Steveking1980's picture
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Michael brown shooting

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Just wondering what all the members think and feel abt this act of violence-

Bulkdaddy's picture

Everyone says that the cop could have handled it differently and puts the blame on him. Buttttt Michael could have reacted differently other than grabbing for the cops gun or charging him like he did when his intention was to grab the cops gun and do what with it? Shoot him! Obviously that's why he reached for it! I'm an army vet and if you ever reached for my weapon I'll be sure that you can't charge at me! That's how I feel about that and that's what the evidence shows! So all these excuse that white cops are always killing young black teenagers hmm well here's a tip don't reach for a cops weapon or point a fake weapon at a cop. I'm this case at anyone! And a study shows more white people where killed by cops last year! Quit using race as a fucking excuse for the use of violence,rioting, and looting!

madman's picture

Very well said..

jimmycrackcorn's picture

yeh man. its just like the rodney king riot in 1992. this same fucking thing happened. history repeats itself. just shows that in 20 years black people have barely made progress as a race...its just sad...theres alot of good black people out there. but this just doesnt help them in the arguement claiming that "we are equal" because history proves otherwise. they get mad at the police for doing their jobs...i bet they also get mad when their whore as an ole lady fucks around on them. just like u cant be mad at a whore for cheating, you cant hate the police for doing their job. the police keep our contry in order and i have the upmost respect for them...ive been wrongly done everytime ive been arrested...but ive also never gave them a reason to rough me up. police have to act cautious against all criminals, thats what they are trained to do...

Gymjunkie01's picture

First of all we only see what the media wants us to see it can be manipulated to make it sound how they want!!! Do not judge and say the cop could have handeled it a different way unless U was right there with him and you was the one that had to make that split decision quickly !! It's easy for people to sit back and judge

Trenboy83's picture

This ain't bout race this is bout cops over stepping there power and tricep ur a chump for ur post how many whites get done dirty by cops..... A lot

anabol4's picture

Actually it is pretty much all about race. White people get shot and done dirty by cops all the time but you never here about it.. Why? Because they deal with it and don't riot and cause big scenes. Oh and we don't have Al sharpton either

youngtricep98's picture

Do you see any other race act the way African Americans do when something like this arises? Negative, they are....unique.

Steveb's picture

Remember all the white people who rioted after the OJ Simpson verdict?

anabol4's picture

Actually there wasn't any riots or looting or anything of that nature.. Peaceful protests yes but nothing violent or anything like that

Steveb's picture

If your karma was higher you might have realized I was joking.

anabol4's picture

If karma ment anything to me at all I might give a damn

Steveb's picture

You cared enough to respond twice

anabol4's picture

I care to speak my mind. Has nothing to do with karma.

jimmycrackcorn's picture

Hey homeboy. No I do not recall that happening. But to double check ive been researching and nobody remembers either. At least not on Google. No video footage, no horrifying suvivor stories, no death hurt body count. No violence, no theft, no damage. If u find information contradicting my lack of info and I will admit im wrong...but until then. The only thing"white people" did in the oj case was protest. There is a difference between protesting and rioting...

anabol4's picture

Your right there was no riots. Just peaceful protest. I remember

anabol4's picture


anabol4's picture

I have mixed feelings about this. I will say I believe the police officer over stepped what needed to be done and could have been resolved differently in my opinion BUT... I was not there and there are only 2 people who truly know the truth about what conspired and one of them is no longer here.. What gets me about the whole situation is the aftermath. The protestors claimed they just wanted justice but when the verdict came in what happened??? Riots , theft and violence. Is this the justice they wanted?? To me it just shows how fast our primal instincts and kick in and how fast we can become animals

cj70052's picture

and they rioted, destroyed , looted and stole from other black business's, so who exactly was taught a lesson here? Basically it was a excuse to act like fools.

