Kitty0507's picture
  • 113

+ 3 before cycle,


I see my values ​​are well except for my LDL cholesterol, I was thinking of starting today cycle again , go used tren hex with test and anavar, would affect used tren hex in raising my cholesterol values?

Ordered from: 
JL's picture

Your LDL is just a little over reference range. Work on bringing it down before starting a cycle as it will only get worse while on cycle. Supplement with a high quality fish oil, Qocu10, and Slo niacin will all help lower ldl. Clean diet is key, increase healthy fat intake (like nuts, fish and avocados), decrease bad fats (animal fats, excessive processed oils).

Kitty0507's picture

just that is what i read in google, go clean MY diet and supplement with al that, plus take healthy fats, peanutt butter lol and abocados too

SuperMax's picture

Do you take fish oil, flax seed or should I say, is your diet clean? You ever use gw1516? Maybe pic that up & run it for a couple weeks & get this test done again

Kitty0507's picture

y es u right MY dieta was not to clean, always when eat alot steak this happed, take fish oil but not.flax seed,.and Never use GW1516 go try that to, can u good source for GW1516

SuperMax's picture

Sure, FR sent.

Kitty0507's picture

ok bro let me.check that ,LPP tests

Kitty0507's picture

thank u

TrenAllDay's picture

Hard to understand your question tren hex will make your values worse, and the anavar will make them much worse.

Kitty0507's picture

yes i heard that orals do that si maybe ,not running orals this time