notyour1121's picture
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-1 OSGEAR Ultima Test + Anavar before/after with review


OSGEAR was really the only place I considered to buy AAS for my first cycle. Cheap prices and great reviews drew me to the site. I had just lost a lot of weight and wanted to gain back some muscle while staying relatively lean. I ran 500mg test/wk for 12 weeks with 40mg anavar daily for the last 6 weeks. The test I felt instantly with a mood and libido change, for the better. The anavar gave me insane pumps-to the point that I had to stop deadlifting from the lower back pump. I highly recommend OSGEAR to anybody looking to try AAS. I had tons of questions for them through the entire process and they answered every single one. Packaging was subtle and well kept, gave no indication of anything inside.

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Spark's picture

You look like a teenager. In your posing picture your rib cage should not be sticking out that far. Means its all bone and not muscle.
Try not to say bad things about pics but this is just wrong.

Lowkii's picture

Look like you haven't been to the gym a day in your life.. Stop with the steroids and focus on eating.

LexMentis's picture

That cycle looks like it did practically nothing for you, from what I can see. You don't need AAS. You need calories. Don't be stupid, dude.

Sam I Am's picture

Build your base and revisit this in five years
You’ve got the pay your dues, kid.
-2 for lieing about your age.
Keep lifting just drop the gear till your ready.

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stairmaster's picture

You've missed a few meals I think.

Sam I Am's picture

I’d like to know who gave that a thumbs up.
Very irresponsible...

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Pxpxp's picture

You can not be 27! I bet your still in HS or close to college. If you are 27, I suggest you stop using AAS and focus on diet and hard work. Everyone on here is probably close to double your age.. be patient and work hard. Your too young to F-up your hormones.

Bro you don’t want a limp dick on prom night!

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Pxpxp's picture

Agree! This guy is still wearing his “2017” lacrosse T-shirt!

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