anabol4's picture

Fools is putting it lightly

jimmycrackcorn's picture

i agree...let me start off by saying i dont have hate for any other race, but i am a realist and im fully capable of understanding the difference between races...we are all humans, but the races are different species of humans. such as dogs. you got huskies, pitbulls, german shepards, etc. there are some dogs you can naturally take into a grocery store and they will behave, then some dogs are not capable. all dogs have the ability to be trained(some easier than others) look at africa, mexico, asia, europe. look at the races that originated from those areas. africa for instance...they are still living out of mud houses. they are not capable of constructing a civilized government/judicial system. construction companies. they are just a very low advanced spec ies when it comes to humans. the only buidlings and functioning technology they have over there are the ones that white people vollentarily built for them. but white people go over there build nice beautiful homes, and buildings, and what happens? within 10 years the local africans end up not taking care of it and destroying it...they are just a less civilized race. im not just pulling this out of my ass. my family comes from money and had been over to africa numerous times to build buildings, and wells so they could have shelter and water...alot of it doesnt last long. my family dec ided going over there is a waste. though ive never been there myself, ive seen many pics, and heard many stories. if it wasnt for me being on parole for so many years, i would have gone to see for myself...on the complete oppisite side...look as fucking pretty sure asians are the most advanced race on this earth. i dated an asain girl for a while, and spent time with her family, and learn alot. they are just really intelligent people. very civilized, then white people are just a bunch of selfish assholes ;). but really im getting of subject. the majority of black people in the united states collect food stamps, are unemployeed, incarecerated, collec t welfare, sell drugs...and they are completely happy and content with that life. the african american dream is to collect all the government assistance as possible, and be a thug/dope boy off of ur monthly check. they dont want to work for a living, they would rather get it handed to them. now look at mexicans...they are fascinating to me. mexicans risk thier lives everyday just to come to america...and what is the mexican dream once they get to america...WORK!!! mexicans risk their lives everyday just to get to america and WORK FOR A LIVING...people talk shit about mexicans crossing the border. but most of them bust their ass all day everyday, work for low pay, and work hard just to live in america and make a dollar...nothing but respect...anyway if i was a goofy ass white boy cop. and some big black boy known thug and drug dealer that just robbed a convenient store earlier that day was spotted. i would approach him very cautiouslly. that cop didnt know if he had a gun or knife on him, and when mike brown buckd on his ass that goofy ass cop was probly scared for his life, and did what he was trained to do...and if anyone out there is ignorant enough to believe that officer wilson killed mike brown, while his hands were raised in the air...then there is no hope for you. that officer was not a hateful raisist and i think he did what most goofy/scary ass cops would do in that situation...thats like in prison if an officer is dealing with a known gang member. especially a black cop dealing with a white sup. gang member, or a white cop dealing with a dangerous blood, gd, etc. member. they are going to be more on edge, scared, ready for anything...but yeh for all the ferguson residents to protest day after day about a violent act, then things dont go the way they wanted it to...they go straight to their african roots and start being more violent and uncivilized then the actual act they are protesting...damn yall got me on a kick. sorry if anyone was offended. im just being honest, and keeping it real. i got love for everybody...

Bulkdaddy's picture

Lol yea you hit the nail on the head!!!

Powerpump888's picture


Ludwig's picture

Pretty much summed up our entire existence right there!

anabol4's picture

I 100% agree.. Where I grew up used to be a beautiful area. Nice houses nice streets. Shit when I was a kid we slept with our doors unlocked and windows open.. Now it disgusts me just to go there.. It has been over ran by prostitution, dope boys, drugs and lazy ass people.. Now I am the same as you not trying to be racist at all but this all happened when African american migrated there.. When I was a kid there was maybe 4 black families in the whole city and they were respectable families now it is prolly 95% blacks. You can't even walk down the street anymore without the possibility of violance.. I think this country is just doomed. Like you I am sorry if I offended anyone

jimmycrackcorn's picture

yeh brother its sad man. but it is what it is

Iron_Monk's picture


Meinuntergang's picture

The disgusting reply beneath really underlines everything that is wrong with us as a nation.

If anyone who followed this case sets their preconceived notions, prejudices and hatreds aside, they would know that the case was simply a gross miscarriage of justice.

To begin with, Missouri Attorney General CONFIRMED that the Grand Jury was DELIBERATELY misled by St. Louis District Attorney. Assistant Prosecutor handed the grand jury the state’s use of force doctrine. As a guideline of what Wilson was instructed to do by law. All, while conveniently leaving out the fact that the doctrine was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court 29 years ago.

And even more troubling than the incompetence of the St. Louis Jury 'not knowing that federal law trumps state and local laws', McCulloch ignored a vote of no confidence '70000 petitioners' asking him to recuse himself due to his long history of siding with the Police, and the fact that he lost his father 'a cop' due to an on-duty shootout with a black man, at age 12.

Lastly, the incident prompted an investigation by the Justice Dept. and a new spending bill to fund body-cameras for law enforcement everywhere. But, leaving all the details aside. All you need to know is that Wilson fired 12 rounds in the unarmed and uninvestigated Brown's back as he fled 'something not even permitted in the military's rules of engagement'. The only person who needs to fire that many rounds is a person who took sadistic pleasure in what he's done. And.... in an act of retaliation, two NYPD cops were assassinated. Unfortunately, the work of thousands of honest civil servants get tarnished by the acts of a handful of pigs. Don't you think that scumbags like Wilson, the legal manipulation DA's office and ill-informed opinions like yours do nothing but fuel the fire? If not.... think again.

But I guess 'he had it coming' and you're not a racist. Oh..... And, the sky isn't blue and the grass isn't green.

cj70052's picture

I'm pretty sure the coroners report ruled that there were no shots fired in his back. And werent there like 9 witnesses all with the same story that he never had his hands up? He attempted to disarm a poilice officers gun. Should he be allowed to try again? This has nothing to do with race

Iron_Monk's picture

I bet you have a "coexist" sticker on your cars bumper.

Meinuntergang's picture

Nope. But, I'm a first year law student.

SL's picture

as a first responder myself we see what the cops have to deal with its dangerous shit. that thug got what was coming to him. not a racial issue if your a thug your a thug black or white. where I'm from there's a lot of gang violence like top 3 in the nation and if u have a weapon and do not put it down they will put you down

Steveking1980's picture

I completely understand-I guess I have mixed feelings about it all-