supersavage's picture
  • 48

+ 2 Gear from anabolsteroidbiz


Hear is some gear I got from anabolsteroidbiz.Some rotexmedica test e.Three different kinds of Dbol.The yellow ones are Anabol10 from british dispenceries.The pink ones are Dianabol10 from SB Labs.And of course the blue hearts are danabol ds it says on the bottle manufactured by March and bellow that it says distributed by Body research.I know there's a lot of debate about if they're made by March or not but really who cares they are awesome.The Phendex 275 is npp 25mg and nd 250 mg.There is a lot fake Thiagerpharma out there but the real stuff is some of the best Deca out there.Thiagerpharma makes it real easy to verify the numbers on there website.

Nitti's picture

Sexy shit!!

Theonslaught's picture

you mentioned the thaiger pharm deca was some of the best.

i wanna see the new line on anabolsteroids biz, they have a few new products including a 300 nd/50npp per ml mix.

supersavage's picture

I'm sure he can get them.I have run the Dbol and sust from this source and have no reason to doubt that any thing he sells isn't legit.I have went to the Thiagerpharma site to verify the numbers for my products and did see a lot of products that peaked my interest.I'll be starting the Rotex Phendex and Alzolol cycle in May and will keep everyone posted on the gear.

runtherabbit's picture

Nice, I got some Rotex on the way as well. Can't fuckin wait.

24hreup's picture

You got good s*it there bro!!

supersavage's picture

Yeah notice how the oil in the test e is all in the top of the amps.Thats some thick shit there may have to run it under a hairdryer just so I can pull it up>LOL

supersavage's picture

Yeah man US.Takes about two weeks.And this guy is REALLY good at stealth shipping.

pump1962's picture

And if thats not the truth I could not even find my gear until I opened one of the items it was packed in, and vic is a great dude always gives ya something free all he wants is an honest review and he will throw in something free.

Bigdawg201067's picture

Nice post, i said it before and i'll say it again is top notch, have fun with all those goodies.

Bennyblanco's picture

Damn there got some really good prices ye, on those blue boys and Organon Sustanon etc...

Bigdawg201067's picture

Good prices and he ships very discretly, took two weeks for my order to arrive as well.