bigmac13's picture
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Damn calves won't grow


No matter how much I train my calves, they just don't grow! Anybody have any killer calf secrets they can let me in on haha. Starting to look out of proportion in comparison to my quads :(

power_house's picture

try not wearing shoes, just bare feet, do 50 slow standing , hold at the top for two seconds, going down slowly.. check that out.. let me know how that feels..

Multipurpose's picture

I have the same problem. Noticed more growth out of standing dumbell calf raises than anything else.

DBG's picture

Since calves are mostly slow-twitch muscle fibers...I stick MAINLY to higher reps usually sets of 25,15,12 OR 12,15,25...pyramid or reverse pyramid. I switch my calf routine every three weeks too. I ALWAYS do 3 different exercises, and 3 sets per exercise...NINE sets in all, that's it with short rest periods(30-45sec.) and STRETCH your calves between sets.

Genetics are also an unfortunate BIG factor with calves too's one of the hardest muscles to forge.

ac89's picture

burn them out before you hit legs. I'm doing that this cycle as well as hitting rear delts before my shoulder workouts

Tvo's picture

When hitting the calves you need to make it a slow movement. If you do toe raises too fast the achillles tendon starts to take the weight.
What i do is 20 reps on a machine then immediately burn them out doing to raises on the floor in between sets. Try this and see how you like it. But remember the achilles tendon will take on some weight if you are bouncing around on that machine. Keep movements smooth, nice and slow.

MASSIVE48's picture

You might be over training them bro not sure how u train them, but if u want size on em try doing heavy HEAVY SETS of 8-12,6-8 sets 2xs a week,, you have to train them like every other body part bro (well at least thats how i do)..and u gotta remember we pretty much use your calf muscles for everything like standing, walking,any cardio exercise etc. so i believe there always getting worked therefore you shouldnt focus on high reps mainly just on HEAVY 8-12 reps!

MASSIVE48's picture

How often do you train them bro?

bigmac13's picture

I'd say around twice a week man

Undertaker's picture

Not sure how you are working them had the same prob started doing 30 rep sets it helps.