's picture

Was he on diuretics, slin, gh, tren or any of the other exotic compounds that get abused nowadays? What's up with you lately? Every other post you make either doesn't make sense or you're trying to stir up some shit. What's up bro?

iFit's picture

& the sad part is he doesn't care because he thinks 30 is old and far away.

Trenabolic's picture

Finally I come across someone who actually knows what's up. Bostin loyd's following is made up of very young kids, kids who are just starting. Makes more sense to them, try telling em it takes time and consistency, they all want it now.

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cdyrdes's picture


Supplement direct uk's picture

Hate to say but this Waste Of SPERM is going to DIE young and it's going to bring a lot of attention that how these youngster are getting access to Anabolics.

As Lee Priest said take 10ml Air and inject it into a vein

I'll end it on "His A Class Asshole"

dothework29's picture

The amount of gear he talks about running makes me just keep thinking wtf? Ive never even heard of anyone running gear in those amounts. He has no place giving anyone advice on running gear let alone telling kids how to run it. He is a TERRIBLE role model and he is gonna get people hurt listening to his bullshit!

rolltide3's picture

Wow this is the shit that makes me want to beat my head off the wall. fucking kids and yes I said kids Boston nothing but a punk ass kid.

awagz's picture

What's the over/under of this kid living to 21??

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tonytulo's picture

I love how Boston is taking him on coaching him for free. Un fucking real going to advise a child with drugs , slin and growth wtf.

awagz's picture

A child teaching a's like my 4 year old teaching my 2 year old how to drive.

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tonytulo's picture

Bingo the dumb leading the dumber to be totally honest. A guy who can't place well at low level bodybuilding shows giving prep advice and training advice when he looks like total shit. Calling out established people in the industry who have accomplished shit when he hasn't accomplished a damn thing except being the laughing stock of the fitness world. Yet people will associate the rest of the industry with him....... Not a good look for any of us. I've seen him once in person and it was fucking laughable. Believe it or not there are guys here on this site who don't think he's too bad of a guy. Well good guys don't support this type of shit or coach 15 year olds on gear , slin , growth and diuretics. Guy is a disgrace to bodybuilders and fitness people alike associates everyone's progress with dosages. If that's the case what's his excuse........

awagz's picture

This is another example of what is wrong with modern culture. It's the shock factor, the wow factor that kids look to, that makes them go. They think that because he's basically saying FU to the mainstream bodybuilders and a cultured history that he must have the answers. Bostin is no doubt the reason why many, many kids will start popping gear in their teens, and 20 to 30 years from now, these kids are gonna be crying that they never had kids of their own, their dicks dont work and they aren't feeling like MEN. Anything flashy and in your face that hits YouTube (i.e. Bostin's videos) attracts a ton of copycats, and in this case the results can be deadly. How long til we read about a 16 year old dieing from insulin? How long til some dumb shit loses a limb after massive infection like almost happened with Bostin? How long til a heart stops from clen, DNP, energy drinks and t3?

The future of bodybuilding cannot be guys like BL and Piana, otherwise it will be in ruins. I hope someone in the industry comes along and really flames them out and rights these wrongs before its too late. The only way the damn "I want results and I want then now" generation of today will listen is to have even an MORE flashy and edgy approach to it, and really call these numbnuts out on the BS they are spewing. I hope for the safety and health of kids today it happens soon, cuz the kid in this video is dancing with death, and I'm sure he is jus one of many BL wannabes doing the same shit.

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Getpumped99's picture


Goose24's picture

And his parents are where to slap his ass?!?!?

SenseiMiagi's picture

Unfortunately many parents in this world are absent...Moms and Dads. Whats worse is todays social media makes it so easy for these knuckleheads to reach everyone with their stupidity. With no strong adults to tell these kids "No, this is stupid" they are easily influenced into dangerous things.

tonytulo's picture

An this is why I hate on Boston loyd it was only a matter of time before young kids started imitating him. I also blame the parents. Bostin makes it seem cool to all the young kids and harmless. Good old 3cc ladies and gentlemen this is why the aliens don't visit. Instead of acting intelligent knowing damn well his "advice and stories" could be harmful due to young kids thinking its OK look nothing happened to him. As he lays out cookie cutters and monster cycles by dosages and days and will even tell you where to go in private to obtain it. He doesn't care just pay up sucka. I would personally like to see him get hit by a buss or something. Steroids shouldn't be soo main stream they are not a fucking supplement and they are not to get into shape period regardless of your fitness goals. I knew it would only be a matter of time before follows started to imitate.

Sumatra_Triangle's picture

In Brazil you can walk into the gym and buy steroids.

There they are supplements.

Arnold started young

It's impossible to keep everything away from kids.

tonytulo's picture

There's a difference between trying to keep everything away and just acting correctly. Just because you can't keep everything away doesn't mean you put everything out on front street and make it seem OK....

Sumatra_Triangle's picture

I feel like when I was 15 I should nave such easy access to lsd

Kids in high school also did steroids.
I did androstienediol from ast

I mean there will always be someone wanting to break the norm.
Humans don't take the word no seriously