subs33's picture
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I know this pic isn't really a big deal, but it is. The reason is cause it actualy cost BD money to send me these. They were missing in a previous order and we kinda agreed that I would make another order and he would throw these missing Arimedex in with the next order. However I spent all I had budgeted on my gear and PCT, so I wasnt goin to make another order.

BDSUPPLEMENTS and I were at each others neck back in December, but he managed to salvage our relationship with free oil and making good on his word. I actually just gave up on the AI'S coming and I came home to them, what a surprise.

If anybody is looking to place an order, I would highly recommend BDSUPPLEMENTS. He is in the top 5 for a reason. I know for a fact that his orals are the shiz. I have two highly respected friends running his new MATRIX line and are more then satisfied..Im thinking about poping the top of mine and mixing it with the sust for this deca sust cycle. I just started 3 weeks ago.

subs33's picture

Cool its good to know. Im not takin them, thiers no need to at the time. Its just nice to know they are thier...

STP0008's picture

ya your G2G to go bro i've used them before good shit...

MAC's picture

Ya those are arimidex the 10 means 1.0

subs33's picture

Thank You...My monstar loged off and I have been googlein like a mofo. I wouldnt have been upset if it wasnt arimedex, im just happy that I feel like I didnt lose out. He actually sent out more then he should and it cost him. Thats how proper buisness should be done, except for the part of sending out extra. He did that extra. He is da man..

Thank you for the info. How did you know? Monstar told me they were small and white back when the origional order came in, but the 10 pressed on the pill threw me for a loop..

subs33's picture

Well, I just took a look and they are white and scored. The scored side says BD and the other says 10??? I thought it should say 1.0. I will research and make shure what they are. I recevied 40 of them. I was only owed 19, wether it be dbol, AI or whatever. I just wanted the satisfaction of gettin what was due. BDSUPPLEMENTS, is a good honest man.

subs33's picture

real deal, was thier some bunk ones??? I dont know if I will even need them, but its good to have on hand. OH, your probably talkin about the abombs. Im glad I got the abombs, I was upset at first but im havin fun running only 50mg abombs and 25mg dbol a day. It has a synergestic effect. Keep it low dose for only three maybe 4 weeks. Thier makin me kinda lethargic though.

subs33's picture

Ya, only takin 50mg for three weeks or four. They are startin to make me lethargic, but gensing helps...